Film: Monster Island (di Jack Perez, 2004)

Monster Island

La locandina del film Monster IslandTitolo Originale:
Monster Island

Regia di:
Jack Perez

Soggetto e Sceneggiatura di:
Jack Perez

Attori protagonisti:
Carmen Electra, Nick Carter, Adam West, Chelan Simmons, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, LaLa Vazquez

Canada, USA



Riassunto della Trama:
MTV is throwing a contest. The winner gets to invite their entire high school class to a remote island, where they will dance the night away with a host of celebrity guests. Josh has no interest in the contest � he�s too miserable about his break up with Maddy. Josh�s sister is dead-set on winning, though, so she secretly submits a ballot in his name. Josh isn�t happy when he learns he has won, but figures it might be a good chance to win Maddy back. At the concert on the island, Josh refuses to have fun, despite the party surrounding him. When he meets Carmen Electra, however, he�s goo-goo eyed � until a giant creature flies in and snatches her off the stage during her performance. Josh decides to go after her, organizing a group, including Maddy, to rescue Carmen. On their way, they learn that this island was a former nuclear test site, turning ordinary animals and insects into giant mutants, and the island could sink at any moment! Josh must make his way through monsters, come to terms with his feelings for Maddy, and rescue Carmen Electra � before the island sinks into the sea.

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