1. 33No0ne33's Avatar
    I got this phone and all I want to use it for is to browse the internet using its wifi capabilities. I don't use the phone or email or mms or sms or anything else. My problem is: because I don't have a compuuter, I cannot get rid of the IT policy that was put on I guess by the previous owner and that is preventing me from downloading apps, etc. Since I cannot remove it, is there a way that I can reset the whole device so that I can remove all of the previous owners info or settings and then be able to use the wifi unrestricted? Please help!
    07-29-12 06:19 AM
  2. SwitchBeach's Avatar
    Not sure why you started a whole new thread for the same thing??

    Do you have a BlackBerry Data Plan? You need that.

    You will need to get access to a computer to remove the IT Policy.
    07-29-12 07:12 AM
  3. 33No0ne33's Avatar
    Well I started the new thread because I have a new question and it doesn't look as though my last one is turning out. WHY do I NEED a DATA PLAN? I just want to erase everytthing from the previous owner on this phone_so is there anything I can do? I really want to be able to download stuff.
    07-29-12 08:17 AM
  4. 33No0ne33's Avatar
    By the way thank you very much for all of your help Switchbeach. I do really appreciate taking the time to try and help me.
    07-29-12 08:19 AM
  5. SwitchBeach's Avatar
    You don't need a data plan to wipe the device. However, you DO need a data plan to access data features such as browsing the internet and downloading apps.. And you DO need a computer to remove the IT Policy.

    You can wipe the device by going to the Security Options and selecting Security Wipe. But that will not remove an IT Policy if there is one.
    07-29-12 09:07 AM
  6. 33No0ne33's Avatar
    Ok. Well I can browse the internet already, does that mean I hv a data plan? Is there anything I can do to override an it policy( which is RPM exception 60 min)(if that means anything). Thanks
    07-29-12 10:00 AM