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A Lux

A Lux

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Italian, French, Belgian, European
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5.0 of 5 bubbles18 reviews
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W. Yu
Hong Kong1839 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Jun 2023 friends
今晚來到繁而不囂的中環都爹利街<A Lux>晚膳,正好在進入餐廳前的古蹟煤氣燈前打卡,再進入A Lux fine dining餐廳晚膳。 侍應殷勤有禮,介紹佳餚美酒,我選了$688的套餐及白酒-法國Château Latour Martillac 2017:口感順滑; 小型鵝肝多士: 鵝肝有那份入口即溶的幼滑質感,還有配搭多士,難以忘懷; Creamy burrata, Spanish ham, hairloom tomato: 用12年的意大利黑醋配上 新鮮獨特風味的傳家寶番茄,新鮮多汁,乾醃了3年的 ham及質感比較煙韌的水牛芝士,配搭中和; Lobster Bisque,Cognac cream: 龍蝦濃湯,口感油滑,意大利雲吞有嚼感,使你味蕾大開; Carabineros prawn spaghetti: 用紅蝦的蝦頭蝦膏做成的意大利麵醬,味道濃郁而麵亦爽嫩煙韌; Black Cod, shrimp, sweet corn: 鱈魚煎至金黃香脆丶結實,既甜又嫩,魚下墊了波菜鮮嫩幼滑,在旁撒了鮮甜粟米蓉,更提升其鮮味,蝦又嫩滑可口,這道菜味道溫和; Tiramisu with petit four: 仿似海綿般鬆,輕盈不膩。 本有茶或咖啡奉送,但早已喝的S.Pellegrino 還在喝著,繼續罷! 其實今次的fine dining我感受到大廚精心炮製的肴饌,以最新鮮的食材烹飪,手藝很好,做出來的每一道菜餚都色香味俱全,配合貼心周到的服務態度及優雅華麗的用餐氛圍,令人難以忘懷的用餐體驗。
Written June 7, 2023
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong538 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Jun 2023 solo
中環古蹟煤氣燈石板樓梯旁出現一間主打法式意式菜fine dining的餐館,正好花這個晚上享受一下優質美食👏 清雅而富西洋氣息的佈置,侍應安排座位後便殷勤地推介菜單,我點了五道菜晚餐,每道都有多款供選,侍酒師亦替我點定餐酒, 態度專業👍🏼 侍應先上油醋和麵包,暖和綿軟👍🏼 再上餐前小食 (Amuse bouche),鵝肝醬脆多士, 鵝肝香滑,多士脆口😋 白酒-法國Château Latour Martillac 2017,適合配對海鮮魚類👌 頭盤(Appetizer) 芒果青檸酸汁醃北海道帶子刺身(Scallop ceviche),帶子鮮味配酸汁更理想😋 餐湯(Soup) 龍蝦湯(Lobster bisque),湯内放了意大利雲吞(ravioli), 把小雲吞弄碎,伴濃湯入口多了咬感😋 Pasta(意大利麵) 松葉蟹肉意大利飯(crab meat risotto),用意大利mascarpone芝士煮製,混入爽嫩蘆筍粒,水準之作😋😋 Main course 美國特級牛眼扒(USDA rib eye)四成熟,配青葱汁,肉質嫩而味濃😋😋 侍酒師更特意換上配红肉之紅酒-意大利Solengo Rosso Toscano 2018,令味感更高👍🏼 甜品(Dessert or cheese platter) 捨甜品而點了芝士盤,又是好的單尾👏 五道菜上枱後,附送餐後小茶點(Petit four) 及茶飲👏 侍應及侍酒師專業態度令好久未有的fine dining感覺又重回👏👏
Written June 2, 2023
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong1571 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Feb 2023 couples
趁着週末假期,自然要與女朋友好好約會一番,因而是日便特意帶她來品嚐這所富有情調的意大利餐廳。 餐廳設置有兩個入口,分別是位於大廈正門,或是走至都爹利街打卡點煤氣燈石階樓梯中間位置再右轉下半層的後門入口。 內進可見餐廳環境空間是呈現長方形的大廳,首先從門口處便可見右方為接待處,而後方則是放置了數張餐枱,再步行數步至前方則看見位處左方的廚房和右方的酒櫃。 而其裝潢方面,主要用上木地板配襯昏暗黃調燈光,並配搭上多幅印象派畫風的掛畫作裝飾,最後再襯上白色波浪紋的配件以裝飾天花板,予人感覺猶如像是生動流水般的小型河流,整體呈現的風格是高尚大氣,並且富有藝術氛圍,難怪會成為眾多女生的打卡熱點。 餐廳晚市套餐共分為三個價格,顧客可根據自己喜好以作出選擇,當中分別有提供四道菜、五道菜、或六道菜的套餐,而其價格亦分別為 $880、$1180、和 $1480。 入座後職員首先為我們奉上客人自選的甜酒和自家製麵包。甜酒飲用味道醇甜清涼,而餐前麵包則是分別有鬆軟綿密的香草包、香濃細膩的脆皮白包和酥脆薄身的脆片三款,並且其奉上時均是熱烘烘的,可見服務是用心周到。 Appetizer 餐前小食是鮮蟹肉牛油果蓉墨魚汁脆餅,其底部呈黑色方形的脆餅是由墨魚汁製作而成的,再配搭上頂層的阿拉斯加蟹肉和牛油果醬,入口時滿口充斥著鮮甜清新的味道,甚是開胃。除此以外,還可留意到其底部的碟子亦是經過特別配襯,特意使用玻璃再配搭上黑色不規則顏料的設計,把整份菜餚是配襯得更為精美矜貴。 Appetizer Scramble egg with French lobster 菜餚用上意大利有機雞蛋,再配襯上使用半雞蛋殼盛載著的法國藍龍蝦肉和魚子醬,食用時整體味道富有蛋香,嫩滑清甜,鹹香鮮味,且蝦味濃郁。 Soup Pumpkin veloute with blue shrimp 職員先把擺盤精美的蝦頭、蝦身、和南瓜籽油爆谷的湯料奉上,隨後再倒入南瓜湯同食。而由於法國水晶蝦使用半煎炸方式製作而成,因而入口是更為濃香鮮甜,爽脆彈牙,再配上硬脆酥香的爆谷和順滑黏口、南瓜味濃的湯底一同食用,整體味道層次甚為豐富。 Beef cheek risotto with black truffle 伴隨有黑松露細碎的意大利飯外觀圓潤且呈現奶油狀態,入口黏度較高,外層是軟滑帶香,但內裏則略微堅硬,可品嚐出師傅製作手法用心正宗。而其用料方面配搭上獨特清香的黑松露片作為裝飾,令賣相是更為吸睛。還有經過慢煮 72 小時的澳洲和牛牛面頰,食用時肉汁豐富,牛香濃郁,鮮美軟腍。 Main Lamb rack, lamb sausage and rosemary 師傅將西班牙羊架外層加上麵包糠一同製作,並灑上獨特芳香的芥末粉作調味,入口時外脆內嫩,帶有肉汁,並有著輕微清淡的羊膻香氣。而配料方面則是盡吸收了羊肉的香濃氣味,當中分別有爽脆清香的炒雜菜,和使用微苦濃烈的迷迭香香料作調味的羊肉香腸,也就是一種用磨碎的羊肉製成的腸類,其食用味道是相配濃郁,脆嫩鮮美。 Dessert Tiramisu Tiramisu 是來自義大利的甜點,其屬於店內的主打菜之一,主要由可可粉結合芝士、香草、奶油、濃縮啡啡和餅乾製作而成,而特別的是餐廳更特意加入了香甜的栗子以增加口感,並作緩和甜品中的酒味之用,令整體味道配合得恰到好處,層次豐富,食用時口感柔軟綿密,黏口細緻,並帶有淡淡的咖啡苦味和酒香。 Petit Four 四款甜品分別有左下角外脆內黏,帶有檸檬清香的Macaron,和左上香甜絲滑的 Hazelnut chocolate,還有右下脆香鬆軟的 Madeleine,最後是右上方使用了金箔作點綴的 Dark chocolate,其味道微苦味甜,醇香濃郁。 Earl Grey tea 伯爵茶是一種經典的紅茶品種,其香氣獨特,帶有淡淡的花香和甜味,飲用時茶味清淡柔和,甚是適合飯後作解膩、促進消化之用。 總的來說,餐廳環境清靜浪漫,高尚大氣,而師傅烹調技巧富有水準,菜餚亦均新鮮味美,並且其晚餐價格以中環區來說實屬合理化算,是值得再次到此約會光顧,或與朋友相約聚會小酌數杯的地方。
Written April 3, 2023
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Jessica B
Hong Kong178 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Mar 2023 friends
5分 🥂今次Caca好開心可以置身中環超人氣餐廳A LUX ,一間位於都爹利街百年古蹟煤氣街燈旁極高期待度的餐廳! Vintage 環境氣氛,餐具優雅有氣派,每道菜都精緻悅目,店員每道菜都會詳細介紹食材及做法,由頭盤到甜點,感覺很有 #儀式感 ,是慶祝晚餐好地方!記得到門口打卡呀💡 🌹Caca picks: 5 Courses Dinner Set Menu 🥂Wine: Musti Nobilis Prosecco 'Extra Dry'(2 Glasses) $336 味道清甜,作為餐前酒好適合! Appetiser 餐前小食并并: ▪️Amuse Bouche鮮蟹肉牛油果蓉墨魚汁脆餅,面層有阿拉斯加蟹肉,脆餅由墨魚汁製成,配以有牛油果醬,建議一口吃下,感覺清新。 Main Course前菜: ▪️Red prawn carpaccio, caviar, walnut and herb vinaigrette (Additional $68) 配菜與紅蝦肉很搭,吃起來帶微酸甜味,感覺開胃。 ▪️Beef carpaccio, arugula, parmesan and truffle dressing 軟香美國牛柳,配以小鴨肝粒及香脆巴馬臣芝士脆片、沙律菜,微鹹而不膩。 🫕Daily Soup餐湯 ▪️Red Prawn Carpaccio 干邑泡沫龍蝦湯配意大利雲吞 濃郁龍蝦湯配干邑泡沫,意大利雲吞內入是龍蝦肉,爽口味美。 ▪️Seafood bouillabaisse with garlic toast (Additional $58) 海鮮湯食材有帶子、青口、蜆肉、墨魚,湯底用魚、蕃茄,味道鮮味而濃郁,墨魚蒜蓉多士蒜沾上湯汁十分美味。 🍴Main Course 1主菜: ▪️Saffron risotto, zampone and fresh chorizo 粒粒可愛意大利豬蹄肉,口感彈牙,配以意大利飯更香口。 ▪️Abalone spinosini, garlic and chili (Additional $58) 鮮甜鮑魚片配以幼滑意大利麵,味道恰好不膩。 🍴Main Course 2主菜 ▪️USDA beef tenderloin, potato terrine and peppercorn sauce 美國牛里脊配千層薯仔,選五成熟剛好,肉汁鎖於牛扒內,吃起來肉質嫩滑,肉味濃郁。 ▪️Lobster thermidor with green salad (Additional $68) 龍蝦預先起肉切件,女生可保持優雅享用呢! ❤️儀式感滿滿的飯後甜品,讓我們好像重新吃一餐法式下午茶一樣,幸福感爆發! 🧀Dessert ▫️Cheese Platter 包括Comté cheese、Pecorino cheese 、Blue cheese 等3種芝士配上涼果,味道濃郁,愛芝士的朋友會超喜歡! ▫️Daily Dessert : Tiramisu 香滑Tiramisu內有甜甜栗子🌰 ▫️Petit Four 馬卡龍、Caramel 朱古力、貝殼蛋糕等4款可愛精緻小甜點,美得捨不得吃下呢! ☕️Tea:玫瑰花普洱,香濃又可消膩。 二人消費約🔖$2900
Written March 12, 2023
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong862 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Nov 2022 friends
中環都爹利街的樓梯處 剛好在煤氣街燈下 既高級意大利餐廳 有種「衆裏尋他千百度 驀然回首那人卻在燈火闌珊處」既感覺 · 主打意大利fine dinning既 A Lux 裝修高雅有格調 配以柔和燈光 · 情調氛圍十足 餐廳最近推出Secret Pasta Campaign 只要點餐期間提出「Secret Pasta」 大廚Chef Chung會以當日最新鮮食材炮製出 Secret Pasta 令用餐體驗多了一份神秘感 · Classic Menu ($1180/位) ♡ Bread basket 提供三款麵包 酸種麵包|香草麵包|薄脆 ♡ Amuse Bouche餐前小食 造型猶如一個迷你小甜筒 外層係墨魚汁脆筒 · 而裡面加入牛油果醬同赤身 最有驚喜係上面既柚子珠珠 · 整體口感層次非常豐富 ♡ US Prime beef tartare, crisp potatoes and onion puree 以華麗精緻既牛肉他他作為開場 用美國頂級牛肉作為他他 ·拌入洋蔥醬|香料等 利用炸薯仔絲點綴增加美感 ·再以意大利拖鞋麵包舖底 賣相已經相當吸引 · 香脆麵包配上柔軟鮮嫩既牛肉 非常令人驚喜既開場 ♡ Scrambled egg with blue lobster 賣相精緻中帶份小可愛 炒蛋用上意大利有機雞蛋 · 蛋香濃郁而非常嫩滑 配搭矜貴既法國藍龍蝦同魚子醬 令簡單一碟炒蛋變得不平凡 ♡ Scampi chanterelle pasta or risotto 同朋友各選了一份 店家既手工意粉係佢地signature之一 手工意粉很煙韌彈牙 · 而且非常掛汁 醬汁用上法國黃菌及牛油烹煮而成 · 不膩口反而好舒服 大廚選用挪威海螯蝦 · 肉質教扎實而鮮甜爽彈 ♡ Secret pasta of the day 大廚以當日最新鮮食材製成 所以每日唔同 · 保留一份神秘感 當日係西班牙紅蝦意粉 · 意粉似闊條麵非常掛醬汁 醬汁用紅蝦蝦膏同蕃茄製成 · 蝦味相當濃郁 ♡ US prime ribeye cap, root vegetable and shallot jus 肉眼既稀少部位 · 脂肪比例唔高但肉味濃郁 微焦外層而內裡保持粉嫩 配以用酒煮成既醬汁提升風味 ♡ Filo pastry, cod roulade with cioppino 用酥脆既酥皮包裹住鱈魚 雪白既魚肉保留juicy嫩滑感 配由青口|蜆肉|魷魚煮成既意大利海鮮湯 入口鮮味而清新 · 剛好中和酥皮膩感 ♡ Cheese platter 有三款唔同芝士配杏脯同核桃 · 由淡味到濃味 最鍾意係黑松露味 · 係口腔爆發既香氣 實在有驚喜 ♡ Secret Pasta 以另一道神秘盒子作為結尾 香脆既意大利雲吞 · 包裹住巧克力醬 幾有特式 ♡ Lemon Tea | Ice Lea Tea 會伴以瑪德蓮及巧克力 大廚是要把我胃裡最後的空間都填滿 ༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞༞(๑•́‧̫•̀๑)ఌ 小小總結: 非常令人滿足既Menu 手工意粉真的非常出色 咬感跟平時的完全不一樣 最後要大讚一下店員 服務超級好 · 而且對食材非常熟悉 絕對令整體用餐體驗大加分 ꕁꕀꕁꕀꕁꕀꕁꕀꕁꕀꕁꕀꕁꕀꕁꔅ ꕤꕤ A Lux ꕤꕤ 📍 中環都爹利街13號樂成行地庫M2號舖 ☏ 26639938 最新優惠 ఌ 🈹
Written November 23, 2022
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong417 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Nov 2022 none
中環都爹利街走到甘不多盡頭有一條較長既石梯 我係第一次黎,細看下發現原來係平時係電影中常見既場景 石梯上放左兩條長長既煤氣燈,晚上微弱既燈光影照住,係幾有氣氛 是晚係要去旁邊既一間fine dining 意大利法國菜 經石梯行到中間個位,就可以入 亦可經大廈答lift上到一樓 餐廳既門都用左仿鐵閘花紋 配塔金色既色系,有懷舊感又不失韻味 場內氣氛好寧靜 餐廳播著一些輕快既音樂,幾舒服,但不會太嘈而蓋過食客既聲,呢個位加分 色系都係好柔和既tone,dusty pink 既椅子配白色既餐枱布,然後周邊都有適量既金配飾閃亮返整個場, 有和諧感,令人覺得COZY又雅致 餐廳既坐位都好舒服,椅子靠背高身,有厚既CUSHION 我地坐近一個流水景既位置,侍應細心叫我地唔好放D 袋係流水旁,唔係會整濕 我即刻伸隻手指去篤下,真係有水! 侍應笑說:「都正常,我地同D客講,佢地都會忍唔住試下摸下。」哈哈! 咁岩我坐位係對住一幅畫,然後發現場內都掛左唔少既畫作 細問下,原來都係由法籍華人畫既 而好有趣既地方係,餐廳會係畫中拎到一些靈感投放係菜式度,配合畫作既意境 服務方面都貼心,我地叫左支sparkling water ($68支) 佢地周不時都會過黎幫我地倒水,而且係水中加左片青檸, 呢個做法幾好,因為有少少酸,口感豐富D 每上一道菜時會精簡咁解釋菜式既用料,做法等等 經理都會周不時過黎關顧返我地對食物既滿意度 呢D位都做得好好,係高級菜應有既水平✦ 講返食物,每樣都好有水準,質素平均地高 而且個份量都幾多下 因為係fine dining,所以每樣菜既樣都做得好精緻,好靚✦ 但份量就比普遍既fine dining 多,我同朋友都食到好飽,覺得性價比好高,不過最重要係味道好 每樣用料都講究,好似我地前後食左幾款蝦,都有分歐洲既藍龍蝦﹑冰島海蝦﹑西班牙紅蝦等等, 每款都有唔同煮法,呢個位真心好佩服chef 既用心,而我地都食得好開心 今次仲有個驚喜位,餐廳原來有樣係Secret Pasta,係佢地既signature✦ 大廚會用當日既時令新鮮食材去創配神秘的home-made pasta 未放上枱都唔知會有咩,呢個位真係令人期待 不過當然如果有咩food restriction 都可以用佢地事先講聲既 而且每晚唔同,時令食材都珍貴,所以建議Book 枱個陣落埋order 話要試secret pasta 整體說,呢一間環境舒服優雅,服務貼心,食物水準平均地好 大愛中菜既我,會再回頭,同朋友黎嚐下其他 題外話,我食食下電話冇電,原來餐廳可以借’’尿袋’’,勁開心✦ Classic Menu $1180 per person ➽麵包 麵包最重要有熱度,同埋鬆軟 兩者佢都做到 而且都會有意大利醋俾你沾 ➽餐前小食 有一個好精緻既蟹肉脆片 底部是墨汁脆片 上層係手拆阿拉斯加皇帝蟹肉 兩者配合一齊食好味 而且一口份量岩岩好,唔會太多太飽 ➽U.S. Prime beef tartare, crisp potatoes and onion puree 好好食 有別於普遍食既牛肉他他 呢個係有幾層既layer, 唔同既口感合埋一齊 首先用西班牙既拖鞋麵包做底 用料係美國頂級牛他他,用質新鮮但唔會有渣/根 配埋個汁好好食! 個汁係合拼兩個唔同既洋蔥做法, 一個係切碎粒, 一個將洋蔥打碎變汁 面層鋪左一D炸薯條幼絲,雖然係炸,但唔油膩 入口好快溶 一啖要咬晒幾層咁食,個口感就會好正 真係好好食,好豐富! ➽Scrambled egg with blue lobster 外形好特別,直接用一隻雞蛋殼裝住藍龍蝦肉,碟底有炒蛋 藍龍蝦肉上加上俄羅斯既魚子醬 藍龍蝦肉質有點爽帶少少軟腍,好食 然後我再將D龍蝦肉連汁倒落去炒蛋,再撈埋一齊食 好好味 個汁有龍蝦既鮮甜咸香味,所以加埋口味清淡既炒蛋岩岩好 ➽Scampi chanterelle pasta or risotto 兩款都叫了黎試 用既係冰島海蝦 我覺得屬於主角之一既係加左「黃菌」,係秋冬既限定食物,菌味濃郁,配埋牛油忌廉汁,creamy 但唔太膩 要講下個麵條,係粗形柱身,咬入口有d 彈牙,外軟內硬,好有趣 飯煮到約7成熟,口感唔會太軟,唔會太濕,呢D 位都做得好 ➽Secret Pasta of the Day (需要特別order) 係西班牙紅蝦配手工闊條麵 加左蕃茄同少許既辣炒調出黎 手工闊條麵好粗身,外層少軟內層硬既口感,每一口都食得出平均地彈牙 而且麵條係廚師自己手打,好有誠意 紅蝦比較大隻 ,蝦味濃郁,所以煮出黎既汁好鮮﹑好濃郁 ➽Filo pastry, cod roulade with cioppino 係用法式春卷皮包住雪魚 春卷皮用左3層,但食入口一d都唔會覺得’’厚得濟’’,因為春卷皮做到好薄脆,3層都層次分明 魚肉好甜,肉質滑 個汁都係精華,因為用左海鮮濃湯去做出黎 雪魚卷下面仲用左大量既海鮮承伴 澳洲青口﹑日本墨魚﹑日本蜆 想讚下個青口,有汁,肉都幾嫩,唔係乾身個d,真係食得出佢地對用料好講究 ➽US prime ribeye cap, root vegetable and shallot jus 叫左5成熟,冇乜血水, 讚 牛肉肉質幾軟腍,肉味濃 佢底部伴左個汁,係用西芹頭打出黎既醬,以我所知西芹頭係比較甜既部位,所以出黎個汁都真係幾清甜 配返紅酒煮過既洋蔥汁,酒亦都做到提鮮既效果 ➽Warm pear tart and white chocolate sauce 比較少見既熱食甜品 梨肉清甜爽口,焗完迫出個香甜味 配合外層個粉脆撻皮,好食 ➽Cheese platter 3款既芝士加有合桃同杏脯 左手邊既Comté比較實身,口感粉實,咸香重,味濃 camembert 口味較淡,可中和平衡返上一個味道 最後係藍芝士morbier,入口比較快溶,因為好濃郁,所以可以配搭杏脯既清爽,平衡返個味道 ➽Secret Pasta, Ravioli Dolce 估唔到原來secret pasta 仲有第2款,仲可以做埋甜品 義式大餛飩既外形,係包裹住朱古力醬 朱古力帶甘苦淡香甜
Written November 13, 2022
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong3386 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Nov 2022 none
位於中環都爹利街的盡頭,有四盞香港僅存的1880年代煤氣街燈,作為擁有逾百年歷史的法定古蹟,多年來成為了不少電影、電視劇的熱門取景之地,也是拍攝婚照的熱點。 在如此經典浪漫場景中,於花崗石造的石階上隱藏了一間高級意法餐廳 A Lux,這晚就來享受一餐fine dining,為生活來一點儀式感。 裝潢以白色為主調,金色及翠綠色為輔,特意將餐廳外歷史悠久的煤氣路燈燈光元素融入設計中,增添古典優雅氣息。 內裡環境寬敞,牆身特地設置了水簾,將一幅幅藝術畫作藏在涓涓流水後面,配合昏黃柔和燈光,別有一番醉人格調。 今次就點了6-course Classic Menu ($1,180 per person),只需於點菜期間要求「Secret Pasta」,主廚Chef Chung便會按照當日供應的時令食材,為客人準備一款神秘的新鮮手工意粉。 點菜後,侍應就會奉上烘得暖暖的酸種麵包Sourdough、香草包及脆片,拌以橄欖油及黑醋。 先來一口一個的Amuse Bouche餐前小吃,挑起舌頭的慾望,喚醒沉睡的味蕾。 U.S. Prime beef tartare, crisp potatoes and onion puree 擺盤姿態優雅,裝飾出簡約藝術美感,將美國頂級Prime製成生牛肉他他突顯肉香,配以香脆薯絲及洋蔥泥,再以拖鞋麵包Ciabatta墊底,一口就已充滿多重味覺層次。 Scrambled egg with blue lobster 雞蛋造型可愛趣緻,選用意大利雞蛋製成的半熟滑蛋色澤光鮮亮麗,入口滑溜,包裹著豐盈蛋汁。 產量稀少的藍龍蝦味濃爽彈,不需過多調味,最能表達高級食材的原始鮮味,將烏黑鹹鮮的魚子醬和手拆藍龍蝦肉倒進炒蛋中,同時滿足口腹之慾和感觀體驗。 Scampi chanterelle pasta or risotto 可選意大利麵或燴飯,同樣都是搭配鮮味肉厚的挪威海螯蝦及具有獨特杏仁香的雞油菌。 意式手工意粉是餐廳的招牌菜,新鮮現造意粉與乾意粉最大的分別就是彈性中帶點煙韌的麵質,挺身富有Al dente咬口嚼勁,而且醬汁亦是意菜的靈魂,份量調控得恰到好處,剛好足夠沾在麵條上但又不會過濕而浸軟Pasta。 Risotto 煮至軟硬適中,入口奶滑煙韌,米心帶有嚼勁且不易軟爛。 Secret Pasta of the Day 是日神秘驚喜為西班牙紅蝦寬條麵,全身緋紅的西班牙紅蝦被譽為世界上最好吃的蝦,產量稀少,肉質鮮甜爽彈,鮮味比一般海蝦濃香數倍。 醬汁使用西班牙紅蝦頭及紅蝦膏熬製,配以李子番茄一同炒香,採用意大利雞蛋純手工製成的寬條麵帶有蛋香,Fettuccine質感比幼身意粉更加煙韌彈牙,加上吸水力極強,因此極易掛汁,每一條盡吸蝦鮮精華。 Filo pastry, cod roulade with cioppino 主菜運用各種時令海鮮,包括銀鱈魚、魷魚、蜆及青口,鮮味滿瀉,外層薄身酥皮烤至金黃,批皮具有鬆化酥脆口感,不會過膩。 脆薄的酥皮包著豐腴雪白的銀鱈魚,酥皮與魚扒緊緊接在一起,銀鱈魚肉質保持軟綿滑嫩,富有白身魚的清爽鮮甜。 US prime ribeye cap, root vegetable and shallot jus 自選Medium 五成熟,火候控制得精準,煎得表面帶炭火焦香,美國Prime 級肉眼扒脂肪不多但肉味較濃。 一切開中心仍保持嫩紅色,保留牛扒豐腴的肉汁,肉質鬆軟富油香,牛味濃郁有層次。 Cheese platter 法國人愛在主菜及甜品之間奉上芝士拼盤,集齊三款硬度與奶源迴異的優質芝士,配搭一杯美酒,更可發揮一加一大於二的化學作用。 Warm pear tart and white chocolate sauce 撻皮堅挺脆身,舖滿晶瑩細滑的梨肉切粒,將梨子的天然清甜果香與肉桂的特有香味交互融合,齒頰留香。 第二道Secret Pasta 則化身成出乎意料的甜品,造型工整的手工意大利雲吞麵皮裹著濃醇的朱古力醬,為傳統意式Ravioli融入創意變奏。 最後奉上法式貝殼小蛋糕Madeleines及朱古力作餐後Petit Four小甜點,滿滿的儀式感為這頓晚餐畫上甜蜜完滿的句號。 Classic Menu 每人包括一杯餐飲。
Written November 11, 2022
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong1463 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Oct 2022 couples
// 𝙀𝙭𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝘾𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙝-𝙄𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙨 - 𝘼 𝙇𝙪𝙭 🍴 // - Located at Duddell's Street, 𝐀 𝐋𝐮𝐱 serves a menu of classic French-Italian flavors, dedicated to sourcing the best seasonal produce for every dish to bring out the natural flavors of the ingredients. - ☞ 𝐀 𝐋𝐮𝐱 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐮 - 𝐇𝐊$𝟏𝟏𝟖𝟎 𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 Presented as a fixed set menu of six-course, this dinner menu offers a top-notch dining experience with the following dishes, including Smoked salmon imperial fillet with Baeri caviar; Scallop, asparagus and Iberico ham; Lobster bisque with ravioli and cognac; Fettuccine, confit duck leg and truffle; either Cod fillet with ox tail stew or Beef rib eye cap, pumpkin and shallot; finished off with Dessert or Cheese platter. - Some of our fav dishes were the Fettuccine, confit duck leg and truffle, flawlessly cooked to an al dente texture and complimented with shredded confit duck, then topped with finely shaved black truffle for an earthy and exquisite taste and presentation. - The second dish that stood out from the rest was the Beef rib eye cap, pumpkin and shallot, beautifully cooked to medium rare with a tender and succulent texture, and with flavors elevated by the pumpkin purée for a dainty sweetness. - // 𝟏𝟎% 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞 🔝 // ʙs-sғsɢ-ǫᴘʟ-ᴏʟ-sᴄɴ
Written October 1, 2022
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Sweet & Savoury
Hong Kong940 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Jul 2022 couples
中環都爹利街煤氣燈旁的意法餐廳A Lux,環境幽雅寬敞舒適,適合慶祝紀念日或聚餐。主廚曾在香港fine dining餐廳和法國的米芝蓮餐廳工作過,質素有一定保證。 The passionate Head Chef, Chung shares his creative remake of French and Italian cuisine, from his culinary experiences in local fine dining restaurants and MICHELIN restaurants in France. 𓇢 𝑏w𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑒 - 𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑝𝑢𝑓𝑓 A delicate finger food with freshness from the crabmeat to start off the meal! 一口大小的墨魚汁脆片配上清新鹹甜的蟹肉小巧又精緻 𓇢 𝑆𝑚𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑏𝑎𝑒𝑟𝑖 𝑐𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑟 A fresh appetiser with refreshing salad vegetables, silky smooth smoked salmon and savoury caviar 煙三文魚的幼滑口感加上魚子醬的鹹香 配上沙律菜 是清爽的前菜 𓇢 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑝, 𝐴𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑚 Fresh and sweet seasonal Japanese Hokkaido scallops are nicely seared in amazing golden brown colour. Mild and delicate white asparagus puree gives a nutty flavour, while the iberico ham brings vivid savoury flavours to the dish to replace excessive seasonings. 來自日本北海道的新鮮帶子煎至微微金黃 配上法國白蘆筍蓉味道清新自然 伊比利亞黑毛豬火腿絲的鹹香 帶出了帶子的鮮味 近乎沒有額外調味的一道菜 透過食材的搭配也可以有這樣的鹹鮮! 𓇢 𝐿𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑖𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑖 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑐 Dainty ravioli holds complex flavours like a pocket and it tastes so nice with the rich lobster bisque! A gentle amount of cognac was added and it gives extra depth to the flavour 其中一道非常期待的菜式 意大利雲吞小巧可愛 濃郁的龍蝦湯在奉上時以玻璃壺倒進碟中 加進了干邑酒的濃湯有淡淡酒香 𓇢 𝐹𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑙𝑒𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑙𝑒 Handmade in kitchen daily, the fettuccine was cooked al dente with a nice texture and aroma from the egg yolk. Topped with shredded meat from duck confit and truffle, the dish was rich in flavours and very aromatic. 廚師手工製作的義大利寬麵 加上法式的油封鴨脾肉 還有松露的香氣 每一口都有濃濃的滋味 𓇢 𝑆𝑒𝑎𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑥 𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑙 Perfectly cooked Seabass fillet was having an amazing crust on the skin, while all the moisture are locked in with tender texture 牛尾汁配上煎得恰到好處的鱸魚柳 外皮香脆 肉質非常嫩滑 𓇢 𝐵𝑒𝑒𝑓 𝑟𝑖𝑏 𝑒𝑦𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑘𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑡 Rib eye cooked medium-rare showed the finesse of the cook! The amazing crust and pink inner part of the beef was so tempting, and it was very juicy. Surprisingly the pumpkin puree has a note of ginger and it matches well with the beef, bringing extra sweetness. 非常喜歡這道菜 煎封的恰到好處的肉眼 展現了廚師的技藝 牛扒外層煎得焦脆 一切開就見到漂亮的粉紅色 整塊牛扒的熟度平均 非常多肉汁 加了薑的南瓜蓉意外的與牛扒搭配! 微微的辛香帶出了肉的甜味 加上青翠的蘆筍額外清爽 𓇢 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑡 - 𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑒 Silky smooth chocolate mousse with a balance of flavour with the tangy orange flavour. Beautifully presented dessert marks a perfect end of the meal! 絲滑的朱古力慕絲方塊 配上清新的香橙味道令人難以抗拒 𓇢 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑠𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 Cheese is a must have for French dining table! The pungent smell of truffle cheese is perfect for all truffle lovers 法式餐桌上必定會出現的芝士拼盤!松露迷絕不能馥郁芬芳的松露芝士 𓇢 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑒 - 𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 Moist Madeleine cake and chocolate with berries flavoured filling for the last surprise!
Written July 29, 2022
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Foodboy Material
Hong Kong10088 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
May 2022 none
咩叫做真正既浪漫?「A Lux」以歐式風情設計 配搭煤氣路燈,營造一種優雅色彩,色調方面 以金色同翠綠色襯托返成個木系質感,奢華得黎 又有幾分藝術色彩,係呢到無論享受住lunch定 dinner course,再同你伴侶cheers哼哼杯, 呢一刻我就明白浪漫,呢個名幾咁勁!👇 - 📌Dinner Set Menu - $1,080/Head ♦️entrée - ▪️ Amuse · bouche - ▪️ Smoked salmon imperial fillet · oscietra caviar - ▫️ 法式第一步先有呢個「開胃·小吃」,其實係個 用墨魚汁整成既puff加左牛油果醬,而面頭既 阿拉斯加蟹肉加左檸檬汁,一啖食特別清新鬆脆; 而前菜就有呢個「煙燻三文魚柳·魚子醬」, 個salmon面頭有奢華既魚子醬,配上三種唔同 醬汁,包括cauliflower sauce、sour cream、 avocado sauce,食既時侯將三文魚連埋所有 sauce一齊食,鹹香味顯著提升,好好食! - ♦️soup - ▪️ Lobster bisque · sweet corn - ▫️ 再上就輪到人氣招牌「法式粟米蓉·龍蝦濃湯」, 未倒湯前見到金黃色既其實係栗米整成既purée, 而個龍蝦湯底因為經炒過之後再braise,所以入口 特別濃滑入味,而配搭埋波士頓龍蝦肉, 口感確實係一絕。 - ♦️first course - ▪️ Scallop pancetta · Italian egg - ▪️ Fettuccine · confit duck leg and truffle - ▫️ 開始進入主菜環節,先黎個「意大利煙肉·日本 帶子配蛋汁」,大廚用左pancetta包住個帶子, 而呢道菜既精華就係來自於底部既意大利蛋做既蛋汁, 果然無令我失望,帶子爽甜彈滑,加埋蛋汁軟綿 滑溜既質感,份外好食;另一款「松露·油封鴨腿· 寬條麵」寬條麵都係以手工製成,所以食落特別 煙韌有咬口,而配上低溫慢察既油封鴨腿同埋 truffle,連埋一齊食,一秒愛上。 - ♦️ second course - ▪️ Sea bass · ox-tail stew - ▪️ Beef rib eye cap · pumpkin and shallot - ▫️ 再黎就係「法國鱸魚·紅酒牛尾汁」,大廚將Sea bass以pan-fried形式烹調,配上底部菠菜既, 海鱸魚既外皮脆身,肉質嫩滑,連埋旁邊用左紅酒 煮過既牛尾汁加埋薯泥四樣一齊食,口感相當豐富; 第二道就係「USDA肉眼上蓋·南瓜拼盤」,rib eye cap用上最側邊既位置,烤到五成熟岩岩好, 所以食起上黎肉質更tender,更Juicy,配搭底部既 南瓜蓉、南瓜脆片、南瓜粉同埋shallot juice, 可以話係錦上添花。 - ♦️last course - ▪️ Chocolate · mousse - ▪️ Cheese · platter - ▫️ 當然點少得甜品環節呢,正方形既「朱古力·慕絲」 配上cacao sauce,甜而不膩,而旁邊三個chocolate sponge cake配上榛子一齊食,食落順滑兼帶有 脆口,幾特別;而「芝士·拼盤」一次過食勻 Reggiano、Comté、Morbier,分別都Aged左 24個月,而前者入口帶有松露香,我最鍾意。 - 📎 A Lux 📍中環都爹利街13號樂成行地庫M2號舖
Written May 11, 2022
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong7057 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Apr 2022 none
年輕時在中環上班,早午晚都是人頭湧湧,令人有喘不過氣的感覺。 但繁囂過後,總有沉澱的一刻。 就在都爹利街的一角,幾盞古樸的煤氣街燈,靜靜地佇立了超過一個世紀,不單見證著風雲色變的日子,更看盡了人世間的悲歡離合。 就在樓梯旁邊不顯眼的位置,近月進駐了一間不錯的意大利餐廳。 從煤氣燈街拾級而上,中段位置右轉,便是餐廳正門所在,頗有旺中帶靜的氛圍。 畢竟仍在限聚令的日子,就跟一段日子沒見的朋友來個 Early Dinner 吧! 餐廳是開放式廚房,亦是近年大勢所趨,柔和的燈光令人感到安寧謐靜。 選了靠在窗邊的小桌,可以邊用餐邊欣賞錯落的行人。 餐前小食先端來墨魚汁泡芙,內裡是牛油果蓉,小巧而精緻,多麼的令人討好,放上阿拉斯加蟹肉,增添了甜美的感覺,幾片沙律菜的擺放,猶如一件盆栽,未品嚐已經賞心悅目。 Appetizers Maguro Tartare, Avocado and Tuile 前菜充滿了立體感,置底的是牛油果碎,中層是吞拿魚他他,再放上一片墨魚汁脆脆,頂端是ginger sauce、牛油果sauce及沙律菜,令色澤繽紛,油潤與微脆的口感夾雜,層次分明。 Main 既然是當作晚餐,就不妨豐富一點吧! Lobster Bique, Ravioli and Cognac 打頭陣是法式海龍王湯(龍蝦湯),homemade意大利餛飩與龍蝦湯是分開上,餛飩以龍蝦肉作為餡料,放上幾片防風草,黃綠交替,增添視覺效果。 即場由侍應把龍蝦湯注入,帶有有干邑製成嘅泡沫,縈繞的香氣令人心動。 濃稠的質感,緊扣龍蝦的味道,任誰都會愛上,更何況雲吞餡料儘是飽滿的龍蝦肉? Fettuccine with Carabineros Prawn 另一道主食是西班牙紅蝦配 homemade闊條麵。 跟食友B兄夫婦一樣,自從在 Marco Polo 的Cucina 品嚐過後,便不期然愛上了,今天同一道菜,仍是有出色的表現。 麵條咬落帶al dente的質感,更展現出強勁的掛汁能力,把紅蝦的鮮味都凝住了,不錯。 加上褪殼紅蝦肉的加持,醬汁以蝦頭、蝦膏及蕃茄熬成,秒殺是沒半點難度。 Lam Rack, Lentil Beans and Rosemary 同行朋友正在以生酮減肥,澱粉質盡是我囊中物,唯有追加法式焗羊架。 很欣賞侍應會主動詢問羊肉的熟成度,而在建議下,就選擇了medium。 羊架外層塗上了係迷迭香醬料,我鍾意,切開兩半,是嫣紅的肉質,火喉控制得準繩,入口鬆軟幼嫩,而且羶味輕盈,相信就算是女士們都易於接受,side dishes 是燴的夠稔的扁豆,已很久沒踫過有如此質素的羊架了。 另一道菜還未放下,已傳來陣陣魚香,原來是香煎海鱸魚,對於不太喜歡羊肉或戒牛的朋友,確實多了一個選擇。 輕輕用刀一按,已感到魚皮的香脆,吃起來毫無討厭的魚腥味。 蘸點的牛油汁加入檸檬汁,多了一份清新怡人,更是平衡了油膩的感覺,足以加印象分。 Dessert 兩款甜品正好跟朋友分享。 雖然說是經典French Crème Brûlée,但卻是以 「解構甜品」(Deconstructed)的方式呈現,賣相更亮麗,雖然燉蛋加入了薑味,但感覺輕柔,沒有澎湃的感覺衝擊味蕾,caramel sauce 以簡樸的手法塗上,插上杏仁薄片令整道甜品更立體。 至於 Passion Fruit Cheese Cake with Mango Sauce,混圓的熱情果芝士蛋糕,伴以清香甜美的芒果肉粒及芒果珠珠,甜酸夾雜,又是令人著迷的配搭。 不經意地,跟朋友說說笑笑,呷著Pepper Mint Tea,近日有點不快都彷彿隨笑聲中溜走了。
Written April 24, 2022
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong2392 contributions
4.0 of 5 bubbles
May 2024 friends
This is an Italian 🇮🇹 and French restaurant 🇫🇷 located on Duddell Street in Central. The neat furnishings, soft lighting, and attentive service of the staff all add points to the restaurant ❤️ The most important thing is the exquisite and delicious food 🥂 ▫️ After ordering the meal, bread🥖and a pre-dinner snack made of smoked salmon guacamole per person🥑 were delivered. When the bread was finished, the clerk asked if he wanted to add more😘 ✂︎ ❥ꜰʀᴇɴᴄʜ ʙᴇᴇꜰ ᴛᴀʀᴛᴀʀᴇ, ꜱᴍᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴀʏᴏ, ꜰʀɪᴇᴅ ᴛᴏᴀꜱᴛ: The beef tartare is added with smoked mayonnaise. The texture is smooth and you can taste the freshness and sweetness of the beef. 👍🏻 When paired with crispy toast, the taste is richer. 🍞 The white powder on the accompanying plate is full of truffle aroma, which is a surprise❣️ ✂︎ ❥ʟᴏʙꜱᴛᴇʀ ʙɪꜱǫᴜᴇ, ᴛᴏʀᴛᴇʟʟɪɴɪ: The waiter poured the rich lobster bisque into the plate, and the aroma hit your nose😻 It was full of umami and delicious👍🏻 There was also a small and cute Italian dumpling🥟 ✂︎ ❥ꜱᴘᴀɢʜᴇᴛᴛɪ, 24 ᴍᴏɴᴛʜꜱ ᴘᴀʀᴍᴇꜱᴀɴ ᴄʜᴇᴇꜱᴇ, ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴛʀᴜꜰɪʟ ᴇ: The chef cooks the pasta in an orderly manner in a whole piece of ᴘᴀʀᴍᴇꜱᴀɴ ᴄʜᴇᴇꜱᴇ. The flame effect made by adding alcohol attracts everyone's attention😻 After serving it, fresh black truffles are added to the dish, and the aroma is overflowing🤤 Full of cheese, truffle and wine aroma, rich and delicious🍝🫶🏻 ✂︎ ❥ᴄᴀʀᴀʙɪɴᴇʀᴏꜱ ᴘʀᴀᴡɴ ʜᴏᴍᴇᴍᴀᴅᴇ ꜱᴘᴀɢʜᴇᴛᴛɪ: Each piece of spaghetti is covered with sour and sweet tomato sauce, and the fresh smell stimulates the appetite. It is not difficult to eat one plate alone🤤 The Spanish red shrimp is full of sweetness and rich shrimp flavor👍🏻 When you suck the shrimp head, you can see the inside The soup is fresh and sweet, don’t miss it🦐👍🏻 ✂︎ ❥ᴛᴏᴏᴛʜꜰɪꜱʜ, ᴄᴜᴛᴛʟᴇꜰɪꜱʜ, ʙᴏᴜɪʟʟᴀʙᴀɪꜱꜱᴇ: The sea bass skin is crispy and delicious, the surface of the fish is golden yellow, and it is hot and smoking when cut into pieces🌬️ The snow-white fish meat is tender and tender, soaked in the fish soup and has a rich flavor that makes people keep eating😻👍🏻 The cuttlefish particles and other ingredients on the dish are also delicious🦑🫶🏻 ✂︎ ❥ᴜꜱᴅᴀ ʀɪʙᴇʏᴇ, ꜱʜᴀʟʟᴏᴛꜱ ᴊᴜꜱ: The top-notch ʀɪʙᴇʏᴇ has rich flavor, full gravy, and the pink color makes your index finger lick your fingers😻 You can taste it easily with no effort in chewing👍🏻 My friends who were traveling with the Cow Demon King praised it🥩👏🏻 ✂︎ ❥ᴅᴇꜱꜱᴇʀᴛ ❥ᴘᴇᴛɪᴛ ꜰᴏᴜʀ That night, I ordered the smooth and sweet ᴛɪʀᴀᴍɪꜱᴜ as ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ 🍮 ᴘᴇᴛɪᴛ ꜰᴏᴜʀ, especially the chubby ᴍᴀᴅᴇʟᴇɪɴᴇ 🫶🏻 ▫️ ▫️ ◦ ---------------------------------- ◦ 📍A Lux 🔍Shop M2, Basement, Le Sing Hong, 13 Duddell Street, Central ◦ ---------------------------------- ◦
Written May 1, 2024
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong1985 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Mar 2024 friends
👉The interior is infused with an elegant atmosphere, the main tone is white, and it is very open. . . 📌Weekend brunch $528~ It starts with a bread 🥖basket, plus the appetizers come in different flavors, unlimited refills~~📌Chernicle buffalo cheese salad, 📌Shrimp tropical fruit toast, 📌Smoked salmon with sour cream roe Sauce, 📌French omelet, 📌fish and tomato toast, 📌air-dried ham salad...all are at your disposal, even big eaters are not afraid‼ ️ 📌Black truffle spaghetti +$88 ~ The moist and slightly hard spaghetti is smoky and tough, and the slices of black truffle highlight its nobility. 📌Beef Bolognese Lasagna ~ Italian tomato sauce is added to the lasagna to reduce the sauce, retaining the layers of beef and lasagna, which is full of flavor. 📌Sheep Rack +$48 ~ Pink and tender meat, soft in the mouth with a bit of mutton flavor, a favorite among sheep fans. 😍 📌Rib Eye Steak +$68 ~ Large, seared and pan-fried rib eye steak, generous portion, tender red color with juicy parts, prominent and elastic fat, full of beef flavor⋯ 📌Napoleon with sorbet ~ The crispy puff pastry is crispy and fragrant, and the sorbet is a good complement. 📌The heart is too soft ~ Summarize it with high-quality desserts ~ Satisfied☺️ . 🏬 A Lux (Central) 🚦 Shop M2, Basement, Le Sing Hong, 13 Duddell Street, Central ✅ follow IG: @shylau_ . #hkig #hkfoodie #hkfoodblogger #foodlover #deliciousfood #hkfoodstagram # Mobilefood First #camerafoodxian #foodie #shylau #aluxhk #brunch #centralhk # centralhk food #brunch
Written March 31, 2024
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

W. Yu
Hong Kong1839 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Feb 2024 couples
Whenever you pass by Duddell Street in Central, you can't help but stare at the old-fashioned gas lamps here. It is indeed full of Hong Kong's history, culture and architecture; it attracts tourists and photography enthusiasts of different nationalities to take photos. If you are afraid of not being able to make a reservation on Valentine's Day, make a reservation at open rice first and enjoy a 20% discount on the entire order. Spend Valentine's Day early tonight at the only Italian restaurant on this staircase. The waiter introduced non-alcoholic specialty drinks and wine pairing at great discounts, but we ordered S. Pellegrino first and then chose the 4 Course Dinner Menu: Salmon, Caviar, Cream Cheese Roll~Put this roll into your mouth. The rich caviar and cheese come together to bring out the tender and smooth salty aroma. It is firm in the mouth and complements the tender taste of the salmon. Foie gras carpaccio with black truffles~ Black truffles are fragrant. Just put some black truffles on the fresh carpaccio and eat them together. The rich black truffle flavor will be exuded, tender and delicious, and complement each other. Spanish red shrimp spaghetti ~ bright in color, sweet in flavor, the spaghetti is both smokey and chewy, this dish is very tasty and mouth-watering. American Beef Eye Steak ~ The meat is tender, elastic, and rich in meat flavor. It melts in your mouth with every bite. The secret dry onion juice enhances the rich flavor of the beef. Snow pear soaked in white wine and served with ice cream ~ has a unique taste and texture, chewing it one by one will leave you with endless aftertaste. Finally, I had a glass of hot lemonade to finish this high-quality fine dining😋🤗🤗
Written February 12, 2024
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

Hong Kong538 contributions
5.0 of 5 bubbles
Feb 2024 couples
My lover carefully arranged this romantic dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day in advance. The high-style western restaurant next to the historical sites in Central District played lyrical music all night, and the atmosphere was soft👏 Waiters can use openrice to book a table and enjoy a 20% discount. We also recommend non-alcoholic specialty drinks and discounted wine pairings👏 Choose from a four-course tasting menu, Pre-dinner snack, salmon and caviar roll, smooth and tender salmon rolled with cream cheese, topped with caviar, sweet and soft 😋 Lobster bisque with Italian dumplings, the soup is rich and full of shrimp aroma, add dumplings to increase the taste😋 Scallop and pumpkin risotto, full of pumpkin flavor, with scallop meat that is fresh, sweet, chewy and chewy, the portion is just right and not greasy😋 Slow-cooked French chicken with morel sauce is a main course that is better than expected. After slow-cooking, the meat is obviously smooth and tender, and the texture of the meat is maintained. The morel sauce enhances the taste of the chicken😋 Cheese platter as an after-dinner snack and French pastries (petit four) as dessert😋 A cup of hot black tea to end this romantic French-Italian meal👏
Written February 5, 2024
This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. Read our transparency report to learn more.

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