Aktion Tierheim - Aktion Tierheim

Animal shelter Mayen

Animal welfare is education for humanity

I am Wulli and live in one of about 500 animal shelters in Germany. Nice that you are interested in our project! Let me briefly explain my situation and that of my friends:

Animal shelters in Germany receive only very limited financial support from the state and municipalities. Mainly volunteers have to take care of the intensive and regular care of the animals.

The keepers do their best to offer us animals a nice life in the shelter. Unfortunately, this does not always work, because our facilities are getting on in years and there is not enough space for all the animals. In addition, there is always a risk of injury due to a defective facility.

Listening attentively to animals

The animal shelter, idyllically located on the outskirts of Mayen, houses its animals in the most species-appropriate way possible on a generously designed site. In the year 1978the association for nature and animal protection Mayen was founded before it was renamed to Tierschutzverein Mayen und Umgebung e.V. in 1995.

Every year, around 650 animals are taken in at the Mayen animal shelter, and almost all of them can be placed in a new home. All these animals are lovingly cared for, nursed, fed and given veterinary care.

And now I show you where I live - in the animal shelter Mayen.

Actually, we are doing really well there. But we have a big problem:

Our dog house is getting on in years. The renovation of the existing property is no longer worth it! That is why we have big plans! Together with your help we want to build a new dog house.

With your support we hope to realize the new construction of a modern dog house as soon as possible and at the same time give us dogs, who are waiting for a new home in the shelter, a little more quality of life and joy.

Please help us and allow us to live a more dignified life!
We also do something for you (if desired)!

Please support our great project, so that our all "animal shelter with heart in the Eifel" remains!

We thank you very much - in the name of the board and the whole shelter team!

Yours, Ruth Drießen with Wulli - our shelter office manager and "all-rounder", who has made the "dog house project" a top priority and is fully committed to it!


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