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Du 10/06/2024 au 11/06/2024

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Du 10/06/2024 au 11/06/2024
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The must sees of the Valley of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

The World of Queen

Special Event Concert "The World of Queen"

June 23rd - Reservations required, click here!

Spring in the Valley of Chamonix

Enjoy spring time in the valley of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc!

Lac des Chéserys

Sustainable mountain destination

Responsible attitudes, bivouac, swimming forbidden in altitude lakes...

Groupe de randonneurs sur un chemin de crête

Getting around in the valley : bus, train, bike

Schedules, map, traffic, tickets

La carte d'hôte - Guest card

Ask your host for your card.

Vos prochaines aventures

in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

Chamonix film festival

The not-to-be-missed event for mountain cinema.
in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

Marathon du Mont-Blanc 2024

The Mont-Blanc Marathon is a sporting event bringing together 8 trail races involving 10,000 runners over 3 days in the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc valley.


At the heart of the Haute-Savoie, in the Valley of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, your dreams about nature and mountains come true. Experience the Aiguille du Midi, discover the stories of the pionniers of alpinism and ski on the magical slopes of our 5 ski station in front of the mont Blanc.

Interactive map