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Song Family This article is part of a series about the Song family

Basic Information


The Songs are a distinguished elvin family known for previously making music. Although mostly revered, one particular line of the family is scorned because of the pair of twins, Tam and Linh Song. Tam and Linh lived in Choralmere, until their parents, Quan and Mai Song decided that they wouldn't stand up for their children after the Council decided to banish Linh due to an accidental flood.

Choralmere is a residence overlooking the ocean, described as being a "glittering prison" by Tam, and is where this branch of the Song family lives. Their parents take public images very seriously, as shown when they chose to banish Linh from the Lost Cities because she had ruined the family name by nearly flooding Atlantis, and also because they wanted to be free of the shame of twins so that their family name would not suffer anymore.

The surname "Song" (originally "Tong") comes from many different human Asian cultures—it can be a Chinese, a Vietnamese, or a Korean surname. The first names of the family members are of Vietnamese origin, implying that they are the elvin representation of a Vietnamese person. Given they are elves however, it is important to note they likely aren’t really from a human country at all, and rather an area near or with a somewhat similar culture to Asia.

Family Issues[]

Their parents are less sympathetic than they should be though Linh and Tam are very different in that sense. Both of their parents also attempted to hide the fact that Linh and Tam Song are twins.


It has been shown that both Linh and Mai are gentle people with very soft personalities, meanwhile Tam and Quan are harder people with more bitter personalities. This is probably why Linh and Mai are more willing to apologize and make amends with each other while Tam and Quan have a harder time doing so. Tam and Mai also seem to be more introverted, while Linh is just quiet, and Quan is more on the extroverted side. Tam seems protective of his sister Linh.


Quan Song[]

  • Father

Quan Song is harsh and rude to his children; however, he deeply cares about his wife, Mai.

Mai Song[]

  • Mother

Mai Song is shown in Lodestar and Nightfall, stating that she wants to start over with the twins and wanted them back in her life, feeling sorry for her cruelty to them beforehand and being somewhat soft, but detached.

Tam Song[]

Tam Song is a Shade. He appears to be lanky and mysterious when Sophie and her friends after first seeing each other in Exillium. He chose to be banished with Linh and stood up for her, ruining his parents' plan to tell everyone Tam was an only child.

Linh Song[]

  • Daughter, twin with Tam

Linh Song was the Hydrokinetic who saved Sophie in Exillium after Sophie had used her Black Swan Monocle Pendant to cast a white fire in order to break through her ropes. Linh was supposed to be ejected from Exillium for helping Sophie but was spared to the fact that she put out the rest of the fire. She is loyal, playful, quiet, and kind.
