Gorgon Head | Ice and Fire Mod Wiki | Fandom
Ice and Fire Mod Wiki

The Gorgon's head is a one use item that can turn one mob of your choice to a statue just like the live Gorgon does. However, Death Worms are unaffected due to their lack of eyes. Dragon skeletons can be turned to stone, and even looted afterwards. However if you do loot the skeleton after turning it to stone then it will disappear entirely. It can also be used to craft a unique banner pattern.



When a Gorgon turns a saddled mob into a statue, there is a bug that you can mount the statue. The mob can also disappear when turned to a statue by a Gorgon.

As of right now, there is no cure for a mob turned to stone.

You can still destroy a petrified mob with a pickaxe to turn it to cobblestone, but it does not free them.

When you get petrified, all of your armor breaks no matter how much durability it has, what it's made of, or if you have keepinventory on.
