[Video] "Howlin' At The Moon" - Mod Sun - Upcoming Hip-Hop | more than a hip hop blog
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Mod Sun Howlin at the moon

[Video] "Howlin' At The Moon" - Mod Sun

Mod Sun has been creating some of the best (and most unique) visuals in the hip hop industry. From his trippy video for "MushrooMS" and "1970" to his newest track, "Howlin' at the Moon" Mod Sun has been nothing short of excellent. On March 10, 2015 Mod Sun will be releasing a new album titled, Look Up and I am sure it will be great. I have been a huge supporter of Mod Sun (Movement On Dreams Stand Under None) and his positive movement and will continue to support as long as he keeps creating.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDrjXgY3VfM]

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