Frases de Isabella Rossellini | Frases de famosos

Frases de Isabella Rossellini

Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini [4]​, más conocida como Isabella Rosellini, es una actriz, modelo[5]​ y filántropa italiana.[6]​[7]​ Wikipedia  

✵ 18. junio 1952
Isabella Rossellini Foto
Isabella Rossellini: 3 frases0 Me gusta

Isabella Rossellini: Frases en inglés

“I’m not there now to represent beauty; I’m there to represent a different dream. It may be defined as joyfulness; life goes on and there are many chapters. I think that’s why they keep me.”

—  Isabella Rossellini

On what she feels like she symbolizes now for Lancôme in “Isabella Rossellini: ‘Ageing brings a lot of happiness. You get fatter – but there is freedom’” in The Guardian (2020 Oct 13)

“Women executives have a different sensitivity. Male executives only understood makeup or fashion as an instrument of seduction, because that was addressed to them. They didn’t understand that we like to put on makeup or dress up just because it’s a game; it’s pleasurable.”

—  Isabella Rossellini

On being asked to be the face of Lancôme after being fired by a male executive decades earlier in “Isabella Rossellini: ‘Ageing brings a lot of happiness. You get fatter – but there is freedom’” in The Guardian (2020 Oct 13)

“…I have not even been nominated for one. But it doesn’t affect me any more. This is the great thing about getting old: things that preoccupied you when you were young cease to preoccupy you. I would have loved to have had one Oscar. Well, too bad. I have six sheep, two dogs, two children.”

—  Isabella Rossellini

On how she never won an Oscar like her mother Ingrid in “Isabella Rossellini: ‘Ageing brings a lot of happiness. You get fatter – but there is freedom’” in The Guardian (2020 Oct 13)

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