AEROSMITH Frontman's Ex-Wife Loses Battle With Brain Cancer - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

AEROSMITH Frontman's Ex-Wife Loses Battle With Brain Cancer

September 9, 2002

The following item was published in today's edition of the New York Daily News:

Cyrinda Foxe-Tyler, ex-wife of rocker Steven Tyler, has lost her battle with brain cancer and will be laid to rest today.

Last night, the former Andy Warhol actress, who wrote a sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll tell-all about her marriage to the AEROSMITH frontman, was waked on the upper East Side.

Tyler paid his respects at Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home on Madison Ave., just as visitations for former Mayor Rudy Giuliani's mother, Helen, were in progress.

Foxe-Tyler, who is the mother of Tyler's plus-size model daughter, Mia, split with the musician in the 1980s.

Even though she painted a sometimes unflattering portrait of Tyler in her book and waged an unsuccessful legal battle to publish nude pictures of him, the two made peace after she became ill.

Tyler paid for all of his ex-wife's medical expenses, even donating an electric guitar for a fund-raiser in her name.

On Aug. 28, Foxe-Tyler married another musician, Keith Waa, in a private bedside ceremony at the Gramercy Park Hotel, where she had been staying while undergoing cancer treatment. "She's very sick, and we wanted to do it before it was too late," Waa told the Daily News at the time.

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