Dave Wang, 60, Says He Likes The Way He Is Now Even If He Got "Uglier" With Age - 8days Skip to main content



Dave Wang, 60, Says He Likes The Way He Is Now Even If He Got "Uglier" With Age

Who needs to look good when you've got confidence?
Dave Wang, 60, Says He Likes The Way He Is Now Even If He Got "Uglier" With Age

It looks like we're finally getting to hear more of '90s Taiwanese singer Dave Wang Jie's music.

In a recent interview with Taiwanese media ETToday, Dave, who released a new single 'Zhe Chang You Xi Na Chang Meng' in January, shared that he was busy settling a family member's funeral matters. 

Now that he's done with that, he is set to release his new album this month.

"I hope everyone can support [my new music], then I can hide under my blanket and rejoice for a while," he quipped. 

Dave went on to talk about his life in Canada, where he moved to after leaving showbiz in 2017.

"When I first lived in Canada, I would always take my boat out and go fishing. I could fish from morning till night. I would also go diving to look for abalone or go to the river to fish for salmon during their spawning migration. My life seemed to be all about fishing," he recalled. 

But Dave outgrew that phase in his life.

"As I age, I no longer have the strength to do things like fishing. Now, I want to learn architecture principles. I'm also learning how to cut down big trees," he said.

So he's a lumberjack now?

"My backyard has some huge trees, some are seven to eight storeys high. When it snows or when a typhoon hits, the trees will fall and damage the house, lives will be at stake," he explained, adding that he also took care of the maintanence of his home. 

While that sounds really mundane, Dave enjoys every bit of it. 

"Life sounds very boring now. But like what I said in the past, whatever age you're at, you should look your age. I like the way I am now. Even though I am old, my hair is grey, but at least my organs are all real. I got uglier, but I'm comfortable with my life," mused Dave.

Dave's perfectly okay with how he looks now.
Photos: hk01




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