REALEZA: Jubileo de Oro de la reina Margarita de Dinamarca infographic
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 Jubileo de Oro de la reina Margarita de Dinamarca infographic
El gráfico muestra eventos importantes durante la vida y el reinado de Margarita II de Dinamarca.


Jubileo de Oro de la reina de Dinamarca

By Jordi Bou

January 14, 2022 - La reina Margarita II de Dinamarca celebra el 50º aniversario de su
ascenso al trono de la monarquía continua más antigua de Europa.

Margrethe was born in April 16, 1940, one week after the Nazi invasion of Denmark. She became queen following the death of her father, King Frederick IX, on Jan 14, 1972.

She is the first female sovereign of Denmark since Margrethe I, who ruled the Scandinavian kingdoms from 1375-1412 during the Kalmar Union.

She can trace heritage over 1000 years to king Gorm the Old, believed to be born around 900.

Queen Margrethe is a talented artist who has produced book illustrations and costume designs.

Because of the pandemic, the royal family has announced that most events celebrating the golden jubilee will be postponed until late summer so that the public can attend.

She will celebrate her milestone in the same year as the UK's Queen Elizabeth II marks her Platinum Jubilee.

PUBLISHED: 06/01/2022; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Newscom