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Detective Miller #2

The Wrong Hands

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This is one case Detective Miller won't want to open . . .

The second rip-roaring mystery from multi-award-winning number international bestseller Mark Billingham starring Detective Miller: unique, unconventional, and criminally underestimated...

Unconventional Detective Declan Miller has a problem. Well, two problems. First, there's his dead wife and her yet-to-be-solved murder. He really should stop talking to her ghosts...

Second, and most pressing, a young man has just appeared on his doorstep with a briefcase . . . containing a pair of severed hands. Miller knows this case is proof of a contract killing commissioned by local ne'er do well Wayne Cutler—a man he suspects might also be responsible for his wife's death. Now Miller has leverage, but unfortunately, he also has something that both Cutler and a villainous fast-food kingpin are desperate to get hold of.

Sprinkle in a Midsomer Murders-obsessed hitman, a psychotic welder, and a woman driven over the edge by a wayward Crème Egg, and Miller is in a mess that even he might not be able to dance his way out of.

400 pages, Hardcover

Published May 16, 2024

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About the author

Mark Billingham

113 books1,939 followers
Also writes as Will Peterson with Peter Cocks.

Mark Billingham was born and brought up in Birmingham. Having worked for some years as an actor and more recently as a TV writer and stand-up comedian his first crime novel was published in 2001. Mark lives in North London with his wife and two children.

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Joanne Hurley.
381 reviews7 followers
March 22, 2024
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review "The Wrong Hands", the second book in the Detective Declan Miller series. Having read and totally enjoyed "The Last Dance", I was eager to get my hands on this one - and I was not disappointed. "The Wrong Hands" is just as intriguing and quirky as was the first book.
It's not long after the events in "The Last Dance" that we take up with Detective Miller and his partner, Xiu (she of the death-metal fixation and he of the ballroom dancing hobby). And once again, most of the peripheral characters from book one make appearances, with his dancing cohort dispensing words of wisdom and support.
Declan is still determined to get to the bottom of his wife's murder, and hope is held out in the person of Massey, ex-drag queen Coco Pops, who claims to have knowledge that will bring to light what happened; the only catch is that Massey wants Declan to neutralize one of the criminals that inhabit their little part of the world.
"The Wrong Hands" starts off with an almost comical petty scam going terrifically wrong and ending up with the McGuffin that is 'the wrong hands' and a briefcase absconded with - and they are proof of a gangland execution needed in order to collect the killer's payday. All of the participants in the theft of the briefcase find themselves in mortal danger.
The main theme of the book is Miller and Xiu's attempts to find and arrest a contract killer, whose main quirk is that he uses aliases with the same two initials and who, of course, is willing to do anything to retrieve the briefcase, get paid, and get out of dodge.
There are many twists and turns along the way to the end of the story - some comedic, some terrifying - and there is betrayal on a grand scale.
Will Declan get the information that leads to finding out who killed his wife, or will he have to continue to harass the detectives charged with leading the investigation? Read the book and find out.
Highly recommended, but read "The Last Dance" first. You'll thank me.
Profile Image for Jill Elizabeth.
1,658 reviews53 followers
March 27, 2024
I love this series! I wasn't familiar with Billingham prior to the first Declan Miller novel, but I'm an absolute devotee ever since... Billingham has a marvelous ability to combine snark, dry wit, brutal reality, and spot-on pacing into a detective novel that reads like perfection. Declan Miller is a delight - a curmudgeon with a heart of gold who, like all the best detective protagonists, is a little bit broken but far from out of the game. I loved watching the underlying storyline with his (dead) wife develop. The interplay between the current case and longer-standing mystery of his wife's murder is handled deftly, with bits and pieces teased out and tossed about in ways that seem casual but are anything but. I love the "Dance Club" series of behind-the-scenes teammates that support Miller, the pair of crooks that are his constant foils and sometime-allies, and the originality of his death-metalhead partner is brilliant. The supporting cast really helps flesh out the world that Billingham has built here, and it gives the whole universe a depth and breadth that makes it leap off the page. This would make a fabulous BBC series!!
Profile Image for Dawn.
74 reviews4 followers
March 15, 2024
About 20 years ago (!) someone gifted me a signed copy of Sleepyhead purchased from a silent auction. They thought it sounded like a novel that was right up my alley. I was hooked from that moment forward. Mark Billingham can do no wrong. Everything he writes is enjoyable.

This is the second book in a new detective series where the detective is a wise ass, foxtrot dancing widow with a past that quite literally haunts him. (In a good way I guess). What I love about Mr Billingham’s writing is that not only is a cracking good detective story, I find myself laughing out loud at the corny jokes and thoughts of Detective Miller. His writing puts me in mind of the greatly missed genius that was Reginald Hill. High praise indeed. It is a difficult combination to find.

So come for the detective story but stay to enjoy the lively banter between Miller and Xiu and the motley assortment of criminals in Blackpool. I’m not giving a synopsis of the book, but suffice it to say hands play a big role here.

Thank you thank you to Netgalley, Grove Atlantic, and the author for a chance to read an ARC of this book. I quite literally whooped with happiness when I got the email. Keep them coming please, Mr. Billingham. I can’t wait for the next installment.
Profile Image for Pgchuis.
2,119 reviews26 followers
January 21, 2024
I received a copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley.

This begins with a hilarious scene set in a public toilet during which a briefcase is stolen from a contract killer by a minor thief. The contract killer is very keen to retrieve the briefcase so he can get paid for his latest job, and soon it falls into Declan's hands. As in the first instalment of this series, Declan discusses the case with his dead wife Alex, goes ballroom dancing, plays with his pet rats, and makes terrible jokes. Disappointingly, Declan's partner Sara seems to be beginning to get some of his jokes and even made one or two of her own.

This is a very funny book and, provided you buy into the reason for the retrieval of the briefcase (is proof of this sort ever really required?) then a great read. My only quibble was that the mystery of how Alex died (which again carries over from the first book) didn't seem very integrated into the main story. The end of the book makes me wonder if this series will continue...

Profile Image for Caroline.
770 reviews16 followers
April 20, 2024
Declan Miller is back, and he's every bit as irreverent and mildly childish as he was when I first made his acquaintance last year. He still attends dance practice. He still has his pet rats, Fred and Ginger. And he's still talking to his dead wife, and hoping he will find out who killed her.
In the meantime, there are other crimes to solve. The book opens with a couple of conmen stealing a briefcase in the public toilets of Blackpool Railway Station. Unknown to them, the briefcase belongs to a contract killer who will stop at nothing to get it back, as it contains proof that he carried out a hit for one of Blackpool's crime bosses.
Murder and mayhem soon follow, with Miller inevitably at the centre of the mayhem.
The Wrong Hands is an hilarious romp. The black humour won't be to everyone's taste, but I love it. The Detective Miller books are a breath of fresh air, and I sincerely hope that this isn't the last we hear of Declan Miller.
Thanks to Grove Atlantic and Netgalley for the digital ARC in exchange for this review.
Profile Image for Scott.
60 reviews
March 22, 2024
This is the second book in the Detective Declan Miller series and one not to be missed.
I gave it the following SCORE:
Setting: Blackpool, England, present day
Characters: Detective Declan Miller, his equally quirky partner, Sara Xiu, fellow detectives of various capabilities, and a supporting cast of devious, loathsome characters
Overview: Miller keeps pet rats, plays piano, dances with a serious group of friends, constantly irritates people with his inappropriate humor and rude comments, and carries both ends of a recurring dialogue with his wife who was murdered in one of his prior investigations. In other words - a character you have to like. He still grieves for his wife and is determined to find her killer, but he has a job to do and this case involves a pair of severed hands in a briefcase. Complicating the assignment is the on-going battle of rival criminal gangs, both intent on getting the briefcase for different reasons, and both with intriguing leaders.
Recommendation: I rate this book 5 stars
Extras: While it is not necessary to read the first excellent book in the series, it may be helpful to establish some of the characters’ backgrounds. The writing contains a significant amount of local dialect and British humor, which, while making the story authentic, at times distracts from the reading. Nonetheless, it is an excellent, complex tale and one that, hopefully, will have many sequels.
Thanx to NetGalley and Atlantic Monthly Press for the opportunity to provide this candid review.
Profile Image for Tom Matthews.
7 reviews2 followers
March 30, 2024
I hadn't read the first book in this series or any other Mark Billingham previously but thoroughly enjoyed the humour and twists in The Wrong Hands.

Will be reading more of Mark's books in the future!
Profile Image for Viking Jam.
1,197 reviews15 followers
March 8, 2024
Review: I did not mean to fall into another English detective / Police procedure novel as I cannot stand them. Trivialities and scenes with hyper-focused intent and the rambling innanities between people slows the movement like a slug at a salt lick.

This novel seemed forced in a few ways. Characters did not seem genuine, coupled with constant lame attempts at humor. The shambling detective with a corse personality is a play made by many before. In the first few chapters there are so many names and nick names that you can't keep them all straight. I want an easy read after a hard days work where I don't have to labor at tracking characters.

Hard pass on this series.

Rating: DNF
Profile Image for Maria.
604 reviews
March 4, 2024
"The Wrong Hands", is the second novel in the new DS Declan Miller series by Mark Billingham. The series was launched in 2023, with "The Last Dance" and "The Wrong Hands", commences shortly after the finish after the first novel.
Now, while it is not essential to read both books, I would recommend doing so in order to gain a good understanding of the relationships between Miller and his colleagues, especially Sara Ziu and the background to the murder of his wife Alex.
This time around, we are familiar with the antics of Fred and Ginger (rats), and the crime fighting duo of Ratman and Posh gravy. While, Fred and Ginger did appear numerous times, and are growing on me, I was disappointed by the few mentions of "Ratman and Posh (gravy)". After all, when you have such a cool nickname, why not use it more often? 😆use it more often?
Our protagonist is one DS Declan Miller, a member of the Blackpool police force and recently bereaved. And Miller is ... well, he can be difficult. That's not necessarily a bad thing and does add to the comedy of the storyline. I like the character but there is no doubt that he could probably start an argument with fresh air in an empty room. Now, that's not to say that Miller is rude or unpleasant (he certainly is not racism, homophobic etc and actually is very sweet when dealing with Finn), but his gift for deliberately drifting off the point is incredible. Miller interviews grieving families, and airs his disappointment at the lack of biscuits. Not to mention his funny comments towards his boss about his unrequited love when discussing his behaviour. This adds a lighthearted and increasingly amusing dimension to the storyline. Though I can imagine that some readers could find him frustrating and to be fair, Xiu clearly has saintly levels of patience.
Once again, we have a complex murder, a set of missing (and recovered) hands and plenty of double-dealing. Not to mention a hired killer, who has an obsession with Midsomer Murders and writing lists, and plenty of fox-trots. (And yes, if you are a fan of MM, then there are plenty of references here to make you laugh - especially with some of their more ludicrous murder scenarios).
Another entertaining crime novel from one of the best writers in the business.
704 reviews24 followers
March 19, 2024
I have to admit that I was a tad disappointed when Mark Billingham put Tom Thorne into abeyance to introduce us to Declan Miller. I initially found it slightly hard to take that Dec's murdered wife was a character to whom he chatted in the course of the first novel in this series. However, any doubts have now been completely removed, and long may this series continue. The writing is a joy, sharp and funny, the pairing of Miller and Xiu works very well, and the plotting is excellent. A great read!
Profile Image for Gareth Johnstone.
162 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2024
A very welcome second volume in the Dec Miller series. Blackpool again provides the setting, with forays into the Central Lancashire towns (Preston, Chorley) of my youth. Black humour is another returning feature as are several characters from the first book. Great entertainment, gory detail, and the promise of a further Tom Thorne story to come.
Profile Image for Donna.
348 reviews5 followers
March 1, 2024

With many thanks to Grove Atlantic and Netgalley for this free arc and I leaving this unbiased review voluntarily
I absolutely worship the ground Mark Billingham walks on so super excited to get my hands on the second instalment in the Declan Miller series. I adored the Last Dance which took us in a totally different direction to his Tom Thorne novels and this follow up is just as brilliant. Billingham really shows off his comic talents with sublime dialogue and the balance in the relationship between Miller and Xiu is spot on. A perfectly plotted storyline ends with the conclusion of what happened to Alex. (You will need to read the first one) A truly wonderful read from the Master and I hope this is a series that continues. A ten star read!
Profile Image for Louise Gray.
855 reviews19 followers
February 28, 2024
Miller and Xiu are without a doubt my new favourite crime fighting pair, with the perfect mix of clever sleuthing and hilarious banter (albeit much of it is done in their minds). This instalment in their story is another winner, with Billingham proving he can achieve even more than the dizzy heights of his previous series. Taking readers to the heart of the British underworld, Billingham, brings every exchange to life with exquisite detail. As a bonus, the Marathon/Snickers joke is comedy gold.
Profile Image for J Kromrie.
977 reviews15 followers
February 20, 2024
The Wrong Hands by Mark Billingham

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC. I read this author regularly, and his writing NEVER disappoints me...

The Wrong Hands is the second novel in the Detective Miller series by Mark Billingham, and it is a wild ride of dark humor, suspense, and twists. Miller is an unconventional detective who has a knack for getting into trouble and talking to his dead wife's ghosts. When a young man shows up at his door with a briefcase containing two severed hands, Miller sees an opportunity to get closer to the truth about his wife's murder. But he also gets entangled in a web of lies, violence, and corruption involving a ruthless fast-food mogul, a Midsomer Murders-loving hitman, a psychotic welder, and a woman obsessed with a Crème Egg.

Billingham delivers a fast-paced, witty, and original thriller that keeps the reader guessing until the end. The characters are quirky, flawed, and memorable, and the plot is full of surprises and twists. The Wrong Hands is a unique and intriguing mystery that will appeal to fans of crime fiction, black comedy, and British humor.
133 reviews2 followers
February 29, 2024
This was a great book. I loved every paragraph, every sentence and every word of this masterpiece! I read it in 12 hours, which is a lot for me to do! It had everything and more laid out in the novel! I sure hope There is more to come from this author! I am totally hooked!
Profile Image for Linda.
701 reviews37 followers
February 18, 2024
Declan Miller is back for his second outing in this new series from Mark Billingham. Mark is perhaps one of my favourite authors and his character Tom Thorne is my favourite “not real” person.
I didn’t really warm to this new series and the character of Declan Miller, but I think I was trying to compare him too much to Tom Thorne and he isn’t, he is a completely new identity. The Wrong Hands isn’t as “jokey” as the first novel…The Last Dance and I enjoyed it all the more for that.
When a briefcase is delivered to Detective Miller he finds it contains a pair of severed hands. Miller knows this will be the work of Wayne Carter, a gang boss whom Miller assumes had something to do with his wife’s death. Now all he has to do is connect the two.
All the gang from book one are back, the dance group, his dead wife’s daughter and the assortment of characters he works with., plus his nightly visits from Alex, his murdered wife.
It’s a good read and I can see this series getting better with each book, I just hope Thorne doesn’t get forgotten.

#TheWrongHands. #NetGalley

489 reviews8 followers
February 17, 2024
The Wrong Hands by Mark Billingham (DS Miller #2)- In this second outing Billingham continues with a tightly crafted story that never fails to surprise with every twist and turn. At the center is a briefcase holding evidence of a crime that everyone is trying to get hold of. What happens is a notch above most police procedurals and leads to a well received ending. Quite different than his Tom Thorne thrillers, Billingham shows his skill at characters and audacious plots. A winner! Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
513 reviews11 followers
January 23, 2024
I’m a big fan of the Thorne series and really enjoyed the first book in the new series. I was excited to get a preview copy from NetGalley and the publisher. It is very good. The main new story gets a little convoluted but is interesting and entertaining. I enjoyed that the continuing mystery from book one seems resolved and not being drug on forever. Very interested in how book 3 will move the characters forward.
Profile Image for Elaine.
1,757 reviews1 follower
May 5, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of The Wrong Hands.

I enjoyed the first book in the series, and I was pleased my request to read the sequel was granted.

** Minor bloodless spoilers ahead **

Unconventional detective Declan Miller is back. With a pair of severed hands.

No worries, those aren't his hands. His hands are fine.

But he's on the hunt for a murderer, and if he doesn't accomplish this task, many more bodies will fall.

Declan is his same old, sell deprecating self.

Making jokes at inopportune times, Having conversations with his deceased wife, Harassing his wife's former boss for updates on the investigation into her murder.

Declan's jokes take some getting used to, and after awhile it does start to get annoying.

I was less a fan of the sequel than the first book since the sequel is less of a mystery and more of a pursuit to tracking and locating a killer.

I enjoy the time Declan spends with his dancing friends, how they banter and discuss his case, often giving him helpful hints and ways to solve it.

It's a good juxtaposition against his colleagues and adds a dash of diversity and demonstrates he's a well rounded character, but then not many people keep rats as pets as well.

The series is a typical detective trope; Declan is unconventional and so is his partner, and his friends are smarter than most of his colleagues who are blathering idiots.

No one is smarter than Declan.

I did like how Declan finally discovers who murdered his wife, a bit anti-climatic, in my opinion, but at least that mystery is wrapped up, providing some solace and closure for the vengeful detective.

The ending was bittersweet, but hopeful, and I wonder if the author will continue the series, though if he doesn't, the conclusion is satisfying.
Profile Image for Christa Johnson.
40 reviews1 follower
April 17, 2024
Detective Declan Miller is once again chasing down Blackpool's criminal element while also trying to solve the mystery of his wife's murder. Between his passion for ballroom dancing, pet rats, conversations with his wife's ghost, and unique sense of humor, Declan is obviously not your average detective. This book has a page-turning plot, a cast of full of interesting characters, and some sneaky laugh-out-loud humor to keep things (such a briefcase of severed hands) from getting too grim. I highly recommend this series and can't wait to read the next installment. #NetGalley. #TheWrongHands
Profile Image for DP Lyle.
178 reviews15 followers
May 26, 2024
Detective Declan Miller has his hands full. While still dealing with the unsolved murder of his wife, a young man appears at his door with a briefcase, containing a pair of severed hands. His gut tells him they result from a contract killing by a local criminal, but are they related to his wife’s murder? The same killer? THE WRONG HANDS has more unexpected twists and turns, dark humor, and edge-of-your-seat suspense than anything you’re likely to read. Jump on board. A great ride.

DP Lyle, award-winning author of the Jake Longly and Cain/Harper thriller series
Profile Image for Sandie McCormack.
219 reviews4 followers
March 5, 2024
The book wasn’t really my cup of tea which is disappointing as I like Mark Billingham and have read nearly all of them.

It was quite funny with the brief case but I think I need to read the first book then I will understand more about the characters

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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