White House Down Movies In Order

White House Down Movies In Order

White House Down: A Thrilling Series of Movies in Order The White House Down movie series has captivated audiences with...

White House Down: A Thrilling Series of Movies in Order The White House Down movie series has captivated audiences with...

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White House Down: A Thrilling Series of Movies in Order

The White House Down movie series has captivated audiences with its intense action, gripping storylines, and memorable characters. If you’re a fan of this adrenaline-pumping franchise, you might be wondering about the correct order in which to watch these films. Well, look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the White House Down movies in order.

1. Olympus Has Fallen (2013): Although not technically a part of the White House Down series, this film sets the stage for the events that unfold in subsequent movies. Gerard Butler stars as Mike Banning, a Secret Service agent who finds himself trapped inside the White House during a terrorist attack. This thrilling action-packed movie serves as an excellent precursor to the rest of the series.

2. White House Down (2013): The first official installment of the series, this film stars Channing Tatum as John Cale, a Capitol Police officer who must single-handedly save the President (played by Jamie Foxx) and his daughter from a paramilitary group that has taken over the White House. Packed with explosive action sequences and heart-pounding suspense, this movie is a must-watch for any fan of the genre.

3. Angel Has Fallen (2019): While not directly connected to the events of White House Down, this film features Gerard Butler reprising his role as Mike Banning. After being framed for an assassination attempt on the President, Banning goes on the run to clear his name and uncover a larger conspiracy. Although it takes place outside of the White House setting, this movie provides further insight into Banning’s character and showcases his relentless determination.

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4. London Has Fallen (2016): In this sequel to Olympus Has Fallen, Mike Banning once again finds himself protecting world leaders during a terrorist attack. This time, however, the action takes place in London, as Banning and the President must navigate the dangerous streets to survive and prevent a global catastrophe. With its high-octane action and suspenseful plot, this film is a worthy addition to the White House Down series.

5. Untitled White House Down Sequel (Upcoming): As of now, there has been no official announcement regarding a direct sequel to White House Down. However, given the success of the franchise, fans can remain hopeful for another thrilling installment in the future.

So, there you have it – the White House Down movies in order. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or new to the series, these films are sure to keep you on the edge of your seat with their explosive action, engaging storylines, and charismatic performances. Grab some popcorn, buckle up, and get ready for an adrenaline-fueled ride through the heart of American politics!


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