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Castle & Gardens

Welcome to Glamis Castle, the site of over six centuries of fascinating Scottish history, heritage and home to the most spectacular gardens.

Chapter I – The Castle

Built upon a site that has been witness to many key moments in Scottish history

Glamis has been the ancestral seat to the Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorne and their Lyon predecessors since King Robert II granted the Thanage of Glamis to Sir John Lyon in 1372.

The Castle as we know it today was built from the 1400s and has been on a grand journey through Scottish history for over 600 years. Once host to Mary, Queen of Scots, Glamis is said to have inspired one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays, Macbeth.

Glamis also has a deep connection to today’s Royal Family as it was the Scottish childhood home of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother and birthplace of HRH Princess Margaret.

Within the castle walls
There are so many stories to explore when visiting Glamis Castle. Our guided tours offer you the chance to experience what it was like to live here through the ages and you will receive the warmest of welcomes from our expert guides. To find out more about booking a tour visit our Tickets & Tours page.

Travelling through history
With over 650 years of history, here are some of the visitors Glamis Castle has welcomed over the centuries.

1562 – Mary Queen of Scots visits Glamis Castle on her way north to quell a rebellion

1716 – The Old Pretender (The Jacobite King James VIII & III) is warmly welcomed at Glamis Castle

1793 – Sir Walter Scott visits Glamis and drinks from the lion cup

1930 – Princess Margaret is born at Glamis and King George V and Queen Mary visit

From a historical point of view, visiting the castle is a magical experience. It is home to so many stories.
Ingrid ThomsonArchivist at Glamis Castle

Chapter II – The Gardens

With each season, our gardens have something different to offer our visitors

The gardens at Glamis are spectacular and, like the castle, full of stories. The Italian Garden was created by HM The Queen’s grandmother, Countess Cecelia, and is a place of serenity which bursts with colour in the warmer months.

By its very nature, The Walled Garden is steeped in history and a favourite of our gardeners. Here, fresh fruit and vegetables are grown and supplied to the Castle Kitchen, going on a journey from garden to plate.

Explore further and visitors can uncover some horticultural marvels with looming Douglas firs in the Pinetum on The Nature Trail. Celebrating Glamis’ connection to William Shakespeare, The Macbeth Trail invites you to discover seven incredible sculptures depicting scenes from the play carved from wood sourced from the Estate.

Changing with the seasons
Our beautiful gardens create a different experience for visitors depending what time of year you come to see them. Here’s a flavour of what you can expect throughout the year.

If it’s mild enough, you will be met with a sea of yellow daffodils lining the avenue when arriving at Glamis Castle around the end of March.

The perennial borders throughout the Walled Garden are at their colourful peak during the summer months.

Just look up to marvel at the many shades of gold coming through the trees across the Estate as summer turns to autumn.

In the colder months, the trees continue to grab attention and, as winter comes to an end, the snowdrops begin to emerge.

From a gardener’s perspective, spring is my favourite season. It’s when you see new growth and colours begin to emerge.
Des CottonHead Gardener at Glamis Castle

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