Ray Cane of Honeybus question | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Ray Cane of Honeybus question

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by popoketel, Nov 15, 2020.

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  1. popoketel

    popoketel Well-Known Member Thread Starter

    New Orleans - USA
    Is Ray Cane still alive? I ask because he seems to be the one Honeybus member who never really is heard from. He wasn't on the tv doc about "I Can't Let Maggie Go", and I don't see many interviews with him, and Colin and Pete actually are seen and heard from time to time. Also, has anyone heard lone Ray's solo single?
  2. kojinoid

    kojinoid Forum Resident

    He lives in Australia.
    He's very talented musician.
    But now, he's just business man. He deals his own company.
    His solo is nice as Honeybus...
  3. phillyal1

    phillyal1 Forum Resident

    philadelphia, pa.
    if anyone has a link to the Honeybus documentary mentioned, please post it !
  4. popoketel

    popoketel Well-Known Member Thread Starter

    New Orleans - USA
    Here you go:

    it's on youtube

    If anyone has Ray cane's solo single, please post of share it!
    phillyal1 and john hp like this.
  5. phillyal1

    phillyal1 Forum Resident

    philadelphia, pa.
    Good Documentary -- essential viewing
  6. popoketel

    popoketel Well-Known Member Thread Starter

    New Orleans - USA
    Does anyone have Ray's solo single to post?
  7. Derek Hickman

    Derek Hickman Member

    This is incredible to find, I never expect stumble across these questions. I'm one of Ray's grandsons and I can report he is still alive, however we are in a moment of grief at the passing of his partner(and my grandmother)
    Captain Groovy and phillyal1 like this.
  8. mrgopal

    mrgopal If you get bit Just hate the bite.

    Derek, seeing this post a year later! I am such a gigantic fan of your grandfather's work. i just got an original copy of Story in the mail and I'm listening to it now. As good as any Beatles album and better than most of them! Would love to hear more about your grandfather. Does he still write songs? Have you heard any of them? Any chance you can convince him to record a video singing "She Sold Blackpool Rock" or one his other masterpieces to post on youtube or here maybe?

    Sorry for my excitement but I am such a fanboy.
    Captain Groovy likes this.
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