The Meaning Behind The Song: Tumblr Girls by G-Eazy - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Tumblr Girls by G-Eazy


The Meaning Behind The Song: Tumblr Girls by G-Eazy


As a music enthusiast, I often find myself captivated by certain songs that speak to me on a personal level. One such song that resonates deeply with me is “Tumblr Girls” by G-Eazy. I first heard this song on a lazy Sunday afternoon, and from that moment, it became a staple in my music playlist. In this article, I want to delve into the meaning behind the song and why it has struck a chord with so many listeners.

The Lyrics

G-Eazy’s “Tumblr Girls” paints a picture of a complicated and tumultuous relationship with a particular type of girl. The song’s lyrics describe the allure and challenges that come with being romantically involved with someone who embodies the characteristics of a “Tumblr girl.” These girls are depicted as having skinny waists, drug habits, and a love for drama.

In the first verse, G-Eazy emphasizes the superficial nature of their relationship. He describes how the Tumblr girl expects free drinks and is drawn to his success. Their encounters are sporadic, often fueled by substances, and lack any emotional connection. G-Eazy acknowledges the transitory nature of their relationship and his constant need to be on the move.

The second verse delves deeper into the complexities of the Tumblr girl’s character. She is both hot and cold, drawing G-Eazy in with her physical beauty but leaving him uncertain about her intentions. He admits his own selfishness and attraction towards multiple women, yet still sees potential with this particular girl.

The Reflection

“Tumblr Girls” resonates with me because it reflects the reality of modern relationships that often revolve around superficiality and fleeting connections. G-Eazy’s lyrics capture the struggle of wanting something more substantial but being drawn to the excitement and unpredictability of these types of relationships. It is a relatable depiction of the push and pull many people experience when searching for love and meaning.

The chorus of the song further reinforces the temporary nature of their relationship. G-Eazy asserts that they were made of glass and never meant to last. Their passionate connection eventually crashes, leaving behind a shattered illusion of what could have been.

The Production

Behind the scenes, “Tumblr Girls” was produced by Christoph Andersson, a frequent collaborator of G-Eazy’s. The track first gained popularity on Soundcloud and was later added to the album “These Things Happen” due to its demand from fans.


Listening to “Tumblr Girls” by G-Eazy offers a glimpse into the complexities of modern relationships, where appearances often overshadow deeper emotional connections. The song’s lyrics beautifully capture the transient, intoxicating nature of these relationships, leaving listeners contemplating the price of such connections.

Personally, this song serves as a reminder to seek genuine and lasting connections rather than chasing after fleeting moments and temporary fixes. G-Eazy’s ability to evoke these emotions through his music is a testament to his talent as an artist.

So, the next time you listen to “Tumblr Girls,” take a moment to reflect on the meaning behind the lyrics and the emotions it stirs within you.

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