How To Cook A Frozen Roast In A Crock Pot -

How To Cook A Frozen Roast In A Crock Pot

How To Cook A Frozen Roast In A Crock Pot

How to Cook a Frozen Roast in a Crock Pot

If you’re in a hurry or simply forgot to defrost your roast, don’t fret! With a few simple steps, you can easily cook a frozen roast in a crock pot and still end up with a delicious and tender meal. Let’s dive in!


  • 1 frozen roast (beef, pork, or lamb)
  • 1 cup beef or vegetable broth
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon dried herbs (such as rosemary, thyme, or oregano)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Prepare the crock pot: Start by ensuring your crock pot is clean and ready for use. Plug it in and set it to the desired cooking temperature.
  2. Sear the roast: Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Season the frozen roast with salt and pepper, then sear it on all sides until browned. This step helps enhance the flavor and texture of the meat.
  3. Layer the ingredients: Place the sliced onions and minced garlic at the bottom of the crock pot. Add the seared roast on top, making sure to pour any drippings from the skillet into the pot as well.
  4. Add the liquid and herbs: Pour the beef or vegetable broth over the roast, ensuring that the liquid covers at least half of the meat. Sprinkle the dried herbs on top, evenly distributing the flavors.
  5. Cook on low and slow: Cover the crock pot with its lid and cook the frozen roast on low heat for 8-10 hours or on high heat for 4-6 hours. Slow cooking allows the meat to tenderize and absorb the flavors of the broth and herbs.
  6. Check for doneness: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the roast. For beef, aim for 145°F (medium-rare) to 160°F (medium). Pork and lamb should reach an internal temperature of 145°F to 165°F.
  7. Let it rest and serve: Once the roast is cooked to your desired doneness, remove it from the crock pot and let it rest for a few minutes. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more tender and flavorful meat. Slice the roast against the grain and serve it with the delicious onions and garlic from the crock pot.

Voilà! You’ve successfully cooked a frozen roast in a crock pot. This method not only saves you time but also produces a mouthwatering meal that will impress your family and friends. So the next time you find yourself with a frozen roast and a craving for something hearty, don’t hesitate to give this recipe a try. Happy cooking!

Explore More Delicious Recipes and Uses

Having mastered the art of cooking a frozen roast in a crock pot, why not broaden your culinary horizons with a variety of delicious recipes designed for your slow cooker? From the hearty Hearty Classic Pot Roast to the robust flavors of Robust Beef Bourguignon, these recipes offer a fantastic way to utilize your new skills. For a savory twist, try the Savory Italian Beef, perfect for casual gatherings. If you're in the mood for something uniquely flavorful, the Sophisticated Coffee Braised Beef provides a sophisticated taste profile that is sure to impress. Each recipe has been tailored to help you make the most of your crock pot, ensuring tender, succulent meals that are both convenient and satisfying.

Want to share your experiences with cooking a frozen roast in a crock pot? Join the discussion in the Cooking Techniques forum and let us know your tips and tricks!
Can I cook a frozen roast in a crock pot?
Yes, you can cook a frozen roast in a crock pot. It is a safe and convenient method of cooking, but requires some adjustments to ensure proper cooking.
How do I safely cook a frozen roast in a crock pot?
To safely cook a frozen roast in a crock pot, it is important to thaw it partially before starting cooking. You can do this by running it under cold water for a few minutes or letting it sit in the refrigerator overnight. Thawing partially will help ensure even cooking and prevent the roast from spending too much time in the danger zone of bacterial growth.
How long should I cook a frozen roast in a crock pot?
The cooking time for a frozen roast in a crock pot will depend on the size and type of the roast. As a general guideline, you can cook it on high heat for approximately 1 hour per pound or on low heat for 8-10 hours. However, it is always best to use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches a safe level.
Should I sear the roast before cooking it in the crock pot?
Searing the roast before cooking is not necessary but can add extra flavor and texture to the final dish. If time permits, you can quickly sear the frozen roast in a hot skillet with a little oil before transferring it to the crock pot. This step will help create a nice crust on the outside of the roast.
Can I add vegetables and other ingredients with the frozen roast?
Yes, you can add vegetables, herbs, spices, and other ingredients with the frozen roast in the crock pot. This will enhance the flavor of the roast and create a complete one-pot meal. However, keep in mind that adding additional ingredients may increase the overall cooking time, so adjust accordingly.
Can I cook a frozen roast directly from the freezer without thawing?
It is not recommended to cook a frozen roast directly from the freezer in a crock pot. Thawing the roast partially before cooking is crucial to ensure safe and even cooking. Cooking a frozen roast from start to finish in a crock pot may result in uneven cooking and food safety risks. Thawing partially is a simple and necessary step to guarantee a delicious and safe meal.

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