The Meaning Behind The Song: Kind of a Drag by The Buckinghams - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Kind of a Drag by The Buckinghams

The Meaning Behind The Song: Kind of a Drag by The Buckinghams

When The Buckinghams released “Kind of a Drag” in 1967, the catchy tune skyrocketed to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, making the Chicago-based band a household name overnight. But beyond its upbeat melody and catchy lyrics, “Kind of a Drag” carries a deeper meaning that reflects the band’s evolution and the social and cultural milieu of the time.

The Song and The Band: A Brief Overview

The Buckinghams were formed in Chicago in 1966, consisting of members Carl Giammarese (guitar and vocals), Nick Fortuna (bass guitar), Dennis Tufano (vocals), Marty Grebb (keyboards, saxophone, and flute), Jon Poulos (drums), and Larry Nestor (guitar). The band started as a cover band, playing Beatles and Rolling Stones’ songs, but soon began writing their own material. They signed with Columbia Records and released their first album, “Kind of a Drag,” in 1967, containing their signature hit of the same name.

The Lyrics: An Analysis

“Kind of a Drag” is a song about heartbreak and the end of a romantic relationship. The lyrics describe the narrator’s feelings of loneliness and sadness since his lover left him. He admits that he misses her, but also acknowledges that he’s better off alone than in a relationship that doesn’t make him happy. The chorus is a repetition of the phrase “Kind of a drag when your baby don’t love you,” emphasizing the pain of unrequited love.

The simplicity of the lyrics and the catchy tune of the song contributed to its success, but it also resonated with young people of the 1960s who were experiencing a shift in social and cultural norms. The song reflects the changing attitudes towards love and relationships, as young people increasingly rejected traditional values and sought independence and self-expression.

The Music: An Overview

“Kind of a Drag” features the classic pop sound that was popular in the 1960s, with its upbeat tempo, chiming guitar riffs, and tight vocal harmonies. The song’s instrumentation includes guitars, bass, drums, and keyboards, with Grebb’s saxophone solo adding a touch of jazz to the mix. The production is slick and polished, showcasing the band’s musicianship and the song’s catchiness.

The Legacy: Impact and Influence

“Kind of a Drag” is widely regarded as a classic of its era and one of the defining songs of the 1960s. It remains a staple of oldies radio and has been covered by various artists, including Styx and Dave Edmunds. The song’s success propelled The Buckinghams to fame, and they continued to release hits throughout the 1960s, including “Don’t You Care” and “Hey Baby (They’re Playing Our Song).” The band disbanded in 1970 but reunited in 1982 and continued to perform until the present day.

That brings us to the FAQs about the song, its meaning, and its impact.


1. What inspired the lyrics of “Kind of a Drag”?

The lyrics of “Kind of a Drag” were written by Jim Holvay and Gary Beisbier, two Chicago-based songwriters who were part of the city’s vibrant music scene in the 1960s. According to Holvay, the song was inspired by his own experience of heartbreak and the feeling of being stuck in a relationship that wasn’t working. The lyrics were written in a matter of hours, while the melody and arrangement were added later by The Buckinghams. The result was a perfect blend of catchy pop and emotional honesty that struck a chord with millions of listeners.

2. Why did “Kind of a Drag” become so popular?

“Kind of a Drag” hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in February 1967, staying there for two weeks and selling over a million copies. The song’s success can be attributed to its catchiness, its relatable lyrics, and its perfect timing. At a time when young people were questioning traditional values and seeking new forms of self-expression, “Kind of a Drag” spoke to their experiences of heartbreak and personal growth. The song’s optimism and upbeat melody also conveyed a sense of hope and possibility that resonated with listeners.

3. What was the cultural and social context of “Kind of a Drag”?

“Kind of a Drag” was released in 1967, a year that is widely regarded as a turning point in American culture. The Vietnam War was raging, civil rights and feminist movements were gaining momentum, and the counterculture was pushing against the established norms of society. The song’s breezy optimism and its reflection of the changing attitudes towards love and relationships resonated with young people who were looking for new forms of self-expression and freedom.

4. How did The Buckinghams react to the success of “Kind of a Drag”?

The Buckinghams were thrilled with the success of “Kind of a Drag,” which propelled them to fame and fortune. The band members credit their hard work and dedication to their craft for their success, as well as their collaboration with talented songwriters and producers. They continued to release hits throughout the 1960s and remained active in the music industry even after the band broke up in 1970.

5. What other songs did The Buckinghams release?

The Buckinghams had several other hits besides “Kind of a Drag,” including “Don’t You Care” and “Hey Baby (They’re Playing Our Song).” The band released a total of six albums between 1967 and 1970, showcasing their versatility and musicianship. Despite the band’s breakup, they remain a beloved part of the 1960s music scene and continue to perform and record to this day.

6. What was the impact of “Kind of a Drag” on popular music?

“Kind of a Drag” is widely regarded as a classic of its era and a defining song of the 1960s. Its influence can be seen in the many artists who have covered the song over the years, as well as in the continued popularity of the genre of pop rock. The song’s combination of catchy melodies and relatable lyrics set a standard that has endured to this day, influencing generations of musicians and music fans.

7. What sets “Kind of a Drag” apart from other pop songs of its era?

“Kind of a Drag” is a perfect example of the pop rock genre, which was popular in the 1960s and blended catchy melodies with rock instrumentation. What sets the song apart from other pop songs of its era is its emotional honesty and its ability to connect with listeners on a personal level. The lyrics reflect universal experiences of heartbreak and loneliness, while the upbeat melody and tight harmonies create a sense of optimism and possibility.

8. What is the significance of The Buckinghams as a band?

The Buckinghams are significant as a band because they represent a particular moment in American culture and music history. They were part of the vibrant Chicago music scene in the 1960s and reflected the changing attitudes towards love and relationships that were taking place at the time. Their success also paved the way for other pop rock bands of the era, and their music continues to be appreciated and enjoyed today.

9. What is the enduring appeal of “Kind of a Drag”?

“Kind of a Drag” has enduring appeal because of its simplicity and its relatability. The song is a timeless reflection of the universal experience of heartbreak and the search for personal growth and independence. Its catchy melody and upbeat tempo make it a joy to listen to, while its emotional honesty creates a deep connection with listeners of all ages.

10. What can we learn from “Kind of a Drag” about love and relationships?

“Kind of a Drag” teaches us that love and relationships are complex and often don’t work out as planned. The song encourages us to be honest with ourselves and to acknowledge when a relationship is no longer serving us. The lyrics suggest that it’s better to be alone than to be in a relationship that doesn’t bring us happiness. The song also expresses hope and optimism for the future, reminding us that new opportunities and possibilities are always waiting around the corner.

11. How can we apply the lessons of “Kind of a Drag” to our lives today?

We can apply the lessons of “Kind of a Drag” to our lives today by being honest with ourselves and others about our feelings and our needs. We can learn to recognize when a relationship is no longer serving us and move on with grace and dignity. We can also cultivate a sense of hope and optimism for the future, knowing that new opportunities and possibilities are always waiting around the corner.

12. What is the enduring legacy of The Buckinghams?

The Buckinghams’ enduring legacy is their contribution to the pop rock genre and their reflection of the changing attitudes towards love and relationships in the 1960s. The band’s musicianship and dedication to their craft set a standard for other pop rock bands of the era, and their legacy continues to be appreciated and enjoyed today. The Buckinghams serve as a reminder of the power of music to connect people and to reflect the cultural and social contexts of its time.

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