Diary / Calendar 2022 Diary/Calendar 2022

Welcome to eHRMS

Departments Onboarded

Registered Employees

Self Verified Employees

Approved Employees

About eHRMS

eHRMS with objective to pull off the manual legacy HR system and reform the same with eHRMS. With similar objective, As of now, eHRMS is successfully deployed in Panchayat & Rural Development(PRD), Civil Supplies Corporation, NHM, Health Directorate, Revenue etc. where more than one Lac employees onboarded successfully. As next step ahead and initiative in replacing the manual legacy HR system of all State departments with eHRMS automatic system.

eHRMS not only provide provision for maintaining eService book, but employee’s personal information, family details, nominees, education, qualification, transfer history, annual confidential reports, leave records etc. With implementation of eHRMS, it alleviates transparency, quick and continuous access to employees records which is difficult in manual handling.

Service Book Status