Benny's Place • Bob Todd Tribute (1921-1992)

Bob Todd
(1921 - 1992)

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Bob Todd as himself, from 'Confrontation: Mervyn Cruddy Speaks Out' (March 29, 1973)

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Bob Todd as the Indian, from the March 5, 1980 'Chow Mein Industrial Tribunal' sketch

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Bob Todd in 'Hill's Angels: Wild, Wild West' (a.k.a. 'Lady Godiva') (March 16, 1983)

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Bob Todd in 'The Lower Tidmarsh Fire Brigade Glee Singers' (March 24, 1976)

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Bob Todd in the Oct. 25, 1972 'Berlin Youth Choir Recital' sketch, as 'Helmut'

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Bob Todd from the Dec. 5, 1973 quickie, as a gypsy fortune teller

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