70 Songs About No Longer Being in Love - Spinditty Skip to main content

70 Songs About No Longer Being in Love

"It is very hard to be in love with someone who no longer loves you, but it is far worse to be loved by someone with whom you are no longer in love." - Georges Courteline, French writer

"It is very hard to be in love with someone who no longer loves you, but it is far worse to be loved by someone with whom you are no longer in love." - Georges Courteline, French writer

When Love Goes Wrong

Some love stories were written in the book of never meant to be, where passion fades to apathy and romance gives way to disdain. Love can grow dusty and feeble when not regularly nourished by both partners. It can splinter and crack under the wear and tear of daily life. This is the other side of a fairytale romance. Love can surely end—and often in ways that aren't pretty

A relative recently dissolved her marriage of more than 25 years when her husband declared that he had long since fallen out of love. He revealed his online infidelities and sadly refused to work further on their lifetime partnership. Love had surely died, and the marriage was so done you could stick a fork in it.

Although John was never successful financially or professionally and he sure didn't knock it out of the park in either the looks or personality department, his wife had believed he was amazing. Outwardly, the father of three young adults portrayed himself as straight-laced and devoutly religious.

As their divorce nears finalization, the almost 60-year-old man searches for a polyamorous situation (seriously). Soon, John will be moving in with his elderly mother, a Buddhist nun. His wife has purchased the family home and is charging forward on her own. When love ends, some people flounder while others flourish. If you can identify with the pain of falling out of love, then make a playlist of pop, rock, country, and R&B songs about no longer being in love.

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1. "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" by The Righteous Brothers

This mesmerizing blue-eyed soul tune is one of the most played songs of all time upon American television and radio. Timeless in its appeal, the chart-topping 1964 single captures the desperation of a man who recognizes that his sweetheart no longer swoons with the passion or love for him like she once did. He urgently begs her to change her mind and return to her previous feelings. (Sorry, buddy, but that ain't happenin'—it's like unringing a bell).

With desperation that is painfully palpable, the narrator notices that his darling now kisses him with her eyes open. She has lost that special spark in her touch, and he is hopeless to change her mind. As he laments how she criticizes him on the small things and no longer glances at him lovingly, the forlorn man pours his heart out in desperation. "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" is on Rolling Stone's list of the "500 Greatest Songs of All Time."

2. "Love No More" by Cody Lovaas & Cailin Russo

I've observed that in love, one romantic partner always seems to love another more. While you chew on that thought, listen to this heartrending 2019 pop ballad wherein a disillusioned narrator has grown tired of waiting for her lover to come around.

The couple discusses the same old problems and arrives at no real resolutions. Having grown hopelessly weary of playing the fool in their dead-end relationship, she has decided that forgiveness is no longer possible. She has nothing left to give and declares, "I don't want your love no more, no more."

3. "Angry All the Time" by Tim McGraw

Some people fall out of love quickly while others take years. For the married pair in this sad 2001 country song, the unraveling of their marriage was a process of resentment and anger built up over the last 20 years as they raised their four kids. Bitterness and distance drove a wedge between them until they are now just two people occupying the same home, sharing the same last name, and going through the motions in life. This is no way to live.

The husband leaves the marriage out of sadness and emotional self-preservation. He mourns who his wife used to be and who they once were as married partners. Do you recognize any couple you know in this heartbreaking tune?

4. "You'll Never Know" by Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande underlines in this 2013 pop song that it's critical to promptly declare your feelings of love for someone rather than admire your beloved from afar, hoping they'll get the hint. Because the guy who was smitten with her waited too long to share his crush, another fella has stepped up to volunteer that he thinks she's
"all that." The first guy has lost his opportunity, as she views him as weak, dramatic, and so "yesterday." She's out of love.


5. "All Out of Love" by Air Supply

Whether the narrator in this 1980 soft rock ditty has cheated on his lover or committed some other relationship transgression, one thing is for sure: he has betrayed her trust. In return, she is rejecting him.

Now he finds himself alone and imploring her to take him back. Feeling so uncertain of his future, the narrator declares that he is utterly lost without her. Air Supply, an Australian duo, released this love song in their home country two years before unleashing it on American audiences. The Aussie version included the lyrics, "I’m all out of love, I want to arrest you," meaning (awkwardly) that the man wants to get his lover's attention. Thankfully, the lyrics were changed.

6. "Let It Go" by James Bay

What used to be a deliriously satisfying love affair has frayed, leaving behind only tattered threads. The narrator in this mournful 2014 pop ballad realizes that he and his beloved no longer fit together like they once did, and nothing will change that fact.

The problems between them are too large, he believes. The narrator thus advocates that they go their separate ways:

Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Let the ashes fall
Forget about me.

In truth, this guy doesn't love her enough to try harder to work this thing out.

7. "Fallin' Out of Love" by Reba McEntire

When the woman in this 1991 country tune is faced with the reality that her significant other is suddenly leaving her for another woman, she processes the traumatic news by swallowing hard, driving all night, and attempting to understand just where their love went off course. Now that they are out of love, the crestfallen narrator must pull herself together and let go of dreams she once harbored that involved him. Even if he changes his mind, she must find her center, remain forward-focused, and make a new start for herself.

8. "Three Empty Words" by Shawn Mendes

In this 2016 pop song, young passion has faded as love has become stale and died upon the vine. This couple suffers from problems they have not been able to repair. Additionally, boredom has set in as the routine of their long-term relationship has yielded to routine and merely going through the motions. There are the same discussions, the same old songs, nothing new to see here. Most especially, the words "I love you" have lost their meaning, and the young man doesn't want to keep saying the three empty words. Sorry, sis, but he's done.

9. "Out of Love" by Alessia Cara

Only ask questions for which you can truly handle the answers. In this heartbreaking 2019 ballad, a lonely, rejected woman asks her former flame, "When did you fall out of love?" The narrator considers it useless to try to determine why he fell out of love. Moreover, she doesn't try to lure him back into the relationship because that is hopeless. Instead, she is laser-focused on when this change of heart occurred.

10. "Someone Like You" by Adele

Woe is the lover whose partner no longer feels the same. It can take years to mend a broken heart. The woman in this 2011 pop ballad pays an unannounced, stalkeresque visit to an old flame whom she can't forget.

The narrator is languishing in yesterday's bittersweet memories whereas her ex has moved on and is now happily married. It was a mistake coming here. As she bids him farewell (again), she announces her intention to find someone like him and move on with her life. However, I bet she'll keep tabs on him throughout their lives.

11. "Broken Together" by Casting Crows

Marriage can be constructed of picture-perfect romantic fairytales as well as the grim reality of scars and secrets, overdue bills, and shattered dreams. In this encouraging 2014 song by Christian rock group Casting Crows, the narrator recognizes that the marriage they are in isn't what either party planned. However, he suggests pulling together and being broken together in love.

12. "Cold" by Maroon 5

This 2017 diss track is a pop song about a forlorn fella whose lover is treating him differently. Desperately trying to figure out what has gone wrong, he wonders whether they're "on a break" from the relationship and his emotionally distant girlfriend just hasn't clued him in yet. Although they still share a bed, she's so cold-hearted to him that he's getting shivers and goosebumps. The girl has fallen out of love; her news is coming.

13. "You'll Think of Me" by Keith Urban

Parceling out property at the end of a broken love affair is such a hollow feeling. In this sorrow-filled country song from 2002, a reflective man directs his ex to take certain items that were hers because he no longer has use for them. Additionally, he urges her to take the memories they made together and her sorry excuses.

His former sweetheart has cheated and left him for someone else, and the man feels both betrayed and grief-stricken. As he attempts to convince himself that this will be a clean start for him without his ex, the sad narrator rallies by promising his former partner that someday she will regret her actions. His memory will continue to haunt her as the one who got away.

14. "Just Give Me A Reason" by Pink featuring Nate Ruess

If you stay with a romantic partner long enough, your relationship may begin to lose its luster, revealing cracks, strains, and imperfections as that initial tear-your-clothes-off passion fades to couch potato comfort. Some couples allow their love to slide further into chronic discontent and boredom. As this chart-topping 2012 emotional ballad points out, however, such relationships are only as broken as you make them to out to be. Get working.

The pop duet is raw and authentic and became a worldwide hit. It portrays a couple whose relationship is on the blink when the song narrator asks her partner for a second chance to learn to love again.