Viladecans | Consorci de Turisme del Baix Llobregat



Half an hour from Barcelona, Viladecans is an ideal destination for weekend getaways or leisure time with whoever you fancy!
Taste a vibrant and modern city. The Agricultural Park is our larder and its products end up in the best dishes of our gastronomy.

If you like nature, walk along the paths from the highest point, the Montbaig mountain range, to the seafront, touching the Remolar-Filipinas natural area. We have kilometres of beaches, unspoilt and family beaches. And if you're more into shopping and leisure, there's nothing better than a stroll around the city's shopping streets, with traditional shops, and round off the day in the Viladecans The Style Outlets and Vilamarina shopping centres.

Travel back in time with guided tours of the Viladecans Museum, Can Amat, the Sales Chapel and other historical monuments, or stroll around the Medieval Market. Or join us in magical spaces with the Atrium Viladecans programme, the Festival al Carrer or the local festivals.

Will you miss it?


Jaume Abril, 2
08840 Viladecans Barcelona

Biosphere Commited Entity