Firebird: Thank you for installing Firebird!

First of all, subscribe to Firebird news now! At the moment, we are using Substack free email list:

You don't want to miss an important news about the new release, must-have update, right?
Please note that you'll have to confirm your subscription by clicking a confirmation link in the automatic registration email.


First of all, go to the documentation page and download the Firebird Language Reference that most closely matches the Firebird version you've just installed. If you're new to Firebird, also pick up the corresponding Quick Start Guide.
If you have used the Firebird client/server software before and you are upgrading then you will need to study the Release Notes for your new version. Release notes for the Firebird version in this kit and for the preceding version are also in your Firebird /doc directory.

For links to more documentation, visit the "Documentation" section.


In the "Connectivity" section of downloads, you can find Firebird drivers for several popular development IDEs and frameworks. More drivers are in the  "Third-party Tools" list.

Professional Support

For professional support services worldwide using consultants who are all active workers in the Firebird Project, visit the "Professional Support" to choose a support service to suit your needs, wherever you are.

Community support

Firebird has a famously strong 24/7 voluntary support community. First, stop if you get stuck is the firebird-support ( email list forum. Here is where just about everyone who knows about Firebird is likely to be hanging out, old hands and new users alike. You need to be a subscriber to ask questions and get answers. To get on board, get a Google account and then head to the Firebird-support Home Page and join the group.

There are numerous specialized support lists for language drivers (.NET, Java, ODBC, PHP, Python, etc.) as well as lists and newsgroups for non-English-speakers in many languages. For detailed descriptions and subscribing instructions, visit the Mailing lists.

Visual Tools and Third-Party Drivers for Firebird 

Firebird users and developers are blessed with an enormous range of third-party administration tools, utilities, and interfaces, many free, some shareware or commercial. For a comprehensive list, visit "Third-party Tools".

Help Firebird to grow

The Firebird Foundation exists as a "legal entity" to raise and distribute funds to support Firebird’s development.

Options range from making a one-time donation to joining the Foundation as an associate or better yet a voting member, to joining our list of sponsors.

You might also consider sponsoring the development of a not-yet-implemented feature needed by your business. For more information, contact the Firebird Foundation Committee.

Marketing and community

If you run a business-critical system powered by Firebird or earn money with it, please tell the community about your experience with it. You can download and fill out a formal "case study" template, or just submit a short informal testimonial. Contact [email protected] for more details.

The easiest way for experienced users to help is to subscribe to some of the Firebird related mailing lists and newsgroups and share your expertise.