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What Your Favorite Lens Says About Your Personality

Some landscape photographers enjoy getting out into nature by themselves and away from others—the introvert. Other landscape photographers enjoy heading out with others and carrying the conversation—the extrovert. Did you know you can tell which personality you are by your favorite lens?

Three Simple Natural Light Portrait Setups

Natural light portraits can be stunning with the right setups, and they're simpler than you might think. This excellent video tutorial shows three easy setups that will elevate your portrait images.

Ditch These Outdated Photoshop Features

Photoshop offers a vast array of tools, but not all of them are worth your time. Some are outdated, others have better alternatives. This fantastic video tutorial will show you 10 such cases.

Essential Gear and Budgeting Tips for Photographers

Determining what gear you need can be overwhelming, especially with all the advertisements pushing the latest products. As a photographer and business owner, you must figure out what works for you and what will benefit your business the most. This video focuses on making smart gear purchases and budgeting effectively.

Common Mistakes in Dodging and Burning

Dodging and burning is an editing technique that allows you to selectively adjust the brightness and darkness in specific areas of an image. This technique can add depth and dimension but can also lead to several common mistakes. This fantastic video tutorial will show you three common mistakes and how to fix them.

Camera Sensor Sizes: Which One Fits Your Needs?

Different sensor sizes offer unique advantages for various types of photography. Choosing the right sensor can significantly impact your shooting experience and the quality of your images. This helpful video tutorial will show you which is right for you.

Why Megapixels Matter Less Than You Think

There is often a big price difference between a 20-megapixel camera and a 50-megapixel camera. Understanding the value of megapixels is essential to avoid wasting money.

3 Cameras for Travel Photography This Summer

The summer season is fast approaching, and many of us are preparing to jet off on our summer vacations to destinations all over the world. Whether you are going for a beach vacation or lounging around the pool with your family, having a camera at hand is always a great way to capture those special moments.

Discover the New Features in Nik Collection 7

Understanding the latest updates to the Nik Collection is essential for anyone serious about photo editing. The Nik Collection 7, a popular suite of photo editing plugins, has seen several improvements that can significantly enhance your editing workflow.

The Sony 300mm f/2.8 G Master: A Lightweight Powerhouse

The Sony 300mm f/2.8 G Master lens is one of the best in the company's lineup. The standout feature is its remarkably light weight. However, there's a lot more to the lens than that, and this great video review takes a look at what you can expect.

How to Get Your Photos Noticed and Appreciated

Like reading a book, watching a movie, or listening to music, when people look at your photos, you probably want them to spend time and appreciate them. In a world where people constantly scroll and instantly forget your photos, are there ways you can have your photos noticed? Let's find out.

Transforming Rainy Day Photos With Creative Lighting

Creating stunning portraits even on challenging days is entirely possible with the right techniques and equipment. Understanding how to manipulate both natural and artificial light can transform your photos, giving you the control to achieve the desired effect regardless of the weather.

Resurrecting My Abandoned Ricoh GR in Year 2024, Is It Worth My Effort?

Camera gear talk is probably something that we as photographers cannot resist often when we are discussing photography. Some cameras hold a special place in our hearts not just for their technical prowess but for the memories they carry. One such camera for me is the Ricoh GR.

The Path to a Distinctive Photography Style

When it comes to finding your unique style, many might think it's hidden in a set of presets or filters. But style is much closer to home than you might realize. The question of style and how to find it is a common one, and understanding its true nature is crucial for making your work stand out.

How to Create a Moody Landscape Image With Lightroom

Transforming a bright summer photo into a moody look can dramatically change its impact. This helpful video tutorial will guide you through some techniques in Lightroom that can help you create that look.

Improve Your Photography by Getting the Reps In

As photographers looking to improve our craft, we watch YouTube videos, buy online training, read articles, and maybe even take a class or two. We can pursue our quest for information and consume all of these trainings and never see a marked improvement. The key to getting better? Get those reps in.

How to Improve Your Chances of Capturing Worthwhile Landscape Photos

Landscape photography often hinges on unpredictable elements. The weather, light, and fixed positions of natural features make capturing the perfect shot a challenge. You can't move mountains or adjust the sky, but you can increase your chances of success with careful planning and the right tools.

How to Use Lightroom's Survey View for Efficient Photo Selection

Lightroom Classic’s survey view is an underused tool that can really speed up your photo selection process. By allowing you to compare multiple images side by side, survey view can help you quickly identify your best shots and streamline your workflow. Here’s how you can use it in your workflow.

The Importance of Developing a Recognizable Photographic Style

Having your own photographic style can make your work instantly recognizable, even if people don't know it's yours. But is this something only professional photographers need, or is it also important for hobbyists and amateurs? Let’s explore this topic and its importance for anyone who loves photography.

How Evgen Bavčar Creates Art Without Sight

Evgen Bavčar, a conceptual artist, has been crafting his unique photography for decades despite losing his sight at the age of 11. His work challenges conventional notions of visual art and highlights the power of imagination and memory.

Movie Director Christopher Nolan Has Some Great Advice for Photographers

Whether you work with still or moving images, there’s an art to telling a story with pictures. As a movie director whose preferred medium is analog film, Christopher Nolan’s shared experience with the evolution of his own creative process is sure to resonate with photographers.

Save 95% and get $3,700+ in Video Products

Fstoppers has partnered with 5DayDeal to offer the best video bundle deal of 2024. Included are education, software, and tools from a wide of variety leaders in the industry that will help take your work to the next level. The product list is incredible this year.

6 Helpful Tips for Beginning Photographers

There are many things to consider in order to capture great photos. You need to know about exposure, composition, and how to operate the camera. It’s easy to get on the wrong track, which can introduce confusion and disappointing results. Here are some tips for beginning photographers.

Sigma Shakes Up the Full Frame Game With Revolutionary 28-45mm f/1.8 DG DN Art Lens

Sigma is known for making high-quality lenses, and they’ve just added another world’s first to their lineup: the Sigma 28-45mm f/1.8 DG DN Art lens. This new full frame lens not only delivers a constant f/1.8 aperture throughout the entire zoom range, but it also delivers incredible sharpness and clarity throughout, similar to a high-quality prime lens. This versatile zoom is perfect for a variety of shooting scenarios.

Mastering Headshot Photography With the Canon EOS R5 and RF 100mm Lens

Want to get great commercial, headshot photos using the Canon R5 and the Canon RF 100mm f/2.8 L Macro IS USM lens? The following advice will help you produce the best professional headshots and show you how to interact with your clients for stunning, natural results.

Are You Making These Composition Mistakes in Your Own Photography?

Do you find yourself always leaning heavily on certain composition tricks that you learned as you were developing your photographic skills? Sure, they might make your more mediocre shots a little better, but casting off these creative crutches can be the first step towards making great photographs.

Helpful Tips for Capturing Authentic Portraits

Capturing someone's essence is more about the interaction between you and your subject than the technical aspects of your camera. People’s expressions and body language reveal their comfort level, which will significantly impact your photos.

Essential Advice for Aspiring Photographers From a Pro

Taking your photography seriously is essential if you want to turn it into a fulfilling career. For many, photography starts as a hobby, but with dedication and the right approach, it can evolve into a professional pursuit. This helpful video tutorial offers a lot of useful advice for your journey.

Are These Memory Cards Really Worth It? We Review the OWC’s Atlas Memory Card Line

OWC’s Atlas line of memory products, which includes SDXC, CFexpress Type A and B models, and high-performance readers, isn’t cheap. However, they promise leading performance and integration with their Innergize card management system. But can users really make use of all that performance? In this review, I’ll take a look at the ecosystem and test out all the features.

Practical Advice for Better Street Photography

Street photography can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. By mastering a few essential techniques, you can significantly improve your skills and capture more compelling images.

We Review the Godox Lux Elf: A Great Value Flash for Beginners

If you’re thinking of buying your first flash, the Godox Lux Elf might just be the perfect choice. This new flash is easy to use and priced competitively. It’s compatible with a wide range of cameras, including Fujifilm, Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, and even film cameras.