The Worldwide Cost of Living Survey

Worldwide Cost of Living

The Worldwide Cost of Living Survey compares more than 400 individual prices across 160 products and services in cities around the world.

This data is used to produce our annual Worldwide Cost of Living Report which provides a ranking of the world’s major cities. Find out this year’s highlights by downloading a copy of the latest free summary report.

Worldwide Cost of Living 2019

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For the first time three cities share the title of the world's most expensive city – Singapore, Hong Kong and Paris. In this year’s top 10, Singapore represents the only city that has maintained its ranking from the previous year.

For further results, and our analysis of this year’s rankings, please download the free summary report. Alternatively you can purchase the full report from The EIU store

2019 Rankings

The five most expensive cities in the world
WCOL index
  City Country (New York=100)
1 Singapore Singapore 107=
1 1 Paris France 107=
1 3 Hong Kong China 107=
2 2 Zurich Switzerland 106
3 1 Geneva Switzerland 101
The five cheapest cities in the world
WCOL index
City Country (New York=100)
1 1 Caracas Venezuela 15
2 1 Damascus Syria 25
3 19 Tashkent Uzbekistan 33
4 1 Almaty Kazakhstan 35
5 Bangalore India 39

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