NEW DSCC AD: Roy Blunt Puts His Lobbyist Family Members Ahead of Missouri - DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

NEW DSCC AD: Roy Blunt Puts His Lobbyist Family Members Ahead of Missouri

Senator Roy Blunt’s deep lobbyist ties have long been at the heart of his re-election campaign, and today the DSCC released a new ad highlighting how Blunt puts his lobbyist family members ahead of hardworking Missourians. Blunt’s wife and three children are all lobbyists, and in Congress, Blunt snuck provisions into bills that would directly benefit his family’s clients. Roy Blunt is so far out of touch with Missouri voters – and reality – that he told a radio station he doesn’t “even understand why” his family’s lobbyist ties “would be a question.”


The ad, “Conflict” can be viewed HERE.


“Senator Roy Blunt has spent so much time in Washington doing favors for his lobbyist family members that it has become the new normal for him and he doesn’t ‘even understand why that would be a question,’ to use his words,” said Sadie Weiner, DSCC Communications Director. “But Roy Blunt’s deep lobbyist connections and special interest favors have raised a lot of questions with Missouri voters, and they want to know why he’s looking out for lobbyists instead of Missouri. After two decades in Washington, it’s clear that Roy Blunt represents the worst of Washington and not the Missouri families who elected him all those years ago.”






V/O: Roy Blunt’s family is filled with lobbyists.


GFX: Abigail Blunt

Amy Blunt

Andy Blunt

Matt Blunt

Roy Blunt















Blunt’s Wife Is The Head Of Government Affairs At Kraft Foods In Washington, DC. “The senator is married to a Washington lobbyist, Abigail Blunt, head of government affairs at Kraft Foods Group. His other son, former Gov. Matt Blunt, is a Washington lobbyist for the American auto industry.  And in Jefferson City, Andy Blunt boasts a roster of more than 30 clients — including the Missouri Hospital Association, Dairy Farmers of America, and the Lake of the Ozark Marine Dealers Association, according to reports filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission.” [Springfield News-Leader, 3/18/15]


Washington Examiner: Abigail Blunt Is “Kraft Foods’ Top Lobbyist.” Senators have a tendency to be married to lobbyists. Tom Daschle’s wife, Linda Hall Daschle, is a major transportation lobbyist. Kent Conrad’s wife, Lucy Calutti, is a lobbyist for Major League Baseball. Byron Dorgan’s wife, Kimberly Dorgan, is the top lobbyist fqor the life insurance industry. On the GOP side, Liddy Dole was a Republican senator while her husband, Bob Dole, was a lobbyist. Abby Blunt, wife of Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, is Kraft Foods’ top lobbyist.” [Washington Examiner, 10/6/14]


Q2 2016: Abigail Blunt Lobbied On Behalf Of Kraft Heinz On The Safe And Accurate Food Labeling Act And The Biotech Labeling Solutions Act. According to the federal lobbying database, Abigail Blunt lobbied the U.S. House of Representatives on “H.R. 1599 ‘Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015’ and S. 2609 ‘Biotech Labeling Solutions Act’ and S.764 as amended (General background and federal preemption).” [Federal Lobbying Disclosure Database, Heinz Kraft Q2 2016]




Andrew Blunt Is A Registered Lobbyist In The State Of Missouri. According to lobbying disclosures, Andrew Blunt registered as a lobbyist on February 9, 2001. His registration is current through December 31, 2016. [Missouri Ethics Commission, Lobbyist Summary LOBID L001341]


  • Andrew Blunt First Registered As Lobbyist in February 2001. According to lobbying disclosures, Andrew Blunt registered as a lobbyist on February 9, 2001. His registration is current through December 31, 2016. [Missouri Ethics Commission, Lobbyist Summary LOBID L001341]


Springfield News-Leader: Blunt Hired His Son Andy To Be His Campaign Manager And “While Few Would Question Andy Blunt’s Political Savvy, His Role As His Father’s Top Campaign Strategist Will Highlight The Senator’s Links To Lobbyists.” “Sen. Roy Blunt is going in-house for help with his 2016 re-election, tapping son Andy Blunt to run his campaign. […] While few would question Andy Blunt’s political savvy, his role as his father’s top campaign strategist will highlight the senator’s links to lobbyists. It also could raise questions about how the father-son team will handle possible conflicts of interest. The senator is married to a Washington lobbyist, Abigail Blunt, head of government affairs at Kraft Foods Group. His other son, former Gov. Matt Blunt, is a Washington lobbyist for the American auto industry.” [Springfield News-Leader, 3/18/15]


  • Headline: “Blunt Taps Son To Manage Re-Election Campaign” [Springfield News-Leader, 3/18/15]


Associated Press: Roy Blunt’s Son Andy Landed “Big Hitters” As Lobbying Clients, Including “Philip Morris, Miller Brewing Co., Southwest Bell, United Parsel Service and The Burlington and Santa Fe Railway Co.” “Andy Blunt, son of U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt and brother of Missouri Secretary of State Matt Blunt, has been trolling the Capitol halls as an advocate for some of the nation’s most influential corporate interests. At age 26, Andy Blunt’s client list includes such big hitters as Philip Morris, Miller Brewing Co., Southwestern Bell, United Parcel Service and The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co.” [Associated Press, 3/10/03]




KMOX: Matt Blunt “Has Officially Followed His Step-Mother’s Lead And Become A Registered Lobbyist.” “He followed his father into politics, and now former Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt has officially followed his step-mother’s lead and become a registered lobbyist. Up until now, Blunt says he wasn’t spending the required 20 percent of his time advocating in the federal arena, but the President of the American Automotive Policy Council tells USA Today he registered recently ‘out of an abundance of caution.’” [KMOX, 5/5/14]


  • Headline: Former MO Gov. Matt Blunt Is Registered Lobbyist. [KMOX, 5/5/14]


Matt Blunt’s First Federal Lobbying Disclosure Was In The Fourth Quarter Of 2014 Where He Disclosed That He Lobbied On Behalf Of The American Automotive Policy Council On Automotive Trade Issues. According to the federal lobbying disclosure database, Matt Blunt lobbied the “U.S. SENATE, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Commerce – Dept of (DOC), Energy – Dept of, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Executive Office of the President (EOP), Intl Trade Administration (ITA), Natl Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), State – Dept of (DOS), Treasury – Dept of, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), White House Office” on “Trans Pacific Partnership FTA; Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership; Korea -U.S. FTA implementation; Korea Market Access Issues; Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Automotive Dialogue; Currency Manipulation and Intervention; Acceptance of U.S. Certified Vehicles; Israel Vehicles Services Licensing Bill; Saudi Arabia Customs; Saudi Arabia Fuel Economy Regulations; Morocco Standards Workshop; Trade Promotion Authority; Korea Auto Emissions Regulations;Gulf Cooperation Council Standards Organization (GSO) auto standards issues; US- Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC); Acceptance of U.S. certified vehicles in Ecuador; Swiss Auto Emissions Regulations Automotive Standards; Proposal with ANSI/ Standards Alliance; Acceptance of U.S. certified vehicles in Egypt; WTO Enviromental Goods Agreement; Domestic and Ecomonic footprint of the U.S. Automotive Companies in each of the 50 states; American Automotive Labeling Act; Economic Contribution of the auto industry in the United States; auto job training and automotive domestic content.” [Federal Lobbying Disclosure Database, American Automotive Policy Council, Q4 2014]


Matt Blunt’s Most Recent Federal Lobbying Disclosure Was In The Second Quarter Of 2016 Where He Disclosed That He Lobbied On Behalf Of The American Automotive Policy Council On Free Trade Agreement Issues, Including TPP. According to the federal lobbying disclosure database, Matt Blunt lobbied the “U.S. SENATE, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Commerce – Dept of (DOC), Energy – Dept of, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Executive Office of the President (EOP), Intl Trade Administration (ITA), Natl Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), State – Dept of (DOS), Treasury – Dept of, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), White House Office, U.S. Customs & Border Protection, U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC)” on “Provide guidance to negotiators on tariff issues, non-tariff barriers, and automotive rule of origin for the Trans Pacific Partnership FTA. Advocate for mutual recognition of safety and environmental automotive standards and balanced automotive rule of origin issues within the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership FTA. Monitor the Korea -U.S. FTA implementation and advocate for the elimination of Korean non-tariff barriers to automotive trade as well as Korea automotive market access issues. Advocate for the inclusion of currency disciplines within future U.S. free trade agreements. Advocating for the acceptance of vehicles certified to U.S. automotive regulations (FMVSS & EPA).” [Federal Lobbying Disclosure Database, American Automotive Policy Council, Q2 2016]




Aug. 2006: Blunt’s Daughter Later Joined Lathrop & Gage Lobbying Department. “Amy Blunt, one of the best-connected Republicans in Missouri, has joined the government relations department of Lathrop & Gage, a large Kansas City law firm. Blunt is the daughter of U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt, the majority whip in the House of Representatives, and the sister of Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt.” [Kansas City Star, 8/15/06]


Amy Blunt Is Currently A Registered Lobbyist With The State Of Missouri. According to lobbyist filings with the Missouri Ethics Commission, Amy Blunt registered as a lobbyist with the state of Missouri on March 19, 2008. Blunt is registered as a lobbyist through December 31, 2016. [Missouri Ethics Commission, LOBID L002095A]


  • Amy Blunt First Registered As A Lobbyist In March 2008. According to lobbyist filings with the Missouri Ethics Commission, Amy Blunt registered as a lobbyist with the state of Missouri on March 19, 2008. Blunt is registered as a lobbyist through December 31, 2016. [Missouri Ethics Commission, LOBID L002095A]


January 2005: Amy Blunt Registered As A Federal Lobbyist With Ameren, CVS, And Intellistrobe Safety Systems. According to the lobbying disclosure database, Amy Blunt registered as a lobbyist effective 1/5/2005 with Ameren Services; 11/1/2005 with CVS; and 1/5/2005 with Intellistrobe Safety Systems.[Lobbying Disclosure Database, Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin LLP, 2005 Ameren Registration; 2005 CVS Registration; 2005 Intellistrobe Safety Systems Registration]


Amy Blunt Last Filed A Federal Lobbying Disclosure Form In 2006. According to the federal lobbying disclosure database, Amy Blunt’s last filing was a 2006 mid-year report where she disclosed lobbying on behalf of Ameren. [Lobbying Disclosure Database, Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin LLP, 2006 Mid-Year Report]



V/O: Blunt denies it’s a conflict of interest.


BLUNT: I don’t even understand why that would be a question.


GFX: “I don’t even understand why that would be a question”

Roy Blunt interview.

KMOX, 1/6/16





When Asked If There Was A Conflict Of Interest Surrounding His Lobbyist Son Also Acting As His Campaign Manager, Blunt Said “I Don’t Even Understand Why That Would Be A Question.” KMOX: “Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri facing questions on the campaign trail on a possible conflict of interest involving his son.   Kevin Killeen: “Blunt has been ducking the issue at other public appearances and didn’t want to talk to us about it. His son Andy is a lobbyist and his campaign manager.” Senator Blunt: “I don’t even understand why that would be a question. Why would it be a conflict of interest that my son is my campaign manager? Is that because…”  Kevin Killeen: “He is also a lobbyist.” Senator Blunt: “Everybody’s family does something.”   Kevin Killeen: “Any Blunt has said he keeps his lobbying and campaigning separate but critics wonder. In just one instance, the son lobbies for a firm that could get stuck paying for clean up of the Westlake Landfill. The senator is active in deciding what to do about the landfill.” [KMOX, 1/6/16]


Even Though He Sat On The Committee With Oversight Over His Son’s New Client, Blunt Refused To Answer Questions On The Potential Conflict Of Interest: “I Thought You Were Told I Wasn’t Going To Talk To You About This.” “That nexus of lobbying, campaign management and family is under fire from Democrats as the younger Blunt manages the elder Blunt’s 2016 reelection campaign. Democrats in the state hope they can hold up Andy Blunt – who has continued to lobby at the state level and just last week added a new title, executive director of the Missouri Cable Telecommunications Association – to argue that the Republican senator has used his position to enrich his family. […] Democrats have noted the elder Blunt sits on the Senate Commerce subcommittee with oversight of the cable industry. But the senator declined to discuss the issue. ’I thought you were told I wasn’t going to talk to you about this,’ he told POLITICO in the Senate hallways.” [Politico Pro, 12/15/15]



V/O: But newspapers detailed how Blunt snuck favors into bills that benefited his family’s clients.


GFX: Blunt quietly “instructed Congressional aides to add the tobacco provision to the bill”

–zashington Post, 6/11/03


V/O: Good for the Blunts. Not Missouri.


GFX: Roy Blunt


BLUNT: I don’t even understand why that would be a question.


GFX: “I don’t even understand why that would be a question.”

Roy Blunt interview.

KMOX, 1/8/16





Washington Post: Blunt Tried To Insert Provision To Benefit Philip Morris Into DHS Bill Before Speaker Of The House “Quickly Had It Pulled Out.” “Only hours after Rep. Roy Blunt was named to the House’s third-highest leadership job in November, he surprised his fellow top Republicans by trying to quietly insert a provision benefiting Philip Morris USA into the 475-page bill creating a Department of Homeland Security, according to several people familiar with the effort. The new majority whip, who has close personal and political ties to the company, instructed congressional aides to add the tobacco provision to the bill — then within hours of a final House vote — even though no one else in leadership supported it or knew he was trying to squeeze it in.” [Washington Post, 6/11/03]


  • Washington Post: Blunt “Has A Close Personal Relationship With A Washington Lobbyist For The Firm.” “Blunt has received large campaign donations from Philip Morris, his son works for the company in Missouri and the House member has a close personal relationship with a Washington lobbyist for the firm.” [Washington Post, 6/11/03]


  • Washington Post: “Several Republicans” Had “Privately Express Concern” That “Blunt Pushed The Provision Partly Because Of His Personal Relationship With Philip Morris Lobbyist Abigail Perlman.” “Several Republicans who learned of the November effort have privately expressed concern that Blunt pushed the provision partly because of his personal relationship with Philip Morris lobbyist Abigail Perlman. Blunt, who several Republicans said spends considerable time with Perlman, would not discuss their relationship or whether the two had talked about the provision.” [Washington Post, 6/11/03]


  • St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Blunt’s Wife Abigail Was “One Of Washington’s Top Corporate Lobbyists.” “Abigail Blunt has again been named one of Washington’s top corporate lobbyists by ‘The Hill,’ a Capitol Hill newspaper. The wife of Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., was one of 45 named out of an estimated 10,000 lobbyists in its latest rankings this week. Abigail Blunt lobbies for Kraft Food Groups, Inc.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10/30/15]


Washington Post: Blunt “Instructed Congressional Aides To Add The Tobacco Provision To The Bill – Then Within Hours Of A Final House Vote.”  “Only hours after Rep. Roy Blunt was named to the House’s third-highest leadership job in November, he surprised his fellow top Republicans by trying to quietly insert a provision benefiting Philip Morris USA into the 475-page bill creating a Department of Homeland Security, according to several people familiar with the effort. The new majority whip, who has close personal and political ties to the company, instructed congressional aides to add the tobacco provision to the bill — then within hours of a final House vote — even though no one else in leadership supported it or knew he was trying to squeeze it in.” [Washington Post, 6/11/03]


·        Philip Morris Would Have Benefitted From Blunt’s Provision More Than Any Other Company. “Scruggs said in an interview that the provision was ‘pretty important to us.’ Philip Morris, the nation’s largest cigarette producer, would have benefited from the measure more than any other company.” [Washington Post, 6/11/03]


·        Chief Philip Morris Lobbyist: The Provision Was “Pretty Important To Us.” “Scruggs said in an interview that the provision was ‘pretty important to us.’ Philip Morris, the nation’s largest cigarette producer, would have benefited from the measure more than any other company.” [Washington Post, 6/11/03]


·        Blunt Said He Pushed For Provision After Speaking With Head Lobbyist At Philip Morris. “In an interview last week, Blunt said he pushed for the tobacco provision after talking with John F. Scruggs, vice president of government affairs for Altria Group Inc., Philip Morris’s parent company. “It’s good policy,” Blunt said.” [Washington Post, 6/11/03]


·        Headline: “GOP Whip Quietly Tried To Aid Big Donor; Provision Was Meant To Help Philip Morris” [Washington Post, 6/11/03]


St. Louis Post-Dispatch: “Blunt Came Under Bipartisan Fire Wednesday For His Efforts Last Fall To Insert A Last-Minute Provision Helpful To Philip Morris USA” Since It “Would Have Benefited” The Company.  “‘House Majority Whip Roy Blunt came under bipartisan fire Wednesday for his efforts last fall to insert a last-minute provision helpful to Philip Morris USA in the bill that created the Department of Homeland Security.  […] The provision would have curbed the sale of counterfeit cigarettes on the Internet, a restriction that a spokesman for Philip Morris described as ‘pretty important to us,’ according to The Washington Post. The newspaper on Wednesday disclosed Blunt’s attempt to include the provision in the homeland security bill. […] A close personal friend of Blunt, Abigail Perlman, is a lobbyist for Philip Morris.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6/12/03]


  • St. Louis Post- Dispatch: Republican Colleague Of Blunt Took Issue With The Provision Being Added “At The 11th Hour.” “Fellow Missouri Republicans raised some of the sharpest questions about Blunt’s actions, which would have benefited a tobacco company to which he has personal and political links. ‘The thing that troubles me about it,’ said Rep. Kenny Hulshof, R-Mo., ‘is that anytime a bill is changed or modified at the 11th hour, it doesn’t give me a chance to consider the merits of the proposal. Anything inserted at the end of the process sort of abrogates my responsibility as a legislator.’” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6/12/03]




St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial: Blunt Was “Instrumental” In Amending Wartime Appropriations Bill To Benefit Companies Like UPS, About The Same Time UPS Hired Andrew Blunt As A Lobbyist. “Also in 2003, Roy Blunt was instrumental in amending the Iraq appropriation to benefit U.S.-based freight companies, including UPS. This was about the same time UPS decided it needed a lobbyist on retainer in Jefferson City; it hired Andrew Blunt.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Editorial, 11/28/04]


  • UPS Was One Of Andy Blunt’s Lobbying Clients. “Among the hordes of lobbyists that have descended upon the state Capitol this legislative session is one relatively new face with a prominent political pedigree. Andy Blunt, son of U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt and brother of Missouri Secretary of State Matt Blunt, has been trolling the Capitol halls as an advocate for some of the nation’s most influential corporate interests. At age 26, Andy Blunt’s client list includes such big hitters as Philip Morris, Miller Brewing Co., Southwestern Bell, United Parcel Service and The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co.” [Associated Press, 3/10/03]


  • Blunt’s Son Lobbied For UPS From 2002 To March 2009. Rep. Roy Blunt’s son Andrew Blunt lobbied the Missouri General Assembly, Executive Branch, and Judicial Branch for United Parcel Services, Inc. from September 2002 until March 2009. Andrew Blunt registered UPS as an active client September 30, 2002. UPS terminated its contract with Andrew Blunt effective March 2, 2009. [Missouri Ethics Commission, Lobbying Disclosure Database, Accessed 4/20/09]


St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Criticized Blunt For Pushing Senate Chairman “To Secretly Amend” Iraq Appropriations Bill “In A Way That Benefits US Shippers Like UPS And FedEx Corp” After UPS Gave His Kid A Job. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board wrote: “What can Brown do for you? It can give your kid a job. And what can you do for Brown? If you’re Majority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Strafford, you can quietly urge Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, to secretly amend the $79 billion emergency appropriation for the war in Iraq in a way that benefits U.S. shippers like UPS and FedEx Corp. If you’re Roy Blunt, the amendment has the added political benefit of punishing a German-owned rival of UPS.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Editorial, 4/9/03]


  • St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial: Blunt’s Behind-The-Scenes Promotion Of UPS Provision “Carries The Unpleasant Aroma of Peddled Influence.” “This is protectionist legislation that makes no sense in a global economy (even if it does scratch a patriotic itch). It panders to Congress’ worst xenophobic instincts, punishes U.S. trading partners and stifles competition. House and Senate conferees should remove Mr. Stevens’ amendment. This affair also carries the unpleasant aroma of peddled influence. Andy Blunt is a bright young man who ran big brother Matt’s successful race for Missouri Secretary of State in 2000. He might well run Matt Blunt’s race for governor next year. He can look forward to a long and successful career in business and politics. He shouldn’t need — or accept — freebies from Dad’s friends. [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Editorial, 4/9/03]




When Asked If There Was A Conflict Of Interest Surrounding His Lobbyist Son Also Acting As His Campaign Manager, Blunt Said “I Don’t Even Understand Why That Would Be A Question.” KMOX: “Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri facing questions on the campaign trail on a possible conflict of interest involving his son.   Kevin Killeen: “Blunt has been ducking the issue at other public appearances and didn’t want to talk to us about it. His son Andy is a lobbyist and his campaign manager.” Senator Blunt: “I don’t even understand why that would be a question. Why would it be a conflict of interest that my son is my campaign manager? Is that because…”  Kevin Killeen: “He is also a lobbyist.” Senator Blunt: “Everybody’s family does something.”   Kevin Killeen: “Any Blunt has said he keeps his lobbying and campaigning separate but critics wonder. In just one instance, the son lobbies for a firm that could get stuck paying for clean up of the Westlake Landfill. The senator is active in deciding what to do about the landfill.” [KMOX, 1/6/16]



V/O: Don’t send Roy Blunt back to Washington.


GFX: Don’t Send Roy Blunt

Back To Washington.


V/O:  DSCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.










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