Art and Design welcomes visiting artist Thomas Lucas, Feb. 28 - NIU Arts Blog


Thomas Lucas, founder and master printer at Hummingbird Press Editions, will present a lecture, Thursday, February 28, at 6 p.m., in room 102 in Jack Arends Hal, the visual arts building on the NIU main campus.

Thomas Lucas visiting lectureHummingbird Press Editions publishes artists like Kerry Marshall, William Conger, Richard Hunt, Willie Cole and Barbara Jones-Hogu.  Lucas’ works are included in various private ahd public collections, and exhibit nationally and abroad.  He is formerly the director of printmaking at Lillstreet Art Center and now teaches full-time at Chicago State University, and as an adjunct professor at Harold Washington College.

Thomas earned his MFA with a merit scholarship at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and his BFA in printmaking at the Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia.  He has taught at the Tyler School of Art, The School of the Art Institute, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Anchor Graphics, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Beacon Street Gallery 37 and Penland School of Crafts.

He will be visiting the NIU School of Art and Design from February 27 through March 1, working in the printmaking studio in room 408.