History of Christianity in the United States - AAAS - DoSER

History of Christianity in the United States

This course will be structured to understand the distinction and forms of Christianity in the United States of America.
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This course, taught by Sharon J. Grant at Hood Theological Seminary, will be structured to understand the distinction and forms of Christianity in the United States of America. We will study how Christianity has developed in the diverse sociohistorical contexts throughout the expansionist project of North America. We will have dialogue and assignments to assess how Christianity is lived currently and how it shapes and influences society. Furthermore, this course will integrate scientific content within several weeks of study to explore the dynamic relationship between the Church and the scientific community. The discovery of the New World by European explorers provided the conditions for the creation of an actual new world and the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries utilized methodology to explain it that often conflicted with the biblical narrative and ecclesiastical hierarchies. A few of these conflicts along with the implications and significance for contemporary society will be explored.

Seminary: Hood Theological Seminary
Keywords: history of science, science and religion, eugenics, church history

History of Christianity in the US



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