He is bought and sold | WordReference Forums

He is bought and sold


New Member
Spanish Mexico
Hello, I'm trying to translate the expression 'he is bought and sold' from english to spanish, anybody?
Thnx for your help

  • zabethflores said:
    Hello, I'm trying to translate the expression 'he is bought and sold' from english to spanish, anybody?
    Thnx for your help

    Perhaps, if you explain the meaning in english, in what context do you use it,
    we can find you our own expression in spanish.
    It's a quote from Shakespeare, and it goes 'Jack of Norfolk be not too bold, for Dicken thy master is bought and sold'
    Just before a battle, Jack gets this message, and they lose the battle, so I'm guessing it means the 'master' already lost the battle, or maybe that the master is going to lose the battle on purpose... I'm not sure
    I found the following explanation to your expresion:


    Bought, sold, and done for. Ruined, done for, outwitted. 1

    “Jocky of Norfolk, be not too bold,
    For Diccon, thy master, is bought and sold.”

    Shakespeare: Richard III., act v, 3.
    “It would make a man mad as a buck to be so bought and sold.”—Comedy of Errors, iii. 1.

    Maybe this can help others to find you the spanish version. I can only think of
    Pasarse de listo.
    Any more ideas?
    Thank you so much!
    But from what bartleby says, I think a better translation would be 'está terminado', o 'está acabado', because 'pasarse de listo' means that somebody is trying to be smarter than you...

    anyway, thank you very much :)