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As one of the top women wrestlers ever, Trish Stratus managed to break through the glass ceiling and became one of the most decorated champions the WWE has ever seen. Originally a fitness model, Trish’s work caught WWE’s attention who then promptly signed her to a multi-year deal. Even though she was a fan of wrestling, she had zero wrestling experience and went from being fairly pedestrian in the ring to a consistently hard worker who could put on great matches with competent opponents, while also carrying those who were green to the business.

In a short six years, Trish managed to put together a Hall of Fame career, which she was inducted to in 2013. Aside from her many awards, Trish also had eye-popping assets which made her a huge fan favorite, as she was incredibly photogenic and could rock a bikini like none other. Before she joined the WWE, she did plenty of fitness photo shoots that had her in basically nothing, when you see them, you’ll understand how she caught WWE’s eye.

That’s enough with history though, let’s check out Trish in an array of must see pictures including bikinis, lingerie, yoga tights, and even a Wonder Woman costume!

16. Beautiful In Bikinis

Before the WWE, Trish worked at a receptionist for a gym, catching the eye of the publisher for MuscleMag International who asked her to do a test shoot for the magazine. She ended up doing well enough that they signed her to a two-year deal.

From there she was able to focus solely on fitness and grace the covers of multiple magazine with pictures like the one above. It’s not difficult to see why she was successful, a curvaceous body, and photogenic face, Trish Stratus was just getting started.

15. Lingerie Model

Okay, maybe Trish wasn’t an actual lingerie model, but in many of her fitness photo shoots she would rock outfits like these. This was a great picture because she’s not looking directly at the camera like most pictures, makes it stand out from the bunch.

During this time Trish also picked up a job as a co-host for Live Audio Wrestling on Toronto Sports Radio, being a wrestling fan since childhood this was a way for her to get some of her fandom out. Between modeling and talking wrestling, it was only a matter of time before WWE came calling.

14. WWE Career Begins

In 1999, the WWE signed Trish and begin training her immediately, as she had no prior wrestling experience. After about five months of practice in the ring, Trish eventually debuted as the new manager for T & A (Test & Albert).

Typically coming to the ring with a long coat (usually black) and cowboy hat, Trish began her career as a heel, taunting the Dudley Boys in her first major feud. All her taunting eventually led to Bubba Dudley putting her through a table, which was also the start to her taking more bumps in the ring.

13. Hitting The Beach

Even though Trish just missed the Attitude Era, many of her early photo shoots leaned more towards the adult side. WWE just loved to use water back then, and put their women in outfits that probably wouldn’t fly in today’s “PG” environment.

With looks that could kill, Trish didn’t just smile her way and pose awkwardly through these pictures, she could rock a “seductive look” like no other woman in wrestling. Trish’s early work as a manager and WWE’s most popular model, caught fans’ attention in a hurry making her a hot commodity almost right from the start.

12. Diva Doll

Not kidding around with how popular Trish was in these spreads, it seemed like she was included in one every week on WWE’s website and in their magazine each month. In this one Trish wore a black lacy ensemble with her hair in pigtails.

After moving on from T & A, Trish began managing Val Venis, eventually getting into her first major storyline with the McMahon family. The story basically went that Vince stressed Linda into becoming comatose, allowing Vince to have an affair with Trish on the side as Linda sat helplessly in a wheelchair. This was a time when Trish was made to do some pretty low things like strip for Vince, and even crawl around on the mat and bark like a dog.

11. Feuding With Stephanie

Stephanie eventually got involved as she didn’t approve of how Vince was treating her mother, so she went after Trish. The two eventually had a match in 2001 to settle their differences, and needless to say it was pretty rough.

Steph has never been great in the ring and this was during Trish’s earlier days when she was still learning how to put together a decent match. Most of the match was sloppy brawling and slapping, some water got involved, and yep, even some spanking with Steph getting the win in the end.

10. Posin’ Till Closin’

Back to Trish’s pre-WWE days, it would be almost criminal to leave this picture out of her must-see collection. This is typically one of her more widely distributed photos, for pretty obvious reasons. Not only is it a crazy sexy pose, but shows off how well Trish can pull off the sultry vibe.

Even though it was mad creepy, it’s not a big surprise how much Vince McMahon wanted to work with Trish, often writing up scenes that got him extremely close with her. For Trish, sometimes you just had to play the game to eventually get what you want.

9. Cherry On Top?

Around 2002, WWE start began putting Trish in matches more regularly giving her some time against other wrestles like Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson, Jazz, and most notably, Lita. Trish ended up winning the WWE Women’s title for the first time at the 2001 Survivor Series, where she defeated five other women for the honor.

Trish’s popularity continued to go up not only due to winning the title, but doing so as a face, fans began supporting her in a big way. This was evident as Trish got to fight for the title in her hometown of Toronto at WrestleMania 18 against Jazz and Lita.

8. Wonder Trish

After her initial year or so in the company, Trish wasn’t known for dressing up too often, nor was she in very many gimmick matches. The women’s division was taking a turn for the better as matches were becoming more legitimate contest thanks to a new roster that included: Lita, Molly Holly Ivory, Victoria, Jazz, and Trish.

Although, whenever Halloween came around she would jump at the chance to dress up and here was one of her more notable costumes, when she donned a black wig and went as Wonder Woman. In other year she’s gone out as a sexy farmer’s girl and even Mickie James!

7. She’s Hardcore?

After feuding at the top of the women’s division for the title, Trish took a slight detour by going off and winning the WWE Hardcore championship by pinning Crash Holly. Her reign lasted not even a single show though as the title had a 24/7 rule, which meant a match could be started at anytime with a referee involved.

Stevie Richards took advantage of the rule and defeated her later on Raw. This didn’t slow her down though as she was back to becoming Women’s champion within week. During her feuds with Molly Holly and Victoria she would bond with Jeff Hardy, apparently, the WWE tried to put these two together on two separate occasions, but had to scrap the plans both times without a proper conclusion.

6. One Of The Best

When it was all said and done, Trish captured the Women’s title an amazing seven times in a six year career. Becoming easily WWE’s top woman, she worked nearly her entire singles’ career as a face, which changed at WrestleMania XX when she turned heel by siding with Christian over fan favorite, Chris Jericho.

As much as fans hated her being made “bad,” Trish excelled greatly in the role and put on some of her best performances when it came to cutting promos. She was smug, knew she was the best, and didn’t let anyone forget it for the next year, before an injury put her on the shelf for months.

5. Friends Make The Best Foes

It can’t go without saying that Trish’s career would not have been as prosperous had it not been for her most formidable advisory, Lita. The same can be said for Lita, as both fought multiple times and had one of the best long-running feuds of anyone in wrestling.

Trish and Lita became so popular that they actually were the main event for Raw in 2004; an achievement in itself because it was the first time two woman got to end the show sans any men. The two are still best friends to this day and have actually had signing tours together in their retired days.

4. The Hall of Famer

In 2006, Trish wrestled her last full-time match at Unforgiven, in her hometown of Toronto against Lita for the Women’s title. In somewhat surprising fashion, she won the match, closing out a fantastic career with the WWE.

Over the next few years, Trish would make sporadic appearances, sometimes just in backstage segments or in tag matches with John Cena. Finally, in 2013 she was appropriately inducted in WWE’s Hall of Fame and the person to induct her was none other than Lita.

3. The Yoga Years

Once out of the wrestling business, Trish went into the TV business, appearing in numerous shows including a reality show called Armed & Famous and a travel show called Stratusphere. While TV, didn’t seem to be her true calling, another venture seemed to work out just nicely.

In 2008, Trish began her own Yoga studio just outside of Toronto and it has done quite nicely, becoming over the most popular studios in the area winning multiple awards for being the best. She has since expanded her empire with Yoga DVDs and all kinds of gear, as you can see she’s stayed in fantastic shape even after her fitness and WWE days.

2. The Bendy Brunette

Now that’s some flexibility! At forty (yes, forty) Trish has kept herself in great condition, but you’ll probably also notice her hair is brown. Yes, it’s true she dyed her hair for all of those years in the WWE and prior, that may be obvious to some, but to most guys they probably didn’t know (or care) either way.

“Canada’s Greatest Export” has been married since 2006, has one child, and still tours both the U.S. and Canada to see all her faithful fans. Even though she hasn’t been seen on WWE since her Hall of Fame induction, she still makes plenty of appearances for charity and for her yoga studio.

1. WWE’s Mount Rushmore

If there ever was such a monument for the women that have passed through the WWE, it’s very clear that she would be one of the faces up there. She reached popularity that few others have seen, and currently has the best women’s match at WrestleMania ever when she took on Mickie James for the title.

Aside from Lita, her feud against Mickie (who played an obsessed fan) was easily the most entertaining story in her career. If you didn’t get a chance to witness it, look for it, it’s well worth your time. Trish Stratus was a decorated champion, a hard worker, she had unbelievably good looks, made her way to the top, and left the wrestling business with her health; a career every wrestler hopes for.


Sources: WWE.com, Wikipedia.org