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A tainted alternate universe, a bond with maidens, and the birth of Star Children. The fate of the world is... Impurities have invaded the magical world of Granvania. Summoned from Earth (known to Granvanians as Sora), Yuge Itsuki is called to exorcize the Impurities across the land. With the help of the 12 Star Maidens, he is able to create Star Children that will help combat the darkness plaguing Granvania. "To fulfill the mission, please conceive my child!"

Japanese, English
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(5 reviews)27 November 2018
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This is a terrible anime, so why 2 stars? I shall explain my reasons if you care to know them.

Ok so here's the timetable of disappointment for me with this anime, explanations at the end. After watching about halfway through the first episode I realized what I was dealing with here and lowered my expectations for this anime quite a bit. I'd say at this point I was hoping for an even slightly coherent plot with somewhat likeable characters, a bare minimum for most harem anime like this. I still thought it had some potential. By around episode 4 or 5 I realized the ship was never going to right itself and I completely abandoned any expectations and just looked forward to the T&A that accompanies this freaking train wreck of an anime. After watching episode 7 & 8, even with NO EXPECTATIONS WHATSOEVER it still causes me to cringe so damn hard that my spine almost snaps in half like a freaking toothpick and it actually prevents me from enjoying this show in any way whatsoever. If it's so bad that you can't even enjoy the T&A then what is the freaking point man? Why the 2 stars rating instead of 1? 1. It's extremely hard to make an anime this terrible, I don't think you could do it even if you were actively trying to so in that sense it's freaking amazing. 2. The MC gets my vote for "Worst Anime MC of All Time", and I've watched School Days so that's saying something right there. 3. Because even if it was simply out of an urge to watch it crash and burn, this horrible anime brought me back every week to watch it, which is what the creators wanted in the end. So I feel they deserve some credit for accomplishing that goal, even if they did it in the worst way possible.

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(4 reviews)18 October 2018
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SO far its a bad CONCEPT

Out of the fall 18 titles after 2 episodes of this I cant see myself into this much longer. i always try to give 4 episodes but these first 2 episodes are so hard to get through. For harem anime im not getting the HAREM vibe. Its like a really really bad High School DXD. Conception is a pretty bad name for this title cause the creators have no idea of how Conception works. It worse then telling a kid a stork brings a baby. The 2 fight scene i saw were so bad and over in literally one sip of my coffee. unless the next few episodes have something amazing this will be bottom barrel. Starting out at a rough 2 and that basically cause the anime design is really good Episode 3 review follow up. Ok this is the worst anime i have ever seen. There is no plot or story. Its not even funny or worth a giggle. How did this ever get produced or pass a production team. Was it bring your own acid to work day? You want to know what eternal damnation is. Its watching this looped for all eternity. i mean look at the cover you got a racoon thing in handcuffs/chains. I cant believe im forced to give this one star. Sadly im curious to finish watching this to see how horrible it can actually get. Its like picking at a scab. You know you shouldnt but you cant help but do it.

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(4 reviews)09 November 2018
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1/10 Didnt even bang his cousin...

First episode promised a glorious hentai tier plot where the MC would bang his way through the world to impregnate all the chicks and save the multiverse in the process and he was gonna start with his thicc cousin. Was promising to be true art there. ^^ Unfortunately they did a bait and switch in ep2 disappointing all viewers by revealing that he didnt actually have to bang the chicks, instantly turning the show into garbage..

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(1 review)07 November 2018
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Bad animation, worse writing.

Conception is an anime that fails at everything. It fails at action, it fails at dialogue, it fails at character writing, and it fails at presenting its themes in ways that make sense. It sets itself up as a story where you need to have sex to save the world, implying it may have at least a hint of maturity in its themes, but that is thrown out by it's portrayal of sexuality, pregnancy, and the fact that it doesn't have the balls to actually have it's characters have sex with each other. I guess in this universe babies just come from magic. This anime is worth watching really high or really drunk, preferably with a group of friends to laugh at it. Otherwise don't waste your time.

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(40 reviews)14 October 2018
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Ugh. Hard Pass!!!!!!

This is why descriptions are absolutely necessary. I just can't even with what I watched. I don't even know what I just watched. Just so disgusted and annoyed I wasted time on it. Do yourself a favor. Just skip this. Otherwise have some tylenol on hand for the possible headache you'll get from trying to figure this out or/and from eyerolling so hard.