Celtic Legends | 100% live Irish dance,music & song.
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 "100% de danse Irlandaise traditionnelle, de musique et de chant les Celtic Legends pour un show de folie ! "


"We were there! Incredible show with this so loved Irish spirit!"


"Un spectacle magnifique et magique.
Des danseurs d'une synchronisation à couper le souffle. Des musiciens
et chanteurs top et avec une participation du public géniale. On ne
voit pas le temps passer en leur compagnie. Un voyage musical et rempli



"les Celtic Legends, rois de la tap dance"

"Celtic Legends , king of tap dance "


“Celtic Legends is the most exciting Irish music and dance show for years."

"Celtic Legends is the original live Irish dance experience."


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It’s hard to believe that Celtic Legends has been sharing an authentic taste of Irish dance & musical culture worldwide for more than 20 years.

Sharing 100% live Irish dance, music & song to over 3 million people around the globe.

To celebrate we are bringing a new show to our audiences around the world.
With the combined creative skills of our incredible musical director Mr Sean McCarthy & hugely talented choreographer Ms Jacintha Sharpe the show will continue to offer a wonderful taste of Ireland.

Celtic Legends has an exceptional team of professional & highly respected dancers, musicians & technicians, guaranteeing an exceptionally high quality family friendly show.

The past 20 years has been the most incredible adventure, none of it possible without you , our wonderful public & our incredible Celtic Legends team, we thank you all."

From the producers & creators of Celtic Legends

Alex & Eric.

Is it your time to shine ?

We are always on the look out for super talented EU/UK based Irish dancers (we will consider other locations depending on work permit status/location/experience) . Though we may not have vacancies now we have some pretty exciting tour dates in the future so you never know !

You'll need to be vaccinated against Covid (including booster)& have a valid passport with more than 6 months left .

Send us a message .

Don't forget to prepare a CV & clips for the next step !

Are you interested in booking Celtic Legends ?

With 20 years of touring experience ,Celtic Legends have established a truly harmonised show that is regularly renewed.

We have built a reputation of adaptability to meet the needs & demands of each client/venue worldwide. Adapting the show both in size and content wherever practical, without compromising the essence of the show.

Enabling us to bring a little slice of Ireland to as many people as possible .

We are also experienced & available for exclusive private events.

Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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