BiblioLifestyle - 5 Must-Read Audre Lorde Books: The Ultimate List

Classic Literature

5 Must-Read Audre Lorde Books: The Ultimate List

We recommend starting with one of these five excellent books.

Last Updated on May 12, 2024 by BiblioLifestyle

Must Read Audre Lorde Where To Start Reading

Audre Lorde was an American writer, poet, civil rights activist, and feminist who is best known for her passionate writing on the topics of race, gender, and sexuality.  Her works are especially meaningful to those seeking a greater understanding of the lives of Black women in the United States.  So, if you’re looking for some inspiration on where to start when it comes to diving into Audre Lorde’s works, this article is here to help!  We’ve compiled five must-read Audre Lorde books where readers can find empowering perspectives on race, gender, and class inequities, plus lyrical interludes of self-acceptance and discovery.  So whether you’ve already familiarized yourself with her incredible writing or just begun exploring her work, there’s something for every reader here!

About Audre Lorde

Introducing Audre Lorde – Who is she, and what makes her work important?

Audre Lorde was a poet, activist, and self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior” who was born in New York City in 1934 to Caribbean immigrants from Grenada.  She grew up in Harlem and began writing poetry as a young girl.  In her early twenties, she attended Hunter College for her undergraduate degree and later completed a master’s degree at Columbia University.  Following graduate school, Lorde began to publish her work and establish herself as an influential poet and writer.  She wrote extensively on the topics of race, gender identity, sexuality, and oppression to empower marginalized communities.

Through her poetry and prose, she inspired readers to take action toward creating a more equitable world.  Lorde’s words remain as powerful now as they were when she first penned them decades ago; they are essential for understanding the current state of inequality that persists around us today.

What was Audre Lorde famous for?

Audre Lorde was most well-known for her passionate and provocative writing.  She wrote extensively on the topics of race, gender identity, sexuality, and oppression to empower marginalized communities.  Her work has been widely celebrated and continues to be influential today.

What is considered Audre Lorde’s best book?

While it is difficult to narrow the best Audre Lorde book to just one title, her collection of poetry, Sister Outsider is widely considered her masterpiece.  It contains some of Lorde’s most famous works, including “Poetry is Not a Luxury,” “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House,” “The Uses of Anger,” and “Eye to Eye: Black Women, Hatred and Anger.”  In this collection, she explores topics such as intersectionality, gender identity, and racial injustice in both poetic and powerful ways.

Get a copy of Sister Outsider on Amazon or Bookshop.

What Audre Lorde book should beginners read?

For readers new to Audre Lorde’s work, Zami is a great place to start.  This autobiographical novel follows Lorde from her childhood in Harlem through her young adulthood and explores themes of family, identity, race, and sexuality.  It offers an intimate portrait of the author’s own life and a profound look at the experiences of black women in America.

Get a copy of Zami on Amazon or Bookshop.

5 Must-Read Audre Lorde Books

For readers looking to explore Audre Lorde’s works, here is a list of five must-read books:

  • Sister Outsider
  • The Cancer Journals
  • Zami
  • A Burst Of Light
  • The Collected Poems
Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde

Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde

This book contains some of Lorde’s most influential and inspiring work.  In it, she examines topics such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and intersectionality.  Through her writing, she encourages readers to confront their own feelings of privilege and to recognize the necessity of action.


The Cancer Journals by Audre Lorde

The Cancer Journals by Audre Lorde

Lorde wrote this book in response to her own diagnosis with breast cancer. It is an honest exploration of her experiences with illness and the limitations of medical science. Through her writing, she empowered readers who could relate to her struggle, while also highlighting the importance of self-care and radical acceptance.


Zami by Audre Lorde

Zami by Audre Lorde

This is a powerful autobiographical work that traces Lorde’s journey from childhood to adulthood.  It is an intimate exploration of her identity as a black lesbian and the intersectional oppressions she faced throughout her life.


A Burst Of Light by Audre Lorde

A Burst Of Light by Audre Lorde

This collection of essays is a testament to Lorde’s courage and strength as an activist. It covers a wide range of topics, from abortion rights to AIDS activism, making it essential reading for anyone interested in social justice.


The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde

The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde

This book is a compilation of Lorde’s poetry spanning five decades and exploring topics such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and oppression.  It is an essential collection for anyone looking to engage with her work.


More Audre Lorde

What does Audre Lorde mean by poetry is not a luxury?

In her essay “Poetry is Not a Luxury,” Lorde argued that poetry is not simply an aesthetic endeavor but a means of survival and liberation.  She saw poetry as essential for expressing complicated emotions and experiences that cannot be articulated through other forms.  Poetry, she argued, provides us with the tools to confront our own oppressions and struggle against them.  Lorde believed that poetry was an invaluable form of expression for people who were denied other forms of communication and power.

How to Engage with Audre Lorde’s Work Today

Audre Lorde’s work remains as relevant and inspiring today as it was when she first penned it decades ago.  There are several ways to engage with her writing, such as reading and studying her work, attending lectures on her writing, or joining discussion groups that focus on her themes.  Additionally, readers can explore Lorde’s online resources, such as the website of The Audre Lorde Project, which offers a range of educational materials related to social justice and intersectional feminism.

Through her writing, Audre Lorde continues to inspire readers to take action toward creating a more equitable world.  Her powerful words remain as relevant now as they were when she first penned them decades ago and are essential for understanding the current state of inequality that persists around us today.  For readers who want to explore Audre Lorde’s work further, these five books should be at the top of your must-read list.  By engaging with her writings, readers can gain a deeper understanding of intersectional feminism and civil rights while also being empowered by her beautiful words.

What do you think about these Audre Lorde books?

Have you read any books by Audre Lorde?  Are any of these books or her other works on your TBR?   What book by Lorde is your favorite?  What Audre Lorde books would you add to this list?  Let us talk about it in the comments below.


The Best Audre Lorde Books

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