12 Odd Future Songs | OFWGK†Δ Wiki | Fandom

12 Odd Future Songs is a compilation album by Alternative hip hop collective Odd Future; it was released exclusively through iTunes on October 3, 2011. The album is made up of 12 songs previously released by members of Odd Future and a brand new 13th track. Although it is titled 12 Odd Future Songs, there are 13 tracks on the compilation.

Track listing[]

# Title Artist(s) Producer(s) Album Length
1 "Bastard" Tyler, The Creator Tyler, The Creator Bastard 6:09
2 "67" MellowHype Left Brain N/A 3:38
3 "Forest Green" Mike G Left Brain The OF Tape Vol. 2 3:04
4 "Welcome Home Son" The Jet Age of Tomorrow

(featuring Tyler, The Creator & Casey Veggies)

The Super 3 The Journey to the 5th Echelon 2:54
5 "French!" Tyler, The Creator

(featuring Hodgy Beats)

Tyler, The Creator Bastard 4:03
6 "Rolling Papers" Domo Genesis

(featuring Tyler, The Creator)

Tyler, The Creator Rolling Papers 2:52
7 "King" Mike G Syd tha Kyd Ali 3:06
8 "BankRolls" MellowHype Left Brain YelloWhite 3:50
9 "But She's Not My Lover" The Jet Age of Tomorrow The Super 3 Voyager 3:21
10 "VCR/Wheels" Tyler, The Creator Tyler, The Creator Bastard 3:28
11 "SteamRoller" Domo Genesis

(featuring Hodgy Beats & Frank Ocean)

Tyler, The Creator Rolling Papers 4:42
12 "RokRok" MellowHype Left Brain YelloWhite 3:40
13 "They Say" The Internet

(featuring Tay Walker)

Matt Martians Purple Naked Ladies 3:14
