Batman Begins - Guide and Walkthrough - PlayStation 2 - By a_heavenly_body - GameFAQs
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Guide and Walkthrough (PS2) by a_heavenly_body

Version: Final | Updated: 07/22/2005

                 __________         __                         
                 \______   \_____ _/  |_  _____ _____    ____  
                  |    |  _/\__  \\   __\/     \\__  \  /    \ 
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                           \/     \/_____/         \/     \/ 


Game    : Batman Begins
Author  : a_heavenly_body
Console : Sony Playstation 2
Version : Final
FAQ     : Full FAQ/Walkthrough
E-Mail  :

Copyrite 2005 a_heavenly_body



2-Copyrite Notice
3-Version History
I.On Foot
II.On Batmobile
5-Fear Factor
 I.What Is the Concept Of Fear?
 II.Why Use It?
 III.How To USe It?
 IV.Fear Representation Bars
 V.Flash Bangs
 VI.HF Transpoder
 VIII.Optic Cable
 IX.Smoke Grenade
7-Combat Moves
 D.Counter Attack
 E.Defense Break
 F.Finishing Attack
 G.Finishing Move
 H.Ground Attack
 I.Jump Attack
 J.Multiple Attack
 K.Roll Attack
 L.Vault Attack
 V.Enemy Heart Beat
 VI.Enemey Name
 VII.Enemey Weapon
9-General Walkthrough 
 4.Passage To Gotham
 5.Gotham City
 6.The Narrows
 7.Arkham Asylem
 8.Saving Rachel
 9.Wayne Manor
 10.Narrows-Part 2 (Final Level)
 A.Interviw With the Cast
 B.Interview With The Film Makers
 C.Interview With EA
 D.Interview With The Writers
 E.Interview With WBIE
II.Movie Footage
 1.Teaser trailer
 2.TV spot
 4.Prologue Intro
 5.Prologue End
 6.Himalayas Intro
 7.Himalayas End
 8.Gotham Docks Intro
 9.Gotham Docks End
 10.Passage to Gotham Intro
 11.Passage to Gotham End
 12.Gotham City Intro
 13.Gotham City End
 14.Arkham Asylum Intro
 15.Arkham Asylum End
 16.Saving Rachel intro
 17.Saving Rachel End
 18.Wayne Manor Intro
 19.Wayne Manor End
 20.Narrows Intro
 21.Narrows End
III.Alternate Batsuits
 A.Batman Begins
 B.Dark Knight
 C.World's Greatest Detective
 D.Caped Crusader
IV.Bonus Batmobile Missions
V.Gallery Of Fear
 I.East Wing
   1.Lee Bascomb
   2.Paul Ryker
   3.Lungtaen Pem
   4.Sgt. Robert Hardey
   5.Jackson Eckhouse Esq.
   6.Carmine Falcone
   7.Marvin Walker
   8.Walter Pfister
 II.West Wing
   1.Detective Flass
   2.Victor Zsasz
   3.Paul Jennings
   4.Jonathan Crane
   5.Andrew Grieves
   6.Ugyen Norbu
   7.Robert Burke
   8.Henri Ducard
 A.Crane Thugs
 B.Manic Inmates
 C.League Member
 D.League Ninja
 E.Ra's Al Ghul
 F.Falcone's Thugs
 I.Detective Flass
 J.Helicopter Pilot
 K.Enemy Car
 L.Enemy Van
 M.Freight Truck
 N.Police Vehicles



Hi,this is my Full FAQ/Walkthrough for Batman Begins,the game.The movie as
you might already know,gave rebirth to the batman franchise and the game
although not path defining but definately fun.[i am a big batman fan :-)].


2-Copyrite Notice

This document is copyrite 2005 a_heavenly_body It cannot be altered reproduced
or published under any circumstances without my permission. The only websites
currently allowed to host it are
Thats it. If i find it on any other website without my permission then the
web master will be in one heck of a trouble as i will immediately take legal
action. If you spot it on an un authorized website inform me via e-mail as
soon as you can(see contacts section). If you want it on your website then me
an e-mail asking permission and we will discuss things(see contacts section)


3-Version History

30-06-2005...v 0.1...Made the basic outline of the faq today,added in some 
questions in th faq section which i know will come,and completed the gadgets
01-07-2005...v 0.2..Did the first mission.Yeah i know i am very lazy :-)
07-07-2005...v 0.3..Redid the gadgets section.Changed the layout of the FAQ.
Added a section on fear factor.Added all combat moves.Added the Unlockables
section.Did the first couple of missions.The extra's of the game are all done.
Now just the main storyline missions are left.This was one BIG update.Also did
the controls section.
08/07/2005...v 0.4.Removed the unlockables section.Added an enemies section and
wrote more missions.This enemies section is incomplete.I will redo the unlock-
ables section some time again.
09/07/2005...v 0.5.Completed the enemies section.Redid the unlockables section.
It is complete 90 %.If anyone can send me the descriptions of the last 5
people then i will be greatly obliged.General walktrhough complete upto the
Gotham City.General Walkthrough section is 55 % complete.I expect to finish
the unlockables section in next update and have the general walkthough section
complete upto at least 70%.MIGHT redo the movie footage section.Contributions
10/07/2005...v 0.6...General walkthrough complete upto The Narrows.This section
is 60% complete.Was not able to complete the unlockables section as my ps2 has
gone for repair.Someone please send me the descriptions of the last 5 people
for the gallery of fear.Mention that in the subject while sending an e-mail so
that i pay extra attention.Was not able to re-do the movie footage section.I am
a little off-schedule.To top it off,i will be out of town till the 15th of july
and since i DONOT have a laptop i will not be able to respond to e-mails or
work on an update.But don't stop sending me contributions or questions.
12/07/05...v 0.7...Change of plan.I wont be going out of town until the 15th of
july.Made a H.U.D section in this update.Still was not able to get the history
of the last 5 people in the gallery of fear.Will definately complete general
wakthrough section upto wayne manor in next update.
17/07/05...v 0.8...GETIING ABSOLUTELY NO FEED BACK on the faq.Its like no one
cares.So be it.I have not written the main arkham asylem part yet,will in next
update.I start this level from the escape.Will cover it up in next update.
18/07/05...v 0.9...Still havent done the main asylem part.Completed upto wayne
manor.This faq is very close to completion.Just the last level and the main
part of the asylem are yet to be written.Alongside the history of the five
people left in the gallery of fear.I'd say the faq is 90% complete.Also updated
the enemies section in this version.
19/07/05...v 0.9b...Corrected a mistake in the escape from arkham part.FINALLY
completed the histories of the last 5 people in the gallery of fear.Started
work on the last mission.


20/07/05...v 1.0...Completed the last mission.Also completed the arkham asylem
main part.Re-did the movie footage section.This faq is now 100% complete and i
don't think it requires any more update.



I.On Foot

Left Analog Stick...........Move
Right Analog Stick..........Control Camera
X Button....................Jump/Double Jump/Glide
O Button....................Situational action.
TRIANGLE Button.............Kick
SQUARE Button...............Puch
R1 Button...................Situational Batarang
L1 Button...................Use selected Gadget
L2 Button...................Quit Combat/Camera
R2 Button...................Block/Roll
L3 Button...................Enter/Quit Stealth Mode
Up/Down D-Pad...............Select Available Gadgets
Left/Right D-Pad............Change between selected interactable objects
Slect.......................Information about missions.

II.On Batmobile

Left Analog.............Steer
X Button................Accelerate
O Button................Jump
SQUARE Button...........Brake/Reverse
TRIANGLE Button.........Camera
R1 Button...............Nitrous Oxide
L1 Button...............Back View
L2 Button...............Situational Weapon
Select..................Information About Missions


5-Fear Factor


Henry Ducard:"In order to manipulate fear in others,you must first master
your own"
(From Batman Begins,The Movie)


I.What is the concept of fear?

Batman,as many of you know is only a human.A human who has attained enough
skills to make him ABOVE other humans.He is a master of many arts of fighting.
He is a master of stealth.He is a master of interrogation.He is a tactical
thinker.He has many high tech gadgets to support him.Even with all this,there
is one BIG loop hole.He is still a HUMAN and will die just as fast of two
shotgun blasts as you would.Since most of the enemies are armed with many high
tech weaponry,it was necessary for batman to find a way to get an edge over
his heavily armed enemies.Therefore batman learned to manipulate fear in 
others.To do so,he had to first master his own.And not only did he master his
own fear but made the thing he was afraid of(bats) a symbol for others to be
afraid of.Fear is the most complex of human instinctive reactions.When a 
person is afraid,his whole body is affected.He cannot think properly,he cannot
talk properly,he cannot walk properly and so on.This is what batman uses
against his enemies and this is what has made him a symbol of fear for enemies
This game is completely based on fear and you must learn to manipulate fear
in your enemies in order to complete the game.


II.Why Use It?

Like i stated earlier,this game is completely based on fear.FEAR is your 
ULTIMATE weapon.If you scare an enemy,he will begin to move away from you.If
he has a weapon,his aim is going to get seriously affected.He will not reach
to attack you.He will back away from you.He will get on the defensive.If
scared enough he will drop his weaponry.At times if scared enough the enemy
will completely give up and throw himself at your feet,begging for mercy.
Now if you come in to spoil the party when your enemies are cool as an ice
berg,prepare for a tough fight.Your enemies will lunge to attack you.There
aim will be right on your head.They will block your attacks and in the end
kill you faster then a canary in a mine field.
THAT is why you MUST use fear because otherwise you cannot complete the game.


III.How to Use It?

Look around your environment.In order to strike fear into your enemies you
have to look beyond your vision.Look for things that are interactable.Most
of the time a small bat icon will come on the top right corner of the screen
when an interactable object is nearby,press R1 to throw a batarang at it to
bring it down and make your enemies nervous.They will drop their weapons most
of the time.Sometimes when you are above an enemy,like on a pipe etc.You can
press the O button when it appears on screen to grapple down and grab your
enemy and take him out while above.This will also increase your reputation and
area fear.Never go out in the open when an armed enemy is nearby.If all of
your enemies are unarmed then go take them on.As you take out enemies your
area fear will become greater and the left enemies will get nervous.Use your
gadgets to make your enemies even more scared and vulnerable.Use flash bangs
and smoke grenades to leave you enemy vulnerable for a limited time.Use the
HF transpnder to make the enemy go completely berserk.


IV.Fear Representation Bars

How fearful you are depends upon two things.On the lower left corner of your
screen are two bars.An area fear bar and a reputation bar.The higher both of
these bars are,more your enemies are afraid of you.Both of these bars keep
filling up gradually as you do things stated above.How scared the enemies
are when they see you depends on the reputation bar.The area fear bar affects
their bodily actions.



One thing that everyone knows is that after all the training batman has,all
hard time he has spent to become strong,fast,effective and technical,there is
always one BIG loop hole.He is a human being and no altered human or mutant.
That means he will also break 50 bones when he falls from the sixth floor.So
to prevent that from happening,batman (using his money) has invented many
gadgets that help him prevent accidents in which other NoRmAl human beings
would get injured.Below i have listed all the gadgets in the game. The
gadgets can be selected by pressing the up button on the d-pad.Press Either
L1 or R1 to use them depending on the gadget.



The trusty bat-graple will help batman reach high places and thus have an
advantage over his enemies.This will also prevent him from breaking 50
bones when he falls from the sixth floor :-) Press the O button when a
message appears on the screen.



Ahhh,the the trusty batrang.This particular projectile has'nt much use in
this game apart from breaking windows and opening switches etc.Although it can
do a lot more then that as every batman fan would know.Press R1 when a small
bat icon appears on the top right corner of the screen.



A new addition.Using it you can hack into a camera and see the camera's
view in the lower right corner.Press L1 when you are in range of the camera
to hack and mash the O button to hack into it.



A new addition.Using it you can hack into machinery and use it to your
advantage.When you use it you will see a small screen in the bottom right
corner.You will see dull red X's and bright green O's.Press X button when
the O has almost come.Do it 4 times to hack into the machinery.


V.Flash Bangs

These little toys will stun your enemy leaving him extremely vulnerable
for a limitied time.The enemy has to be scared before for these to take
effect otherwise they don't effect. [Most Of the Time :-)]


VI.HF Transponder

A nifty new addition.Use it to call a team of bats onto an enemy and scare his
pants off.Again the enemy has to be scared some what before you use it.



After all the skills batman has attained,you dont expect him to stop midway
due to a locked door,do you?Press the O button when the extended portion (s)
reach the hollow space(s).


VIII.Optic Cable

Hmmm,never saw this in the comics or the animated series.This ladies and
gentlemen is a splinter cell rip-off and will allow you to see through the
door before entering.Press the square button when near a door to look beyond


IX.Smoke Grenades

The greandes unleashes smoke which leaves your enemy extremely vulnerable for
a limited time.The enemy has to be scared before for these to take effect
otherwise they don't effect. [Most Of the Time :-)]


7-Combat Moves

Most of these buttons have to be pressed when the message comes on screen to
press them.



Press the SQUARE Button to punch.



Press the TRIANGLE Button to kick.



Press the R2 button to block.


D.Counter Attack

Press the R2 button to block and press the square button just as the enemy's
attack reaches you.


E.Defense Break

Some times an enemy will block and your attacks won't do any damage.Press
O button to break through the enemies defense.It is a risky shot as it takes
time to get through leaving you vulnerable.


F.Finishing Attack

When an enemy's health is dangerously low,press the O button when it appears
on the screen to execute one last deadly move.


G.Finishing Move

When an enemy's health is dangerously low,plus he is very scared of you then
press the O button when it appears on screen to execute a cool finishing


H.Ground Attack

When you have fallen to the ground,press the O button to sweep nearby enemies
off their feet while getting up.


I.Jump Attack

Press X to jump and press O button while in air to come smashing down on the


J.Multiple Attack

When you are surrounded by enemies,press the O button to execute a crowd 
clearing move.


K.Roll Attack

Press R2 to roll and then press square to get up while punching your enemy.


L.Vault Attack

Double Jump over an enemy and press O while in air to execute a cool bone
breaking but NOT deadly move.



This is not a combat move but i though it needed mentioning.Some times you
can grab the enemy by pressing th O button when it appears on screen and
then you can interrogate him pressing the square button repeatedly till
you get the required information.After that you can preform a deadly finishing
move to get rid of the enemy.



Also known as heads-up display.



When ever you lose or gain health,a bat icon will pop up in the top centre of
your screen indicating an increase or decrease.



They are sort of an automatic quick save.When you progress far enough in a 
level,you game is saved at a check point.This is the place where you will
restart when you die.



Objectives appear on your in-game radar in many ways.A red X means an armed
enemy very far from you..A red O type thing means that an armed enemy is near
you.A green X means an armed enemy very far from you.A green O type thing
means that an unarmed enemy is near you.



Area fear and reputation bars tell you about their respective things.No sort
of explanation is needed.Basically,the higher they are the better.


V.Enemy Heart Beat

On your top left corner of the screen will be information telling you about
the enemy's heart beat and type.The higher the heartbeat,the better.


VI.Enemy Name

Just above an enemy's heart beat will be his name written.Use the name as a
sort of reference to judge what type of enemy you will be facing.Use my part
of the FAQ based on enemies for more info.


VII.Enemy Weapon

In the same area where the heart beat and name is written will be a small
picture of what type of weapon the enemy has.If he is unarmed, there will be
a picture of fists.Most of the time pictures of knife's,crow-bars and guns
will be seen.Use that as a reference to make your next attack.


9-General Walkthrough

SINCE this game was very linear and easy,i WONT go into every bit of detail.
This is just a general walkthrough.



Take care of all enemies in this room.Enter the hall and go right to spot an
enemy.Take care of him.Follow the path down to the elevator and use it.Follow
the linear path.Take care of all the enemies after the cut scene finishes.
Continue via the window.Make your way to the top.Keep vary of an explosion.
You should notice a pipe nearby.Use it to get further.Crack the boards,enter
and follow the path down for a cutscene.Fight the maniacs and follow the path
out of the door and down the hall for a cutscene.Follow the path for another
cutscene and the level is complete.



Follow your mentor until he tells you about stealth mode.Take out the armed 
ninja whilst in stealth mode.Follow him again.Now,see the lights on the roof.
Swing from them to reach a door.Now go to ducard for a short cinematic.Scale
the ladder and gp left.Follow the path and jump down.Take the shuriken and fall
down via the trap door.Use the shuriken to unviel a ladder.Scale it.Go forward
and use the shuriken again to see a ramp.Follow the path and hit the bell
ahead.Follow ducard.Scale the ladder nearby and use the pipe to get to the 
other side.Use shurikens at the selected targets and then jump down and fight
the ninja's.Grab the last one and ask him a coupe of questions.Now go back to
where the bell was and throw a shuriken at it.Use the lever.Fight Ra's al Ghul
and the ninja's after the cut scene.Throw shurikens at the ropes holding the
cage and follow the prisoner until a cut scene starts.Level complete.



Follow the path to the elevator.Jump over the fence on your left.Stealthily
take care of the armed thug and interrogate the other.Scale the ladder nearby
and follow the path to the window.Jump and follow the stairs to a platform.
Cling onto the wire above the platform and follow it to the other side of the
fence.Now climb the boxes here and go through the window.Annhilate the obstacle
and follow the path and drop down.Scale the ladder nearby and jump through the
window.Cling onto the pipe and follow the path till you are over an enemy.Press
the O button to get hold of him and ask him a couple of passionate questions
and then dump him.Search for and take the key nearby and press the button to
open the gate and use the fork lift you saw earlier.Take care of the oncoming
enemies and then pick the lock of the fence door.Enter the hole.Use the bat-
graple to reach up and press the button nearby.Enter the(now open) hatch and
follow the path till you reach another graple point.Graple up to the pipe and
use it to get across the blockade.Wait till one the guys below goes away and
then fall down.Stealthily take out the armed thug and then the other one.
Interrogate the now lonely thug for some useful information.Climb over the
pipes and use the code and enter.Cling onto the pipe and get on the platform
above you.Follow the path through the door and destroy all obstacles.Jump into
the water below.Follow the water until you are outside.Jump on the ledge nearby
and scale the ladder.Use the valve here and hit the pipe with a batarang.Now
graple up and drop onto the pipe.Scale the pipe in the next room and then use
the pipe to get over the fence.go forward and use a batarang on the pipe to get
make the enemies drop their pants...i mean weapons :-)Take them out and go out
side via the door behind you and target and batarang the chains to make a ramp
Follow the path up the ramp and throught the door in a room with a ramp.Follow
the ramps down.Press the button nearby to open a path.Follow it till you reach
a graple point.Graple up and then get across to the other side using the pipe.
Follow the path until you reach a hole.Stealthily take out the enemy.Go forward
and use the valve.Now take out the enemies.Follow the path across the bridge
and enter the door nearby.Scale the ladder here and wait some time and then
scale the ladder to the left of the cops.Use the valve here.Graple to another
crate .Wait for the enemy to go away before dropping down the hole here.Climb
the chain nearby and exit the crate.Look for a hole nearby and drop down.
Make your way outside and enter stealth mode.Carefully go left and then towards
thr right and down the alley.Follow the linear path to the crane controls.Take
care of the controls using the eltro-hack AFTER taking out the thug near it.
Drop the box near the thugs.No go take them out.Scale the ladder and then
glide your way to the other side.Move between the crates and go the end.Now
put yourself against the wall and move to the left.Enter stealth mode and go
past some enemies.Climb the chain near the wall.Jump onto the pipe and make
your way onto a platform and enter the building.Follow the simple path outside
Descend the ramp and use the forklift on your left.Now get up the crates and
use the wire to get onto the ship.Go left and take out the unsupecting thug.Now
follow the path to the other side from the RIGHT and stealthily take out the
armed thug.Fight off the rest.Go into a path nearby and go top it.Stealthily
take out the thug near the contols.Use the elctro-hack and then drop the boxes.
Now fight out the scared thugs.Take out a thug near the dock for key and use it
on the door nearby to enter the other side.Follow the path to the left and then
descend the ladder.Scale a ladder here and then stealthily make your way to 
another ladder andscale it.Eradicate enemy and proceed through the door.Pick
the next door and proceed down the ramps until you reach the door.Use the optic
cable and then quickly hide behind some barrels.Wait some time and then enter
the door.Follow the path and climb the pillar outside.Jump onto a pipe and then
onto a platform.Destroy all obstacles,press the switch,jump onto another plat-
form and then onto a ledge.Follow the path round the corner.Drop down and wipe
out the thugs.Use the elevator and use the optic cable on the door here.Wait
some time and then interrogate the thug who was talking earlier.Follow the path
through the door on the left and take out some thugs.Climb the box here and
jump onto a chain.Now jump from light to light to reach the otherside and climb
the pillar here.Enter a vent nearby and follow the path into a room.Go through
the windo and scale the ladder.Climb the pipe.Climb the pillar and use the
switch.Now take out all enemies and use the elevator.Climb some crates and
boxes and then get on the chain.Stealthily take out the thug near the controls
and hack into them.Use the crane to get falcone's car.Follow the path up the
stairs and the crane to trigger a cutscene and level finished.


4.Passage to Gotham

This is a driving mission where you get to control the batmobile.Can't help
you much here as your skill will help you get past this level.NOT words.It's
pretty easy though.Take out as many enemy cars as possible until alfred informs
you about the bridge.After that focus your attention on using the nitrous oxide
and driving fast.Ignore the enemy vehicles in this phase of the chase.Pick up
as many nitrous oxide pick-ups as you can.Keep an eye on the timer.
When you pass the bridge,ignore the enemy vehicles and use your nitrous oxide
to reach the truck.Stay behind it and within range for your missiles.Let them
lock-on and press L2 to fire.Keep at it till a cutscene begins and level ends.
Get used to the controls to make this easy and fun mission even more easy.


5.Gotham City

take out all thugs after the cuts scene ends.Pick the lock on the door nearby
and enter it.Listen to alfred and scale the ladder near a black car on your
right.Make your way through the vent and climb onto the pipe.Keep moving on
the pipe untill you get past the fence.Drop down and break open the window
nearby.Hack and use the computer terminal and then get out via the window.
Follow the path to the left and be vary of a thug talking.Steadily make your
way to the left till you reach a fence blockade.Graple over it and then drop
down.Stealthily make your way down and wait for the thug working on the car
to turn around.Then preform a stealth kill on him.Scale the ladder nearby
and follow the path through the vents.When you are in the room with the thugs
jump onto the pipe nearby,target the barrels and throw a batarang at it to
scare the thugs.Not all of them wet their pants so continue moving on the
pipe until you are above the armed thug.Press O button when the message comes
onscreen to grab him and take him out while on the pipe.Now drop down and take
care of the rest of the enemies.Interrogate the last one for the code.Now go
back to place where the thug was working on the car and go back up the ramp
and to thr right.Notice the thug standing near the door,stealthily take him
out and use the code.Enter stealth mode and quickly go to the right and behind
the guard.Take him out.If he notices you then quickly start attacking him
before he gets a chance to do anything.Use the button near the elevator.
Go straight and enter the door and STOP.There are infrared wires near the
sofa's on the other end which will trigger booby traps.You have to quickly
graple to the balcony above you and throw a batrang at a vase near the window
to take care of the gas.Do it and then wait for the gas to finish before you
drop down the other side.Go through the door and follow the path down the
hall and go through the door on the left.Go forward towards the door in front
of you to notice a graple point.REMEMBER IT.Now go for the door on your right
to trigger a booby trap.Quickly go to the graple point and graple up before
you get full of lead and stay there.An armed thug will come out to investigate
and when he is under you,press the O button to grab him and take him out.Now
enter the door from where he came and take out the other thug.Hack the 
machinery.Now come out and go for the door that triggered the booby trap.
Enter it and enter the door on your right.Listen to alfred and use the cam
hack gadget to hack the nearby camera.Use the direct feed vision from the
camera and jump over the red squares and enter the door.Go forward and hack
the camera in this room as well.Now this is a difficult room and may require
some retries.Playy close attention to the direct feed you recieve from the
camera and carefully make your way around the red square.Glide your way to
solid ground when you think you are near enough.Now throw a batarang at the
barrels to cause an explosion.An armed thug is on his way to invstigate that
sound so quickly hide to the right and stealthily take him out when he comes.
Enter the door he came from.Hack the camera in this room as well and use it
to your advantage to get past the infrared wires.Use the pipe to get over
them.Ignore both doors and scale the stairs.Throw a batrang at the vent and
enter it.Follow the path in the vent and enter the room at the end.Don't go
near the door at the bottom.Instead jump on the lights on the roof and throw
a batarang at the barrels to trigger an explosion.Move towards the entrance
and stay on the top.Wait for the armed thug to enter and then grab him using
the O button.Take him out and drop down.Enter the door in front of you and
take out the thugs.Notice the curtain type thing on the wall.Press the button
near it and then quickly jump onto it.When you reach the top,jump onto the
balcony nearby.Drop down the other side and sneak up on pfister.Interrogate
him and then finish him.Now go through the door on the right and follow the
path down the hall crossing the various rooms and when you reach a dead end,
enter the password on the door on your right.Go through the door pull the
lever here.Now go ahead and jump onto the wire and go forward till you see the
boards blocking your way.Throw batarags at them to destroy them and enter the
building.Crack the vent in the next room and enter inside.Follow the path till
you fall down.Follow the path along the plank and get on the beam.Walk along
the beam and then glide towards the elevator.Climb up the chain.Jump on the
wooden platform when atop.Throw a batarang at the thing holding the light.
Jump onto the light and climb up.Glide and enter the vent.Follow the path in
the room.Follow the path up the ramp and down the hall.Throw a batarang at the
wire and glide onto it.climb up and glide onto an area witch some boxes.Throw
a batarng at the target to lower a bucket.Climb up the rope holding the bucket
and throw a batrang at another wire.Glide onto it.Climb up and throw another
batarang at another wire and then glide onto it.Climb up and enter the doorway
nearby.Go down the hall.Enter the door on your right and scale the ladder.
Stealthily make your way forward until you can jump out.Push down the loose
fence on your right and proceed further.There is another loose fence nearby.
Push it down and make your way to the other side.Now keep moving carefully
until you see a batarang target.Throw a batarang at it to scare the thugs into
dropping their weapons.Now defeat them.There is a document inside one of the
buildings here.Enter both of them by breaking the glass at roof and search for
it.When you have read it and got the code,go outside and enter the code on the
nearby door.Enter it and make your way to the left,down the hall.Throw a
batarang at the controls.Enter the elevator and hit the button again.Jump on
to a beam and climb up the chain.Enter the room at the top.Drop down via the
hole and listen to what alfred has to say.Break open the boards and enter the
window.Follow the linear path and then glide onto the beam.Climb the chain
and graple up when you see the message.Use the pipe and make your way to the
crane controls.Hack and use them.The crane wll move.Go outside again and then
graple to the crane.Use the pipe to get near the beam and then glide onto it.
Use a batarang on the targeted tanks below you to scare your enemies.Now jump
down and take them out.Pick the lock on the door nearby and enter it.Follow
the path down the hall and take a left.Ignore the door nearby and proceed
towards the large shutter.It's closed.Use the shutter controls nearby.They
open the shutter making a sort of stairway.Go up them and enter throught the
window.Look to the right and glide towards that room.Hack and use the controls
here.This stops the fan below.Now quickly and stealthily go down the stairs
and go through the blades of the stopped fan.Go forward and fall down.Follow
the simple path into a room where a cutscene takes place.Look for some plat-
forms in a corner and jump onto them.When you reach the top,scale the ladder.
Climb another platform and jump on a rope.Target another rope nearby and throw
a batarang at it.Now jump through the window and take care of all enemies.Now
target and throw a batrang inside the cage,at the handcuffs.Now grab flass and
interrogate him.Level is finished.


6.The Narrows

Move forward and peek through the window.Wait for the patrolling thug to move
away from the armed thug and then take him out stealthily.After that,deal with
the armed thug.Now look for  pipe in the right corner of the room.Climb it and
move forward until you can target the chain holding the plane.Throw a batarang
at it to make it fall down.Climb it and go forward until you reach a graple
point.Graple up and and glide on the platform below.Climb the nearby pipe and
move forward until you are above the bridge.Drop down and go through the door
nearby.You will see two lights.Glide towards the first and then towards the
second one.Target a chain nearby and throw a batarang at it.Now glide down and
take care of all enemies.Go through the door nearby and go down the stairs.I
think there is a thug nearby.I am not sure.Anyhows,follow the linear path
towards the boards and break them.Go through the hole.
Follow the path down the hall and to your left.DON'T enter any door,instead
follow the path down the hall until you reach a graple point.Graple up and
target the barrels.Throw a batarang at them.Now jump down and take care of the
enemies.Now get onto the nearby elevator and use the button.When the elevator
stops,press the button again and jump onto the floor above.Follow the path
around the corner and wait for the thugs to finish.Then take care of them.Now
go back to the elevator and get onto it's roof.Scale the ladder nearby.Follow
the linear path.At the end,there is an armed guard towards your right.He is
patrolling the area.Stay hidden till he moves away from you and then take him
out stealthily.Now jump down the hole nearby,where the guard was patrolling.
Follow the path towards your right and carefully make your way past the window
Follow the linear path round the corner until you see a window.Go through it.
You will be in a room with an armed guard.Steathily move upto him and grab him
when he is not looking.Ask him some questions and then take him out.Jump onto
a platform nearby.Now jump your way from platform to platform until you reach
another floor.Go towards the light coming from round the corner and enter the
hole.Now get on the beam and keep moving until you reach a graple point.Graple
up and then glide down to another platform.From here jump onto the chain near
you.You can now target a damaged support.Do so and throw a batarang at it to
the enemies drop their weapons.Now glide down and take care of all enemies.
Now go through the hole nearby.Follow the path to the right and pick the lock.
Enter and go down the hall.In this room you can hear some thugs talking across
thw window.Ignore them and follow the linear path until you are in a room with
many armed thugs on the floor below you.Go to the end of this room and look
for a beam nearby.Get on it and cross to the other side.Enter the room and
look for a hole nearby.Drop down in.Follow the linear path until you see a
couple of windows with thugs across them.Walk past and first and then wait 
for the thug to finish his conversation and move over to the other side before
crossing the second one.Descend the ladder at the end.There is an armed thug
inside this room.Wait for his face to be on the other(left)side before going
in through the window and taking him out stealthily.Climb over the fence and
use the elevator to go up.Now move forward until you reach a graple point.
Graple up and drop down.Target the barrels and throw a batarang at them.Now
all the enemies will have dropped their weapons.Take them all out.The last one
dropa a key.Jump on the crates nearby and move forward till you reach a door.
Open it using the key and go up the stairs.Follow the path down the hall and
IGNORE the door.At the end you should notice an access grate leading inside a
vent.Open it and enter the vent.Follow the linear path.You should be in a room
with some explosive barrels.Go through the window.Get on the fire escape and
go towards a graple point.Graple and reach a safe location.Break the window on
your left with a batarang and target the barrels.Throw a batarang at it to
cause an explosion which scares all the enemies.Glide through the window and
take out all enemies.Last one drops a key.Enter through the door and follow
the path down the hall towards your tight.Use the key to open the door.Go up
the stairs and open the access grate.Enter and follow the path through the
vent.You will be in an area with two thugs.One armed and other unarmed.Wait
for the other one to look on the other side and then go arount the other side
and preform a stealth kill.Look for a hole near the engine and drop down it.
Move forward until you reach a graple point and then graple across to another
platform.Jump onto the pipe via the box.Keep moving left on the pipe and drop
down on a platform below.Glide to the open window nearby.In this room,on your
right are some platforms.Climb them and then glide to another platform.Target
and destroy a damaged girder with the help of a batarang from here.Jump onto
the pipe and target the other damaged girder.Throw a batarang at it for a
cutsccene.Take out all the enemies.Grab and pilot and interrogate him.Press
the graple button as soon as the message comes on the screen for a free ride.
Follow the path down the steps towards your right.Take out all blockades.Climb
the pipe and move along it intil you reach a graple point.Graple,drop down and
take out the maniac for a cutscene and level finishes.


7.Arkham Asylem

Turn around and scale the nearby ladder.Scale another ladder on your left
when on top.Jump onto the hanging and continue.Drop when necessary.Continue
moving forward until you reach the graple point.Graple and drop.Activate
stealth mode.Enter the room and take out the guard on your right.Take out
the other guard on your left.Go through the window and climb the pipe on your
right.Climb down.There are two dumpsters.Hide behind the second one and wait
for the thugs to finish talking.Throw a batarng at the targeted car to set off
the alarm.Take on and out the thugs.Near the car are two windows which lead to
the basement.Enter stealth mode.Enter left window.Look for a phone nearby.Use
it to get the passcode.4563.Move forward and enter it on the keypad.Ignore the
maniacs and follow the path down the hall and enter the door on your right.
COntinue down the hall and take first right.Jump onto the boxes and then onto
the pipe.Keep moving forward till you cant no more.Wait for the guard's order.
Drop down and scale the ladder nearby.Navigate the simple path until you reach
the hatch.Enter stealth mode.Drop down.Take out the guard.Hack into the panel
using the elctro-hack and use the controls.Now enjoy a maniac v.s guard battle
Mop up the surviviors.Look for gate with EAST WING written on it.Take out the
maniac here.Pick the lock on the door on your left and enter it.Follow the
path down the hall and enter the door at the end.
Continue on and enter another door.You should be outside.Go down the stairs in
stealth mode and go towards the grate door.Open and enter it.Walk through the
duct.At the end,go left and jump onto the pipe.Climb up and jump to the right.
Carefully follow the path towards your right and jump onto the pipe.Continue
forward until your are exactly above a thug.You might need to wait for the
placement.Press the O button to grab and finish him.Now jump down and take out
the remaining enemies.Jump onto the roof of the nearby van and go through the
window.Continue right,you should notice a small door nearby.Go through it and
follow the path down the hall.Go through the door and down the stairs.Follow
the linear path until you see a big gate.Get onto the pipe on your left and
climb over the gate.
Follow the path down the hall and use the button near the elevator.Get inside
and press the button again.Use a batarang to break open the hatch above and
then double jump out.JUmp onto the nearby cable and climb some distance up
until you lock onto a fuse box.Use a batarang on it.Now climb up and jump in
the opening to the right of the box.Go down the stairs and go through the
gate.Jump out of the window and go towards your right.Carefully walk around
until you can jump oto the pipes.Move along them and drop onto the platform
below when necessary.Climb onto the nearby pipes.Move along them until you can
drop onto a catwalk.Go through the nearby window.Go towards the door on your
right and pick the lock on it.Enter it in stealth mode and head down the hall.
Go left and enter the last door down the hall.Move along the small cover you
have and when the guard is NOT looking,go towards the stove.Use it and quickly
go back to the small cover.Yay Alfred!Go back a little and use a batarang on
the targeted stove.All thugs scared,TAKE THEM ALL OUT.Another thug comes in-
between the fight,take him out as well and go through the door he came from.
Follow the linear path LEFT down the hall until you can go through a window.
Jump through the windo and get onto the nearby wiring.Get to the top and drop
on the nearby platform.Go through another nearby window.Press O to graple when
you reach the graple point.Now you are on a pipe,keep moving forward until you
see a science machine below you.Target and throw a batarang at it.An armed
thug will come to investigate.Grab him when he is below you and take him out.
Now drop down and take out the remaining enemies.Now go towards the intercom
and use it.Now follow the path down the hall and jump through the window.
Carefully navigate the linear path and jump onto the pipes.Keep moving until
you see an opening,jump onto the roof.You have to take out the water tower.
Continue forward on the roof and look to the left.There should be a hook type
thing here.Use it.Jump onto the cables on your right and cross the gap.Drop
down and climb the water tower.Graple and drop down when you reach the graple
point.Enter stealth mode.Open and go through the window.Hide behind the cloth
changing screen.Wait for the guards to go around the corner.Follow the path
they took muscling through any debris blockade.Use the batarng on blockade to
the attic.Climb the stairs and break the boxes here.Drop down the hole.Grab
the explosives and everything else here.Now jump back up the hole and head
left.Now get onto the pipes here and climb your way back to the water tower.
Place the explosives,backtrack,use batarang for a cutscene.Take out all thugs
you encounter.
Go towards the big generator. and hack it using the electro-hack.Now pull the
lever on your left and then the lever on the right.Quickly go to the other
side and open the door.Run down the hall to end this part.

Keep going forward and jump over the small fence.Follow the linear path down
the hall until you are stopped by another fence.Notice a powerbox on your
right.Target and throw a batarang at it.This will open the door.One of the
enemies will be elctrocuted.Chase after the other one.Grab,interrogate,finish
him.Code is 5839.Now go back to the beginning of this area and use the pascode
on the keypad.Glide down to the elevator.Enter stealth mode.Enter door.Sneak
away from the armed enemy to the other side and take him out.Now use the two
fuses in the box to give the thugs a shock of their lives.Now quickly take
them out.Enter the elevator nearby and press the button.Ride up and go to the
left.Proceed forward,enter stealth mode and go through the fence door on your
right.Wait for the guards to finish talking.Quickly go to the other side when
they turn away.Open the small door and enter.Go to the end and open the other
door.Wait for the guard to walk away before jumping out and letting him have
it.Hope you are still in stealh mode.Go towards the door on your left.Use the
optic cable,wait for the enemy to turn away,quickly exit stealh mode and open
the door.Quickly take him out.Open and enter door nearby.You should be in a
hall.Continue right and enter the door on your left,IN stealth mode.Get onto
the platforms.Jump onto the ledge and then onto the pipe.Climb over to the
other side and drop down.Put your back on this wall and go to the left.Get
normal when you reach the platform.You should notice a fusebox nearby,hit it
with a batarang.Watch the cutscene.Jump and glide down to where the enemies
were before.Mop up the last one.Go through the door and follow the path left
down the stairs.Let all the thugs here taste your fists.Now scale the ladder
nearby.Follow the path and jump onto the pipes.Climb to the otherside and drop
down.Follow the simple path and jump into the access duct.Drop down at the end
Notice the boxes near you.Hmmm,something's fishy here.Throw batrangs at them
to crack them,AH HA!there's a scared enemy.Grab,interrogate,finish him.Grab
the dropped key and use it on the door nearby.Enter stealth mode.Enter door.Go
towards the door ahead.Activate optic cable.See the Dr.J.c and the damsel in
distress go.Keep watching and when the two enemies begin moving towards the
door,quickly exit and hide behind the junk nearby,to your left.Wait for one
of the thugs to go away.Just IGNORE this one.Instead,take out the other one
stealthily.Now enter the room dr.crane was in.Ignore everything else and
quickly use a batarang on the drug processor.All thugs taken care of.Scale the
stairs and head right,to the end.You will reach a graple point.Enter stealth
mode.Graple and drop down.You should notice a chain to your right.Press jump
twice and glide onto it.Slide some way down and see if have targeted a drug
processor.If yes,then use a batarang on it,if no then slide some more.Now
jump down and take out all the scared thugs.Now walk towards the sewer pipe
and pick the lock on it.Fall down to the bottom and head forward.You should
see an opening nearby,to your left.Go through it and go down the stairs.You
will see a sewer pipe opening nearby.Jump in.Follow the path to your right and
jump on the platform,on your right.Crack the crates and put your back on the
wall.Navigate towards your right.Exit this mode and ascend the stairs.You
should notice a cable hanging on your left,at the top.Jump and glide onto it.
Use your batarangs to crack the targeted boards blocking your way to the sewer
pipe.Glide through it and follow the simple path over the fence.Make sure you
enter stealth mode.You should see a ladder.Descend it.Get onto the pipe nearby
Climb your way across the room until you are roughly above a thug.Press O
button to grab and finish him.Now jump down and descend another ladder.Turn
the wheel to open the door on the sewer pipe.Now ascend the ladder and go
through the door.Go through the duct and ascend the ladder at the end.Now
follow the path down the hall ignoring the guard and glide onto the nearby
chain.Now glide from this chain to one on your left.Now glide onto the nearby
walkway.Follow the path and ascend the ladder.Enter stealth mode and head to
the door.Use the optice cable to listen dr.crane.Exit when he finishes and
follow the path down the hall and around the corner.Use to batarngs here and
enter the duct via the shelves.Enter stealth mode and continue to the end.Open
the door.Take out the thug and then the guard near the computer.Use the elctro
-hack and then use the computer.Watch cutscene.Continue forward towards the
door.It's locked so pick it.Enter and continue forward.Try getting near
Dr.Crane,he enters the elevator.Turn around can continue forward looking for
an opening on your right.Go through it and ascend the stairs.Graple when you
reach the graple point and then drop.Enter the building and go towards your
right.DARN!he escapes again.Crack the boxes on your left and continue the path
up the stairs.Get onto the pipe.Climb to the other side and drop down.Enter
the building and go left.You should notice a fuse box nearby.Throw a batarang
at it.Continue forward and follow the path down the hall until you see Dr.
Crane again.He will send some maniacs at you.Show them the taste of your
knuckles.Now break the nearby crates and open the door.Enter and ascend the
ladder nearby.Use the panel nearby.Now descend the ladder and look for a
graple point.Do so.Drop down and follow the path until you see Dr.Crane again.
Follow the path left to next door and use your batarang at the opening of the
access gate.Follow it to the end and drop down for a cutscene.
Drop down when the walls open enough and crack the crates near you.Quickly
enter the door infront and continue on.Open the access gate and drop down.
Ascend the semi broken stairs.Jump,glide,pull yourself up the gap.Continue on
and muscle your way through the boxes.At the top,break down further debris and
head right.Keep proceeding until you see a path to a room.Enter for a cutscene
Now go left down the hall.You should notice a window,broken.Graple point so
graple.Keep moving until you are above a guard.Attack him for a cutscene.Now
you get to fight three thugs and dr.crane.Concentrate your attacks on the 3
thugs first and when they are taken care of,attack and grab Dr.Jonathan Crane.
Cutscene.Follow the path out of the room towards your right.Graple when you
reach the graple point.You are now above detective james gordan,an ally.Press
O button to graple down and grab him.Cutscene.

NOW you escape from the asylem.

Go forward towards your right and use a batarang to crack open the window.Jump
out and graple at the graple point.Wait for an order from the swat team.Now
glide towards the open window.Enter the door to your left and climb the ladder
Don't go lurking about in this area because a swat team is on it's way via the
elevator.Use a batarang to crack open the window and jump outside.WAIT.There
is a spotlight here.Time your jump.Wait for it to point down and then jump
forward.Enter stealth mode.Walk around and descend via the pipe.Enter the open
window to your left and quickly follow the linear path to the end of the hall.
Enter the door and go left and out the window.Wait here till the swats are
satisfied.Make your way around this linear path avoiding the spotlights until
you are at a ledge where a guard is looking out through the window.Time your
movements around this ledge avoiding the spotlight and guard at two places.
When the guard leaves,enter the room.Go through door,left,enter door,quickly
jump onto the hanging light.Use the batarang to break the window and then jump
and glide through it.Hope you are in stealth mode.Throw a batarang at the
targeted fire extinguisher nearby.Quickly run forward and muscle your way
through the debris blockade.Follow the linear path down the hall and enter the
door at thr right to end this level.


8.Saving Rachel

Another batmobile mission.This one is noticeably harder.You have to get to the
bat cave in 10 seconds above 3 minutes.Plenty of time.The MAIN thing to worry
about is your armour.DONOT hit any unnecessary cop car or civilian car during
this whole mission otherwise you will run out of armor pretty quickly.Mid-way
you will get an objective of taking down 12 cop cars.Only then use your car's
armor to good use.Also helicopters will try to track you down via their spot-
lights.Use the nitrous oxide if this happens.If you ran out of nitrous oxide
then brake then quickly accelerate.If the spotlight metre reaches full,you end
the mission as a failure.Oh,NEVER let go off the nitrous oxide (R1) button
during all this time otherwise you will end up short of time.Banging the cop
cars is your last dangerous objective,complete it with at least 5% armor left
and you are home free.Leap into the bat-cave to end this mission.


9.Wayne Manor

Take out the two ninja's.Cutscene.Take out another pair of ninja's.Cutscene.
Fight ducard until he counters your attack for a cutscene.Follow him down the
hall for another cutscene.Take out the two ninja's.Go through the door from
where they came.Muscle your way through the debris nearby.Use stealth mode
where necessary.Go through the door nearby.The room is full of smoke,so look
for a statue across the table and break the window using it to clear the smoke
Climb the post nearby and jump on the platform.You have to double jump from 1
hanging light to the other.Problem is you dont have your cape so you cannot
glide.Use the double jump.These jumps are a little hard to make and you may
require some practice.Anyways jump from light to light and onto the platform
to your right and go through the door.Follow the path down the hall and enter
the door.Enter stealth mode and stealthily make your way to the last bookshelf
Stealthily climb the ladder nearby and jump onto the platform to your right.
Here again double jump from light to light to the other side and drop the vase
down to scare the enemies.Now drop down and make them taste your knuckles.Now
go through the door that was opened via the bookshelf.Follow the path down the
hall.Go through the door here and then again through the door on your right.
Go to where the bookshelfs are.You should notice that you are locked on to a
book on one of the shelfs.Use it to open a hidded room with several goodies
but the most important thing is in a cabinet.Lock on and open it to get a
batarang.Now go back a little and notice the chandelier in the centre of the
room above a small round table.Target and throw a batarang at it to bring it
down and the climb it.Target a vase and use a batarang at it.Now jump ove to
the other side and follow the path left.Enter the door and destroy the debris
blocking your way.Use the batarng on the targeted pipe to notice a hole.
Jump down and take out the over confident ninja.Go through from where he
came and destroy the debris nearby.Carefully go past the fire and enter the
door on your left.Go near fox for a cutscene.Now you have to save his ass.
Go through the door on your left and enter the door on your right.Take out the
ninja's and go behind the fire.Hit the ladder with a batarang and then scale
it.Once up,climb another platform and go to your left.Jump onto the table and
then double jump onto the bookshelf nearby.Move forward and crack the targeted
window with a batarang.Double jump through it and enter the door nearby.Follow
the linear path to your right until you can target a statue with your batarang
Hit it for a cutscene.Now turn back and follow the path down the hall to your
left and enter the room.Take out the two ninja's ninjitsu style and follow
the linear path until you see your progress stopped by debris.Don't go using
ninjitsu on this one as it's on fire.Instead,throw two batrangs at the part of
the ceiling which is targeted.See artificial rain.Follow the linear path and
enter the door in front of you for a cutscene.Level end.


10.Narrows-Part 2 (Final Level)

Start by going left and taking out the three maniacs.Now look for a ladder
nearby.Jump over the blocking fence and scale the ladder.Jump on the nearby
chain when on top.Climb up the chain and then jump onto the platform.Go left.
Use the elevator.Follow the linear path towards the Dr.Crane to bring up a
cutscene.Now take out another triplet of maniacs and take the car key which is
dropped.Use it on the nearby car for a cutscene.Now scale the ladder near the
crash site on your left.Graple.Drop down.Jump onto the pipe and make your way
acros it.Drop down again.Now go towards the dr.crane again for a cutscene.Now
use a batarang to crack the nearby window and then graple for a cutscene.
Now you have to stop that GODDAMN emittor.
Follow the linear path and enter the door.Keep moving until you get to a door
which is locked.Pick it and continue inside and climb the pipe nearby.Graple
when you get the message which moving on the pipe.Now muscle your way through
the debris blocking your way and glide to the door nearby.Enter it.Continue
forward and enter the duct nearby.Follow the linear path until you fall down.
Continue and jump onto the nearby cable and climb it.Now throw two batrangs
at the selected targets.Follow the linear path to the next platform and go
left.Glide onto the platform you just busted.Now you have to use your bata-
rangs on two support cables.Target and take out one and then move to the
other side and take out the other.Now take care of the enemies in black
pajama's.Now look at the gap in front of you.You should automatically have
target the button far away.Throw a batarang at it to make a cable come near
you.Jump and glide onto it.Now again use the batarang on the targeted button
to get to the other side.Now glide across onto the platform.Enter the door and
follow the linear path until you see a ladder.Throw a batarang at the targeted
hatch above it and scale it.Take out the ninja's and follow the linear path
until you get to the tunnels.
Follow the path down the tunnels and take out the three maniacs.Keep going
forward and jump over the debris.Now take on and take out FOUR maniacs.
Scale the nearby ladder.Left.Scale another ladder.Enter the door on your left.
Follow the linear path to your right to reach a locked door.Pick it and then
ascend the stairs.Enter the door nearby for a cutscene.
Glide to the next building.Now move left to reach a graple point.Graple.Crack
the boards on the window and enter.Follow the linear path.Take out a couple of
maniacs on your way to another window.Jump through it and go to your left.Get
on the nearby pipe.Get to the top,right,glide to the next building.Continue
along until you see a skylight.Crack it with a batarang and jump down.Now
quickly go left and jump onto the barrels and then on the temporarily stopped
Take out the four ninja's in front of you.Enter the first train cart.Continue
forward and enter another door.Enter another door.You should notice a sliding
door on your left.Go through it and bust the debris.Jump.Bust debris and enter
the door infront of you.Glide to the next cart.Hug the die wall and follow the
path around it.Now open the door and jump on the boxes.Now jump to the top.Now
turn around and jump and glide to the next cart.Jump between the next two ca-
rts.Enter the next couple of doors until you are outside.Now use a batarang to
break down the targeted access door below you and enter the duct.Follow the
linear path until you see a guard.Wait for him to turn his head around and
then quickly jump up in stealth mode and send him to LA LA Land.Continue to
the next cart.You should lock onto a coupling in this area.Use two batarangs
at it for a cutscene.Now take out all your enemies in black pajama's.Grab the
last one and interrogate him for the code,1942.Continue on until you reach the
keypad and enter the code.Continue forward until you encounter a...Oh my GOd!
...ahh..another enemy in black pajama's.Take him out and notice the hatch from
where he dropped.Jump via that hatch onto the roof.Now keep jumping from one
roof to another till you can't anymore.Drop down and enter another two doors
until you find yourself in a sticky situation.Walk on the catwalk and then
jump onto the pipe nearby.Once past the guards,jump back on.Continue forward
until you reach a ladder.Use a batarang on the targeted locking mechanism.
Take out the scared ninja's.Use a batarang on the nearby access door and jump
down.Move forward till you see a pipe.Jump onto it and continue.Jump down and
follow the path through another access gate.Jump up and then follow the linear
path through the doors until you reach Ra's Al Ghul...i mean henry ducard or
whatever.Cutscene.Quickly take out the two ninja's.Remember Ra's Al Ghul CAN
block and counter your attacks.Keep attacking him until a cutscene begins.
QUICKLY press the O button to graple.Follow the linear path until you reach a
ladder.Scale it and then jump and glide towards the microwave emmittor.Try
using it and then quickly turn around.Take on Ra's Al ghul and when you have
beaton him enough,he will give up.Grab and interrogate him.Finish him when you
are done for a cutscene.Now quickly press the O button to graple for another
cutscene,which ladies and gentlemen is the last cutscene for batman begins,the
game.This means you JUST completed the game.Congrats!


You have plenty of unlockables,but most of them are a one time view only and
don't add much to the replay value.



Here you can see interviews with the cast,crew,developers etc and hear about
their experiences.


A.Interview With The Cast


This is by far the best interview.I really like it.Specially the katie holmes
smile at the end :-)

Available: After Prologue


B.Interview With The Filmmakers


The crew discusses about how the movie was going to be shaped and what went
into the game etc.

Available: After Himalayas


C.Interview with EA


They tell us how the game was going to be produced.What ideas they took from
the movie etc.

Available: After Docks


D.Interview With The Writers


They tell you how they shaped the storyline and what type of script they 

Available: After Passage To Gotham


E.Interview with WBIE


The production house tell us about the gameplay they wanted in the game etc.


II.Movie Footage

This section shows you clips and bits from the movie.I have listed them below
There are 21 of them and contain spoilers so go watch the brilliant movie


1.Teaser trailer

Just what a teaser trailor would be.Some glimpsis of the movie.

Available: From Beginning


2.TV spot

This one was aired on T.V and gives much more information about the movie.

Available: From Beginning



This one gives more detail about a particular scene.Not random clips.

Available: From Beginning


4.Prologue Intro

This one shows all the pains bruce faced as a kid and as a adult.

Available: From Prologue


5.Prologue End

This one shows batman talking to himself as he falls out a window,ablaze.

Available: After Prologue


6.Himalayas Intro

This one shows the training and guidance bruce recieved.

Available: From Himalayas


7.Himalayas End

This one show the monastry falling apart and bruce saving his mentor.

Available: After Himalyas


8.Gotham Docks Intro

This one shows bruce wayne as a symbol,a SYMBOL to be afraid of.

Available: From Docks


9.Gotham Docks End

This one shows BATMAN,a name to be feared.

Available: After Docks


10.Passage to Gotham Intro

This one shows bruce getting equipment for his future alter-ego

Available: From Passage to Gotham


11.Passage to Gotham End

This one tells us about the decoy truck and batman chasing the wrong one.

Available: After Passage To Gotham


12.Gotham City Intro

This one shows detective flass as a pretty well informed person.Hmmmm.

Availeble: From The Narrows


13.Gotham City End

This one tells us that dr.crane's toxin is curable,via luscious fox.

Available: After The Narrows


14.Arkham Asylum Intro

This one shows the nosy rachel getting captured.

Available: From Arkham Asylem


15.Arkham Asylum End

This one shows batman coming through and scaring the pants of the crane guy.

Available: After Arkham Asylem


16.Saving Rachel intro

This one shows batman putting rachel in the batmobile and gordan's sense of

Available: From Svaing Rachel


17.Saving Rachel End

This one shows batman busting his way through the cops while on his way to the

Available: After Saving Rachel


18.Wayne Manor Intro

This one shows bruce holding his birthday party and the appearence of his

Available: From Wayne Manor


19.Wayne Manor End

This one shows bruce and alfred escaping to the batcave and getting ready.

Available: After Wayne Manor


20.Narrows Intro

Can't exactly remember :-)

Available: From Last Level


21.Narrows End

This one shows the efforts of Ra's Al Ghul going useless and batman saves the
day.Bruce Wayne is the Mask for Batman,not the opposite.

Available: After The Last Level


III.Alternate Batsuits

Play in the game in the suit of your choice.Gameplay wise all the suits are
the same and don't enhance anything except your appearence.


A.Batman Begins

The dark suit from the movie.This suit REALLY depicts batman as a DARK knight.

Available: From The Start


B.Dark Knight

The suit from the animated series.Same as the batman begins costume except
most of the suit is grey apart from the cap,cowl,underwear,gloves and boots.

Available: After completing the game once.


C.World's Greatest Detective

This one was designed by adam west.This one has a blue cape,cowl,boots,gloves
and underwear.Rest of the suit is grey.

Available: After Completing the Game Once.


D.Caped Crusader

Exactly same as the adam west design.Only minor difference is that the bat
symbol on the chest is inside a yellow hollow.


IV.Bonus Batmobile Missions

Available: After Passage To Gotham

You can play these missions over and over again for some sensless time waste
or fun.You have two missions.One is a time attack and other like any regular
mission.You have two mobiles to choose from as well.The trusty bat mobile or
the prototype.Your choice and your time.I did'nt play these missions a third


V.Gallery Of Fear

Here you can see the criminals you caught or saved.This area is divided into
two portions,east wing and west wing.You can view a certain characters info
in the game by going near them and pressing th button.I have also listed them


I.East Wing

1.Lee Bascomb

A low level enforcer in Falcone's crime syndicate. Lee Bascomb has a simple
mind, stong hands, and no aversion to violence. As Falcone has found himself
involved in dealings with Dr. Jonathan Crane and the unamed foreign supplier
of Bhutanese opiates, Bascomb has become more valuable within the syndicate
simply being sensible enough not to ask questions.

Available: After Prologue


2.Paul Ryker

An overly ambitious strong-arm man on Falcone's payroll: Paul was Joe chill's
cellmate in Gotham Prison, and the man who alerted Falcone that Chill intended
to turn state's evidence.

Available: After Prologue


3.Lungtaen Pem

Lungtaen Pem is the longstanding footman in the League of Shadows. He was one
of many in the League assigned to find Bruce Wayne after sightings of the
vanished billionare in Asia and India. Pem allowed himself to be arrested for
the killing of an Indian smuggler in Phuntsholing,in order to gain entrance
to the Bhutanese prison where Wayne was rumored to be interred. By correctly
indentifying Wayne, Pem faciliated his introduction to Henri Ducard and the
League of Shadows.

Available: After himalayas


4.Sgt. Robert Hardey

Sergeant Hardey began his career as an idealistic and upstanding Gotham
police officer. Corruption came first as a matter of survival,as Robert soon
found himself accepting bribes when bullets were the alternative. As both he
and his wife quickly developed expensive tastes.Hardey now considers himself
more of an employee of Carmine Falcone than of Gotham City.

Available: After The Docks


5.Jackson Eckhouse Esq.

Eckhouse is Carmine Falcone's lawyer and confidant. They grew up in the same
tenements of Gotham City's Lower East Side, and have relied upon and trusted
each other like brothers. It was largely Falcone's ill-gotten money that put
Eckhouse through law school, on that understanding that he would use his
education to keep Falcone out of jail. Needless to say, its been a full time

Available: After the Docks


6.Carmine Falcone

The last of the old guard. Carmine Falcone has profited the most of the graft,
corruption, theft, and violent crime in Gotham City for the last three decades.
Falcone is the linchpin of a network of loyalty, intimidation, and greed,
protected equally by his street toughs and by scores of corrupt cops and
politicans. He was untouchable, until the apperance of Batman.

Available: After The Docks


7.Marvin Walker

One of Falcone's longest running and most loyal employees. Walker has been
sent to jail five times - and the hospital twice - in service to the
syndicate.He achieved mino infamy in the criminal community for carrying out
the "Crowne Job," an in-office hit on the shortest acting GPD Chief
Superintendent on record, Leonard Crowne. He has been on the Gotham Police
Most Wanted list ever since, but has been saved from arrest by the system's
rampant corruption.

Available: After The Docks


8.Walter Pfister

Pfister began working for Falcone as a surveillance man, hiding the cameras
in seedy hotels and upscale brothels in order to blackmail wealthy and
politically influential. Arrested under electronic eavesdropping laws, he
agreed to provide the cops with hidden surveillance on Falcone rather than do
jail time. But he could not keep his betrayl a secret,without Batman's
timely arrival,Pfister would be staring at the underside of a Gotham landfill

Available: After The Narrows


II.West Wing

1.Detective Flass

Flass has been corrupt even longer than he's been a cop. He's run dozen of
low-level graft since he was a teenager, everythng from five-dollar bribes
from street hustlers to free falafels from unlicensed pushcarts.Being
partnered with Detective James Gordon has put such a damper on his bribery
collection, but not so much that he's cut back on his falafel consumption.

Available: After The Narrows


2.Victor Zsasz

Mr. Zsadz is a notorious serial killer and current resident of Arkham Asylum.
He evolved from a killer who murders by compulsion to the kind of sociopath
who murders for pleasure. His arms and chest are covered with lines, each one
etched into his skin to memorilaize a victim: he's running out of carving

Available: After The Narrows


3.Paul Jennings

Jennings started his life of crime on film sets, selling pain killers and
illicit favors to the stars of Gotham's silver screen. With the collapse of
the city's film business, Jennings had to find another industry,and found a
perfect match for his tastes for easy violence and easy cash in an
introduction to Carmine Falcone.

Available: After The Narrows


4.Jonathan Crane

A brilliant but morally bankrupt former psychopharmacologist at arkham asylem,
Jonathon Crane's entire personality has been hijacked by the "Scare Crow"
persona he developed as part of his fear experiment.His dementia is the result
of exposure to his own fear toxin,a weaponrized form of the hallucinoenic
poppies used by the League Of Shadows.

Available: After Arkham Asylem


5.Andrew Grieves

A white collar everymen,Grieves suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of an
IRS investiation,an extra-marital affair and alcohol abuse.His family was
notified that the one week of observation at arkham asylem would be extented
indefinately.They were not told that his condition had taken a sharp detour in
to violent schizophrenia as a result of Dr.Crane's fear experiments.
Mr Grieves enjoys howling,chewing on his hands and beating his head against

Available: After Arkham Asylem


6.Ugyen Norbu

A relatively new recruit ti the league of shadows,Ugyen Norbu has made great
progress in his 7 years of training.
His discipline and great skill are marred only by an excessive taste for
violence,and lack of control that sometimes inspires.
The League,however,deemed his personality perfect for a mission in which the
league would have to face and defeat Bruce Wayne.

Available: After Wayne Manor


7.Rober Burke

Burke was one of the many criminals who found themselves cast out into the
cold after carmine falcone was brought to justice.He eagerly accepted work
from Dr.Jonathon Crane,not knowing the circumstances of the job.
He has a preference for less physocoligically-traumatizing violence and is
currently seeking other employment.

Available: After Last Level


8.Henri Ducard

There are multiple and conflicting rumours about the history of henry ducard.
One of the more reliable describe him as a private detective who died on a
hunting expedition in Nepal over a decade ago.
Other rumours place him as a manhunter along the ganges river in Bangladesh,
who caught every criminal he stalked except the one who killed his wife.
The most persistent rumours make him to be a top-echelon member of the League
of Shadows,a westerner who by skill and force of will,worked his way upwards
through the ranks to sit at the right hand of the legendary Ra's Al Ghul.

Available: After Last Level


In this section i will describe about the enemies you face in the game.


A.Crane Thugs

They ar mostly unarmed.Are very easy to scare and take out.They are armed with
guns in the later levels.


B.Manic Inmates

They are one of your tougher enemies.Are tough to scare and take a couple of
extra hits to go down.They are always unarmed.


C.League Member

Are sometimes armed with guns or swords.Mostly unarmed and very easy to scare
and take out.


D.League Ninja

Are sometimes armed with guns or sword.Mostly unarmed.They are stronger then
their league member counterparts.


E.Ra's Al Ghul

He's a boss.You never get to take him out.He is the only one who counters your
attacks.Be vary.


F.Falcone's Thugs

Are mostly armed with guns,knives and crowbars.Are slightly tough.



Very easy.



You just grab him and interrogate him.Very easy.


I.Detective Flass

Just grab and interrogate him


J.Helicopter Pilot

Just grab and interrogate him.


K.Enemy Car

They appear in the mission,'passage to gotham' and are very easy.Just crash
through them.


L.Enemy Van

They appear in the mission,'passage to gotham' and are tougher.Again,just
crash through them.


M.Freight Truck

This a sort of a boss and is significantly tougher.Get near it and wait for
your onboard weaponry system to lockonto it and press L2 to fire your missiles
at it.It moves at a pretty fast speed so you have to use your nitrous oxide to
catch up to it.Plus the lock on takes time to lock,which is annoying because
if the truck suddenly takes a left or right turn you have again catch upto it
and wait for your missiles to lock on.I think 6 or missiles will take out the


N.Police Vehicles

They appear in the mission saving rachel and are very easy.Just crash through
them.But they are also plenty in number so unecessary crashes will deplete
your armor,which can end up short in that level.



They appear in the mission saving rachel and are tough to avoid.They will try
to track you down with their spotlights and if the spotlight metre reaches
full,you fail the mission.Use your nitrous oxide to avoid them.If you ran out
of nitros oxide,then break and accelerate suddenly.



Contact me if you

noticed an error etc i made

Want to make a contribution

Want to appreciate my walkthrough

Want permission to host it on your web site

DONOT contact me If you

want to send Hate Mails and viruses

want to just spam my inbox

E-mail Address: 



1)I once saw a cut scene in which batman becomes a demon and takes out the
enemy,how does it happen?
Ans)It happens when your area fear bar and reputations bars are almost full
and you press the O button for a finishing move.

2)I want to contribute the histories of the last 5 people in the gallery of
And)Please Do.

3)I have some other contribution....
Ans)PLEASE Send them in.

4)What do you mean by graple point?
Ans)Graple point is that location which when you reach,a message comes on your
screen to press the O button.

5)I can't make it to the lights hanging from the ceiling in the wayne manor.
It's very difficult...
Ans)Since you don't have your cape,you cannot glide.You must time your jumps.
Jump and then fall a little and then jump again.

Will update as i get more questions....



Me..For making a great faq.
You..For Reading it.
[Your name here]..For sending a great addition in my FAQ.
WB Games...For Batman
EA Development Studios...For This GAME
yada yada yada yada......................


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