Residents on an Oxford estate said they don't feel safe after a man was stabbed in a raid on his flat.

The victim, who is aged in his 20s, was attacked in his home in Druce Way, Blackbird Leys, on Thursday night (May 9) and had a quantity of cash stolen from him.

He suffered a wound to his abdomen and a broken ankle and is still in hospital.

Thames Valley Police has said it is carrying out “fast-time and thorough enquiries” into the “isolated incident”.

thisisoxfordshire: Druce Way in Blackbird Leys

But residents told the Oxford Mail they regularly hear of crimes in the area and see blatant drug dealing with customers buying drugs 'as if going to Tesco'.

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One woman said she was too scared to walk alone across the park.

One local resident who was visiting the estate told the Oxford Mail: “We see drug dealing in broad daylight 100 per cent. It’s Blackbird Leys, what do you expect?

“The police have become more proactive. We see them around more.

"But what can the police do? If they arrest someone, there’s someone else to take their place."

Another woman added: “I don’t feel safe any more, no. There are people arriving at night and in the daytime and openly drug dealing.

"We don’t see many police round here. Sometimes yes, sometimes no but I think something needs to be done.

thisisoxfordshire: Druce Way in Blackbird Leys

"There’s open drug dealing. It’s like going to Tesco.”

Another woman who brought up her children on the estate said she had lived there for long enough to remember when it was a proper community.

She said: “It was very different 40 years ago. I don’t know the victim, I've never seen them round here, I don’t know anyone round here anymore."

She said she hadn't heard anything on Thursday night as she was asleep in the back bedroom but added: “On this street yes I’ve seen incidents, yes I’ve seen evidence of drug dealing.

“I don’t feel safe. I don’t feel threatened by anyone but it’s just changed too much. I don’t know my neighbours now.

"When we moved here we used to leave our front doors open. We’d say, I’m going out, popping to the shop, keep an eye on the kids. They’d all be out there playing.

“I wouldn’t do that any more. I only walk through the park with the dog.”

Meanwhile two men said crime on the estate wasn't an everyday occurrence but it did happen regularly.

One said: “I only know about the stabbing because I saw it in the Oxford Mail.

"I slept through it all. When I left for work at 4 o clock two days ago I saw police cars there.

“There’s not lots of incidents on the street but something happens every couple of years."

He added that he did not know his neighbours.

“I don’t know the victim," he said. "I see a few familiar faces around the estate but not enough to put names to.”

Another man sighed when told about the latest stabbing.

"Another one?" he said. "Well, it's Blackbird Leys."

Four men have been arrested in connection with the incident.

A 19-year-old man and a 31-year-old man, both from Greenwich, London, a 31-year-old man from Kent and another man were each arrested on suspicion of Section 18 grievous bodily harm with intent.

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Investigating officer Detective Sergeant Alexander McKend, of Oxford CID, said: “Our investigation is moving at pace and we have already made four arrests in connection with this incident.

“At this stage, we believe that this is an isolated incident and that there is no wider risk to the public."

He added: “I would like to reassure the local community that we are conducting fast-time and thorough enquiries, and if anybody has any concerns or information that can help the investigation, to please speak to any of our officers at the scene.”

Anyone with any information should call 101 or make a report on the police website, quoting reference number 43240215773.

Anyone who has CCTV, a dash-cam or a video doorbell is asked to check their footage and contact police if it shows anything that could assist their enquiries.