19 OkCupid Profile Examples For Guys That Work Great (2024)
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19 OkCupid Profile Examples That Will Attract Better Matches!

Not meeting the kind of women you really want on OkCupid? Chances are your profile could use a reboot. But you know that already, since you're looking for OkCupid profile examples.

OkCupid Profile Examples For Guys

For most guys, writing about themselves is an exercise in frustration.

But unless you’re extremely good looking, you can’t rely solely on your photos to distract her from your pitiful profile.

Don’t worry, we’ve got what you need to turn your boring profile into a date magnet. VIDA's dating experts have written thousands of OkCupid profiles and spent countless hours on this popular dating site. We know firsthand how to attract the hottest matches with your profile.

Keep reading to learn which prompts are the best ones to answer, and get awesome OkCupid profile examples you can use right now to boost your match rate, get more numbers and go on more dates!

Aim For Maximum Attractiveness In Your OkCupid Profile

OkCupid profiles are quite a bit different than other online dating sites like Plenty Of Fish and Match.

Instead of one main "About Me" type introduction, OkCupid profiles consist of 9 main sections, with the ability to add more by choosing additional topics from the menu.

For each section, you can select one prompt to answer from a list of 5 or 6.

Choosing a prompt from each one isn’t mandatory, but you need to provide enough information to intrigue her.

The perfect OkCupid profile gives her a glimpse of what spending time with you would be like, and putting some time into your profile also lets her know you’re serious about meeting someone.

That's essential if you're in the market for a long-term relationship.

example of a bad okcupid profile example

Not all prompts will show you in the best possible light, so it’s important to choose wisely.

The modern dating experts at VIDA have been writing compelling, intriguing profiles for guys just like you since 2009, and you’re about to benefit from all the research we’ve put in.

When maximum attractiveness is your goal, here are the best OkCupid profile prompts to answer - along with a few effective examples and tips for each one!

About Me Examples For OkCupid

OkCupid About Me prompt options

“My self-summary” is the best option here, as it’s a natural way to highlight a few of your most compelling traits - and illustrate some of the reasons why you’re 100% boyfriend/husband material.

This first example has mass appeal - any girl who’s spent 2 minutes browsing profiles can relate to it.

'Down To Earth' My Self-Summary Example:

"Down to earth" profile example for OkCupid

It hits all the right notes: career-minded, owns a home, strong values, means to travel, etc. She’ll mentally file you under “Great Catch” - and respond to your icebreaker.

This self summary example works because it hooks her attention from the very first sentence, just like any good advertising copy.

'Hit The Highlights' OkCupid Profile Example:

Intriguing OkCupid self summary example

It helps to think of your profile like a commercial that puts forth all your best features.

Highlight your #1 selling point in the intro (in this case, a successful “suit & tie” career), and build on it in the next sections.

If you travel quite a bit, and have the photos to back it up, a Self Summary paragraph highlighting your sense of adventure elevates you from the more boring masses.

'Taste of Adventure' Self-Summary Example

Self-Summary for a traveler

The Key To Writing An Attractive Profile

Show, don't tell.

Providing an example of how you embody a specific quality is more attractive than just telling her you have it. In other words, don't just write "I love to travel." Tell her a travel story instead.

If you’re in your 20s or early 30s, you can get away with a little bit of cocky/over-the-top humor in your OkCupid profile.

If your ideal partner is in her late 30s+, too much humor in your dating profile can backfire.

example of a bad Okcupid self summary

The majority of women say they’re burned out by modern dating, so she likely just wants to check items off her “must have” list while skimming your profile.

And regardless of age, humor can be tough to get right simply because it's so subjective.

What makes one woman giggle might turn off another, and it will also set the stage for what she can expect from you in an online conversation.

If you miss the mark with the tone of your profile, she'll be less likely to "like" your profile and respond to your message.

Cocky/Funny Self-Summary Example:


This example works because it’s witty and over the top in an attractive way, then it brings you and the reader back down to earth.

Aspirations Examples For OkCupid

Aspirations menu

If you’re serious about finding your ideal partner, answer the “What I’m doing with my life” prompt.

The other choices imply you’re a guy with big dreams… but she’s more interested in what you’ve actually accomplished up to this point - as that’s the best indicator of what’s to come.

What I'm doing with my life fail

“Has a job” is on most women's list of non-negotiable must haves, so make sure to highlight yours.

'Work/Life Balance' OkCupid Profile Example:

example of a good OkCupid profile

When you’re describing your job, focus on the positive impact you have. Even if what you do isn’t particularly glamorous, you can spin it in an attractive way.

What I'm Doing With My Life Example:

grounded OkCupid profile example

Notice how the job description in both of the profile examples above is balanced with a few lines about what you like to do for fun.

Giving her the impression you’ve got a well-rounded life is more attractive than implying you’re all about work.

Mention activities she can picture herself enjoying with you, like travel. If it's something you do, that’s an attractive hobby.

'Avid Traveler' OkCupid Example:

OkCupid Aspirations example

Not only does it imply you’ve got the financial means to take fun trips, she’ll also imagine herself along for the ride.

'Entrepreneur' OkC Profile Example:

funny OkCupid aspirations example

Keeping what you write in your profile consistent with what’s in your photos is the key to success on OkCupid.

If you tell her all about your adventures abroad but don’t have a single travel photo for her to see, she’s going to feel like something doesn’t quite add up and move on.

'Homebody' Profile Example:

my life OkCupid answer

Don’t worry if you like to keep things more local. You can make that sound just as appealing.

Talent Examples For OkCupid

Talent section of OkCupid profile

I’m really good at” is the perfect opportunity to project some confidence & let her know why you're relationship material.

For instance, by saying you’re good at finding an excuse to break out the power tools, you’re subtly letting her know you’re a handy guy to have around the house.

'DIY Guy' I'm Really Good At Example

Power tools example for an alpha trait

Studies have shown women are attracted to traits like bravery, courage, and a willingness to take risks, so try to choose a few hobbies that illustrate how you embody those traits.

In this example, scuba diving, surf boats, and fast-moving boats fill the bill.

'I Can Handle Anything' Example:

Good answer for I'm Really Good At

If you have any obscure, “weird” hobbies, this is also good place to describe them.

Examples of non-conformity can actually make you more attractive, so if you’re into cosplay or D&D, drop a mention in.

Needs Examples For OkCupid

I Value menu selection

The secret to an effective list in an online dating profile is simple: each entry needs to imply an attractive trait.

'Basic Necessities' Example:

OkCupid Example of a list

For instance “My running shoes” = physically fit.

“Monthly Sunday dinners with my parents = family guy.

“My German Shepherd Ceri” = responsible enough to care for another living creature.

Get the idea?

'Compelling List' Needs Example:

Six things list for OkCupid

Avoid the cliché of listing basic necessities, like this:

Boring list on OkCupid

Not only is it a way overdone joke, it doesn’t add any relevant information to your profile.

You’ll also miss out on the potential to show up in her results if she does a keyword search for a hobby or interest the two of you share.

Hobbies Examples For OkCupid

OkCupid's list of Hobbies prompt questions

If you’re looking for a serious relationship or marriage, “I spend a lot of time thinking about” gives you the best odds of elevating yourself above the competition.

She’s likely to be more interested in your thoughts than the fact you binge watch GoT or check out Drake videos.

what not to do in an okcupid profile

But it goes without saying you want those thoughts to make you look like a good partner prospect.

'Relationship Material' Hobby Example:

Spend a lot of time thinking about answer example

'World Traveler' Hobby Example:

okcupid profile example for guys

Notice how the word “next” appears in both.

That single word has a lot of power - it lets her know you already own at least one property, and that you’ve been to at least once country.

It’s a subtle way to show her you’re a great catch without sounding like you’re bragging.

Moments Examples For OkCupid

Moments prompt menu on OkCupid

Describing your typical Friday night gives her a sneak preview of what spending time with you could be like.

Friday night fail answer

Just make sure your description sounds genuine - online daters tend to be more attracted to profiles that seem successful, humble and real.

'Fun To Hang With' Example:

Typical Friday night answer

If you answer it in a way that makes her wish she was hanging out with you, you're that much closer to a date.

'Fun Friday Night' Example:

how to describe your Friday night on OkCupid

Dating Examples For OkCupid

you should message me if

Research has shown the most effective profiles are 70% about you, 30% about what you’re looking for in a woman, and the “You should message me if” is a golden opportunity to let her know.

okcupid don't example

You could also fill out the “What I’m actually looking for” prompt, but it’s not quite as effective.

That's for two reasons:

  1. “You should message me if” is a subtle way to let her know you’re not just looking for any woman - you’ve got standards. In other words, you’re giving her a chance to qualify herself, which is a move straight out of the confident male playbook.
  2. It’s an effective call to action - you’re telling her what she should do next.

Of course, a laundry list of items like “message me if you’re tall, blonde, and thin” will likely turn off most women.

It comes off as overly picky and a bit shallow. Besides, you can screen for those features using the search criteria.

Instead, pick a few non-physical characteristics and traits that are important to you…

'Who I'm Looking For' Description Example:

how to answer the about her on OkCupid

And tell her about them in an interesting way.

'Perfect Partner' Description Example:

you should message me if example

No matter what profile sections you fill out, keep these OkCupid profile tips in mind:

  • Show, don’t tell
  • Use vivid imagery
  • Illustrate your most desirable qualities and personality traits
  • Spell check (yes, grammar matters)
  • Avoid boring lists
  • Keep each answer relatively short, as she may be reading it via the OkCupid app on a tiny phone screen.

Bonus OkCupid Profile Tip!

Regularly updating your profile by altering the text here and there will keep you in the top of her search results.

You can add more prompts to your profile at any time, simply by clicking on "Add More Topics" at the bottom of the profile editing screen. You’ll find subjects ranging from favorite books, movies and TV shows to music, art and cooking. 

Taking a few minutes to answer additional prompts can really pay off, as specific details make it really easy for your matches to start a conversation with you.

Answering a few new OkCupid Match Questions periodically can also help freshen up your profile.

Plus, tackling topics like “About how long do you want your next relationship to last?” will help you attract like-minded people.

Want even more OkCupid help? Check out these OkCupid profile tips!

The Fastest Way To Nail Your OkCupid Profile

Sure, these examples are proven to work well, but they’re not 100% you because they weren’t written just for you.

Nothing works better than a profile that’s been uniquely crafted by a professional online dating writer to fit your life story and personality.

Here at VIDA, thousands of guys just like you have been taking advantage of our done-for-you service since 2009.

With a magnetically attractive OkCupid profile on your side, you could be out on a date with a beautiful woman as soon as this weekend!

Intrigued? Click here for more information!

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