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LC vs TC

7K views 19 replies 10 participants last post by  GT500Herman 
#1 ·
So other than holding RPM at a certain threshold prior to releasing the clutch, what is the difference between launching using LC versus just leaving TC on? I thought I read or heard somewhere that LC modulates clutch engagement and if this is true, how does it accomplish that?
#3 ·
No, TC is on... So If I'm motoring along in 1st (or 2nd and sometimes even 3rd) gear and I mash the go pedal, I can see the TC light come on and feel the power drop off.

I assume that TC senses the difference in rotational speed between the front and rear tires and pulls out fuel, timing, whatever, until the rear tires regain traction.

My question is whether this is the same mechanism at play when LC is used from a dead stop.

If this is the case, wouldn't you argue that LC and TC are the same, other than LC allows the driver to hold a specific RPM range at launch with the throttle to the floor?

I'll have to break out the owner's manual again as I thought it was there that I read that LC modulates clutch engagement.

My days of fast cars predates all of this technology - in the olden days we modulated traction/power either by slipping the clutch or by right foot alone; trying to simultaneously maximize traction while not bogging the motor.
#5 ·
In the paperwork that came with the car there is a special SVT insert. Performance Feature Overview.
8 Modes:
Mode 1:
AdvanceTrac On Normal
TC on DragStart Calibration
Mode 2:
AdvanceTrac On Normal
TC off
LC off
Mode 3:
AdvanceTrac Sport
TC On Sport
Mode 4:
AdvanceTrac OFF
Mode 5:
AdvanceTrac On Normal
TC on Drag Start Calibration
Mode 6:
AdvanceTrac On Normal
Mode 7:
AdvanceTrac Sport
TC On Drag Start Calibration
Mode 8:
AdvanceTrac OFF
LC Unavailable

Enabled ( key on,)mode 1&5))
Traction control off (Single press of TC button (mode 2&6))
To activate Sport Mode( foot on brake and double tap TC button (mode 3&7))
Disable foot on brake and hold TC button (mode 4&8)
#7 ·
Let me try again...

Does launch control use any means other than what TC (ASC) uses?

Is clutch engagement modulated?

If I get an opportunity, I'll stop by the dealership and read through their manuals.

I take it this is only available on 13/14 and not a whole lot of folks here have those years and/or perhaps your ride is highly modified and you're doing your own things to manage traction.
#8 ·
Clutch management? I highly doubt it. I think it just uses TC and SC, as well as preset setups.

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#9 ·
That's right, it basically just keeps you from burning all over hell if you dump the clutch...and also holds your rpm's steady at start

For a good launch, you should still modulate the clutch, don't just dump it because then the nannies will really kick in. After you get the clutch out, then get on the gas. For street launches (in a open area) I'd set your launch rpm's in the 3400 area. Track maybe 4000 or so...depends on tires.
#11 ·
With stock tires its about worthless anyway since the rpm's can only be set as low as 2500. Spin city. I tried it one day on a prepped track with Pilot SS in the back set at 3k and ...spin city...

Drag radials on a prepped track would probably be reasonable at 3k or so I suppose. Been wanting to go try it if it would ever stop raining on the weekends here and shutting the track down.

LC reads that you are supposed to set your rpm, mat the throttle, then smoothly let the clutch out. It will modulate the tire spin somewhat then when it detects forward motion it will let the rpms go above your setpoint to WOT. At that point, typically you will get wheel spin if you don't have sticky tires and the suspension set up to take it. Also at that point, you will find out if your rear axle is truly squared up...the hard be ready to get off the throttle in a hurry.

Best bet is to just try killing TC and do the rest with your feet until you get the hang of it. That's my plan when I get back to the track one day.

#12 ·
I wish there was a place where we could practice everything with patience.

A track day has so many cars and it would be tough to sit there and figure out whats best for launching. A few hours of self practice would be great if there was a venue that was safe from tickets and other cars.
#13 ·
I can tell you that if you turn off the TC with the LC on it reads something like "RPM launch" instead of "LC on" I believe with LC on, it controls torque on takeoff. How? not sure if it uses brakes and TC or just TC
#14 ·
I've watched some youtubes that demo the LC. It looks like if you leave the TC on, you get the LC/computer controlling the launch by regulating power to the wheels. If you turn the TC off, it's a whole other story and you need to make sure you're experienced with the power these cars put out.
#16 ·
Actually, LC ON TC off (one click) is your burnout mode. LC on TC sport (double click) is what I'll call 'first safeties off'. LC on TC/ASC off (foot on brake, press and hold) is what I'll call 'all safeties off and you had better know what you are doing'. (Of course LC on TC on is the most conservative.)

When I read the shop manual entry on the other day, it wasn't any more elaborate in its explanation. The only thing I was forgetting from the owner's manual (and shop manual) was that it intimated that a special drag start calibration was replacing conventional TC means.
#18 ·
I'd like to try launch control, but gotta get the chance. The first time I do it, I don't want it to be in any kind of traffic...prefer a wide open road with just me or a track. i've had good results pushing the traction control button 1 time, reving the engine to 3,000RMPs and not dumping the clutch, but hitting that friction point (rather quickly) and then setting on it for a milisecond until the car gets up and then releasing. I get minimal tire spin, unless I let out the clutch to quickly or give too much gas and not gradually feed gas while letting out clutch. I LOVE IT, and its one of the fun things about the car, honing the skills to get the best out of it. The more practice, the better. I have 295/35/20 MPSS and stock HP.
#20 ·
^I'm thinking I'm agreeing.

So my next major question is this: difference between single TC button push and double click? As far as I can tell (from what I've read/seen, but not experienced), TC is 'off' in both modes. The latter is called 'Sport Locked', but that seems to be more descriptive with regard to steering versus traction. I realize that ASC is still on in this mode (versus click and hold - mode '8') and can understand if it is referring to road course driving where I might want to get the car a little loose, but what does it mean in regard to straight-line (remember that TC is 'off').

Perhaps a call to SVT is in order as nothing frustrates me more than documentation/instruction written to the least common denominator.
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