Minecraft Now is coming to YouTube | Minecraft

Minecraft Now is coming to YouTube

Not now, but soon! 

Roll out the redstone carpet, put on your finest formal skin, and deck yourself out in diamonds – a new show is about to premiere! On December 9, our brand new broadcast Minecraft Now will stream live on our YouTube channel!  

This is a live stream, but don’t confuse it with Minecraft Live. We have not decided to make it a monthly event because it’s so much fun and we figured we could get away with it by changing the name again. Nope, that suggestion was thrown out of the room along with the beautiful writer who suggested it. But they forgot to soundproof the door, so I can still hear all the juicy details and pass them on to all of you!  

With my ear literally to the ground, I am happy to report that Minecraft Now will air once a month on our very own YouTube channel. The show will feature live gameplay, snapshot sneak peeks, community highlights, and developers who are contractually obligated to answer your questions. Rumor has it that there may even be a joke or two in there! You will just have to tune in to find out what level of seriousness we’re going for, because who knows? Maybe this will be our first foray into serious, hard-boiled drama.  

Mark your calendars for December 9, 12:00 ET/ 9:00 PT/ 18:00 CET! That may seem like aaaaages away, but there is lots to do until then. You can start by setting a reminder on YouTube so that you don’t miss a single second of the livestream. You could also get to work on some Caves & Cliffs themed art. We’re going to be sourcing Twitter for submissions so post your favorite drawings, builds, sculptures or any other creative expression and tag them with #MinecraftNowSubmit for a chance to get featured on the show*! Got it? Great! I am going to remind the Minecraft Now team to leave the studio unlocked so I can make a surprise appearance. We all have our assignments now, so let’s get to them!  


*By doing this, you: 

Agree that you are the one that created it, and that you're not violating anyone's else's intellectual property or publicity rights 

Agree that the creation can be used on Minecraft’s YouTube channel (including live broadcasted shows) and on articles on Minecraft.net 

Agree to Minecraft's community standards when choosing what to submit 

Sofia Dankis
Sofia Dankis

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