港鐵會展站A1出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
餐廳鄰近灣仔泳池,以黑色為主調,設有室內外座位;主打漢堡包及用龍蝦製作的西式料理,另有多款肉類及海鮮菜餚,以及來自世界各地的啤酒。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通 AE 銀聯 微信支付
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (28)
Haven’t been to this area for more than 10 years, we’re glad to enjoy the sunshine with weekend vibes there, though it’s literally a hump day that’s a public holiday, rather than a weekend. Primarily western restaurants there with both indoor and outdoor seating available. There was a lady who brought along her dog and took one of the outdoor tables. At first her dog was sitting on the floor. Later on, the dog was sitting on a chair while being fed with the bread.The food was of huge portion. I’ve ordered a lobster salad, since I wanted to check the quality of their lobsters due to its name: Burger & Lobster (B&L in short), and the salad came in a size for 3-4 persons I think. Both the lobster and the salad were nice and fresh! The steak and the pasta were nice and sizable as well. I also liked their plating of the daily dessert, which was pineapple cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.It’s really good value for money to have a 3-course lunch with steak/lobster at $159 + 10%. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-02-17
612 瀏覽
假日搵個地方食lunch,朋友推介嚟灣仔呢頭搵食。其實呢個平台間間餐廳食嘅嘢都差唔多,所以揀一個覺得舒服嘅地點就ok。星期六都有lunch set。平均消費唔使兩舊水,其實都算幾抵食。戶外環境,今日唔太熱唔太凍,坐得舒服。不過服務就一般,店員阿哥都冇乜表情。餐包都熱的呢個湯唔錯。熱辣辣。叫Medium well = well done 不過味道都勉強可以接受既….. 呢個價錢,整體嚟講我覺得合格嘅。可以揀飲品或者甜品。我揀咗甜品。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-09
495 瀏覽
嘩嘩嘩!今次嚟到呢間餐廳,真係要喊出心底嗰句:食出咗驚喜呀!細細碟嘅麵包軟綿綿,啖啖都係暖笠笠嘅幸福感,拌埋一抹濃郁嘅橄欖油同醋,起飛啦!🍞蕃茄湯杯邊緣散出陣陣熱氣,喺呢寒冷日子裡,呢啖湯暖笠笠真係正!😌待我話你知,佢哋個意粉嘅彈牙口感,加上隔離枱都嗅得到嘅香氣,個人份意粉就好似打開咗味蕾嘅盛宴,一啲都唔愧係「意」外之選!🍝至於重頭戲雞胸雜菜,啖啖嘅雞肉滑溜溜嘅,比起以前食過嗰啲乾板板嘅雞胸,真係天同地別。一啲啲既烤南瓜,軟熟香甜,食落去每啖都滿滿嘅元氣。🥗💪最後,個芒果奶凍呀,creamcream地口感再加上芒果嘅甜香,完美地為今次食旅劃上句號。😋係喇,少少嘢食,食得好不簡單。港式粵語形容詞?我只會講曬晒呀!轉個街角,搵到呢間有心機、食物又好味嘅好地方,實在系「賞心樂事」!下次走過,一定要再嚟回味下!👍 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-01-06
343 瀏覽
Friends picked this restaurant for a birthday gathering because of the decent price of food and drinks initially, but with the friendliness from the restaurant manager and staffs after this visit, we will definitely visit again. Food and drink qualities are superb especially for the price we are paying for. All of us had white wine which was only $45/glass. We started with beef nachos and caesar salad as appetisers then we had lamb chops, ribeye steak and a grilled chicken as our mains. Portions were all in good size for us to share and we were full.The restaurant was pretty full that night but still staffs there managed to refill our water glasses from time to time without being asked and also changed our plates after we finished our appetisers for mains. After knowing the dinner was to celebrate one of our friend's birthday, the manager arranged a dessert with a candle and Happy Birthday written on it. Staffs all came along and sang a Birthday song together and took pictures for us. We all had a spoonful to taste the dessert which was good enough. This sweet and kind gesture was memorable and special, especially since it saved us from buying a whole birthday cake only for celebration but not wanting to eat it after such a big meal hahahaWe had a total of 16 glasses of wine and delicious food for our group of 5 people and the bill was only around 1.8k in total. We stayed there until they closed and were not rushed by the restaurant to leave. Such an enjoyable evening! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-12-20
312 瀏覽
這是第二次惠顧,也要為餐廳平反。這次服務非常好,室外天氣寒冷,女侍應生將暖爐拉近我們的餐枱,又見意我們坐室內比較暖,但我的家人喜歡坐室外所以沒有轉枱。食物方面都非常美味,我們點了5成熟羊排,5成熟牛排,炸芝士捧捧,辣肉腸Pizza, 蒜蓉烤焗西蘭花,7杯酒,埋單$1200,真的很超值。我見到網上的差評可能真是間中會遇到,但昨晚的食物及服務真係好好,呢個價錢及環境性價比超高,希望香港人多啲支持本地餐廳。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)