Santo Antonio convent - Imagina Rio de Janeiro


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  • Santo Antonio convent

    Vista aérea del Convento de Santo Antonio Rio de Janeiro

    The Convent of Santo Antonio, the Church of Santo Antonio and the Church of Sao Francisco da Penitencia, constitute one of the oldest Catholic complexes built in Rio de Janeiro, and although they have undergone multiple changes and expansions through of the centuries, they are still one of the best examples of the Portuguese-Brazilian architecture typical of the colonial era.


    History of the Convent of Santo Antonio

    Iglesia Convento de Santo Antonio Rio de Janeiro

    The construction of the Convent of Santo Antonio began in 1608, a few years after the arrival of the first Franciscan monks in Rio de Janeiro. The convent began to be inhabited in 1615 but the initial construction was small and was replaced by what can be seen until today, dating from 1780.

    In the Chapter Hall of the Convent of San Antonio, which is currently used as a room for confessions, a University operated between 1776 and 1820 and it was some of the professors of that house of studies who promoted and supported Pedro I for the declaration of the independence of Brazil.

    The most prominent role was played by Fray Sampaio who was a political mentor to Pedro I and editor of the famous speech “do Fico” (I stay) whereby Pedro I declared his father Don Joao VI, King of Portugal, publicly disobeying, deciding to remain in Brazil.

    One of the most beautiful parts of the Convent of Santo Antonio is the Sacristy, which dates from the first years of the 18th century. The floor is made with Portuguese marble inlays of different colors and its walls are covered with tiles (those seen are the original ones) that represent the miracles of Santo Antonio. Inside the furniture stands out the beautiful carved chest made with jacaranda wood.

    The Imperial Mausoleum is part of the Convent although its construction is much more recent. It was inaugurated in 1937 and it rests the remains of the Brazilian Imperial Family, along with the remains of the convent friars.

    The Church of Santo Antonio or church of the Convent, is of baroque style. The central altarpiece is dedicated to San Antonio, while the lateral ones are to the Immaculate Conception and São Francisco de Asís. The main chapel is decorated with paintings that represent the life of the patron saint of the church.

    São Francisco da Penitência Church

    Altar Mayor Iglesia São Francisco da Penitência convento de Santo Antonio Rio de Janeiro

    The Order of the Tertiary of São Francisco arrived in Rio de Janeiro in 1619 and settled in the Convent of Santo Antonio until a few decades later the Franciscan monks gave them a plot of land next to the convent for the construction of their own temple.

    The Church of São Francisco da Penitência (church of San Francisco de la Penitencia) was built in 1657 but the work was not completed until 1733. Its interior is considered one of the most exceptional samples of Brazilian Baroque Art and has a Great artistic and cultural value.

    Both the altar and the walls of the church are completely adorned by gilded wood carvings, works by two of the best Portuguese artists of the time Manuel de Brito and Francisco Xavier de Brito.

    The beautiful paintings of the ceilings that represent the Glorification of San Francisco are the work of the Portuguese painter Caetano da Costa Coelho and were made between 1736 and 1741, they are the first paintings in a Brazilian church that simulates perspective.

    The São Francisco da Penitência Church was restored in 2002 and currently functions as a Museum of Sacred Art.

    Visit Santo Antonio

    Visiting hours for both churches

    Monday to Friday: 08:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    Saturdays: 08:00 to 12:00 hours
    Free entry

    How to get to the Convent of Santo Antonio

    Metro Carioca – Lines 1 and 2
    Address: Largo da Carioca s / n – Center
    Telephone: (+55 21) 2262 0129

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