1. dreemer's Avatar
    Hello folks!

    (new to the forums - please bear with me!)

    I have an 8330 from Bell Mobility and have often used the feature Wipe Handheld for BES reactivations, etc.

    Up until now when I do a new BES activation it appears to push a "profile" which includes customized settings, old BIS mail icons and background images, etc.

    I'd like to start fresh because I have some other problems too like double-contacts on my BlackBerry only (not in Exchange, fortunately it's fine).

    That being said my provider has asked me to do the following to make to "start completely fresh":

    1) Wipe the handheld
    2) Restore to factory defaults

    I've been informed that they are both separate steps. My experience is only with the first option which I know quite well.

    Anyone have info on how to do this? Or better, yet, someone with a similar situation they were able to resolve?

    With thanks!
    04-12-09 07:27 PM
  2. ksechrest's Avatar
    Download JL_Comder and plug your BB to your PC and you can easily wipe and reset to factory specs.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    04-12-09 07:33 PM
  3. dreemer's Avatar
    Thanks. I'll give it whirl!
    04-30-09 04:44 PM
  4. Onael's Avatar
    dreemer plz post results.

    05-01-09 04:44 AM