Key Takeaways

  • Explore websites like GOG, My Abandonware, and for thousands of free and nearly free games legally available.
  • These platforms offer access to older and less popular but quality games, perfect for those looking to expand their game library.
  • From indie titles on Game Jolt to classic Windows XP games on Acid-Play, PC gaming can be affordable and diverse with the right sources.

Probably the first step after building a PC is downloading all your favorite game launchers and game libraries to set up your brand-new gaming PC. Adding shiny new games to your library is exciting but the cost quickly adds up, especially if you're like me and end up building your library instead of actually playing and finishing games.

A possible solution to this chronic compulsion is to explore websites that offer free (and nearly free) games that you can download legally. No need to frequent shady websites with pirated games and suspicious sources — you can get thousands of relatively older and less popular (but free) titles using these 10 websites


Screenshot of free games list

GOG (formerly Good Old Games) is a digital storefront similar to Steam and Epic Games, but it frequently offers free games on its platform. You can expect 3-4 free game codes on GOG every month. Sure, these are rarely AAA titles, but you can still get access to some quality games when you're looking for a change of pace from your overstuffed AAA library.

The website is well-designed and easy to use, and even when you're not looking for free titles, you can use it to buy excellent, DRM-free paid games at discounts.

8 My Abandonware

Great for old classics

If you're craving to relive old gaming memories, My Abandonware is one of the best treasure troves of abandonware titles on this list. Stocking landmark titles like Pacman, Tetris, Sim City, Test Drive, Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams, Prince of Persia, Need for Speed II: SE, Need for Speed: Underground 2, Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries, and Sid Meier's Civilization, this website makes it super easy to find your childhood favorite.

You can filter games by year, genre, platform, theme, and even by publisher and developer. And you can also search for the game if you have something specific in mind. Nearly 29,000 retro games are ready to be downloaded and played. Plus, you can also download the Mac and Linux versions in addition to the Windows versions of all the games.


The indie scene is flourishing is a website where anyone can host and sell their indie game. If you're seeing the same titles turn up on the "best indie games" lists, this website can scratch that indie itch for you. hosts indie games for multiple platforms — Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. You can even find games that you can play in your browser, if downloading is too much to ask for.

You can filter games by genre, average session length, controller type, and sort the top sellers or top-rated titles. There are even paid or "on sale" titles at any given moment that can reveal your new favorite indie game. The website currently hosts over 41,000 free games, from psychological horror, first-person shooters, and platformers to sports and simulation.

6 Game Jolt

Another great source for indie titles