seman analysis results? - Fertility Treatments | Forums | What to Expect
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seman analysis results?

I need some insight to these please and whether we'd have a chance with IUI or need to go straight to IVF?
I'm just heartbroken and wany to know what we can do
Thank you!

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my husband has very low motility and we were told IUI probably wouldn’t be successful so we are going straight to IVF. Your doc might have your husband try a supplement and then do a repeat semen analysis before making a decision. My husband was put on Clomid for a month (it helped his results a little but not enough to make a drastic difference) before we decided to move forward with IVF. I would’ve liked to try IUI first but with the odds of conception being much lower, it didn’t make sense for us.

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The most concerning factor here is his count being below 2mil. What's his lifestyle like? Does he drink, smoke cigs or marijuana? Does he have any history of trauma to his testicles, any blockages, etc.?

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he doesn't drink anymore, he used to chew tobacco but he quick months ago (probably at least 6 months ago) 
no history of trauma that I know of, and no blockage that we know of

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My husband has low sperm count and very low motility and we were advised to bypass IUI and go straight to IVF using ICSI as our best chance for success. It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg so IUI could still possibly be successful but infertility treatment is such a numbers game and can take such an emotional toll that I wanted to go with our best shot of success first, especially since we're pretty confident our issues are only related to his sperm. Taking that out of the equation helped me feel much more confident as we're going through this. All that to say, we haven't seen our big success yet but we've only attempted one transfer and are gearing up for attempt #2. However, we had to get past the big hurdle of his sperm issues to even stand a chance and IVF with ICSI helped make that part happen and we have successfully fertilized embryos. 

If time isn't a big factor in your decision, there's no harm in trying a few rounds of IUI to see what might happen. Even though probability isn't leaning in your favor, sperm being present means it isn't impossible! I think it all boils down to what you feel most comfortable with emotionally and financially. 

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