Margaretapaviljongen in Malmö - Remnant from the past
Margaretapaviljongen Malmö

Image by JohiKuproductions

Johan Kullberg photo

Johan from Malmö

I'm a freelance performer, and Malmö is truly the most open place I've ever liv...

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Margaretapaviljongen was designed by architect Ferdinand Boberg and is one of few remnants from “The Baltic Exhibition” back in 1914. Located in the middle of Pildammsparken, with a beautiful aisle lined with flowers on each side, it’s a popular spot for weddings and baptisms.

The pavilion itself is open all year round and usually features some kind of exhibition, free of charge. Although the building itself is really beautiful the primary reason I go there is for the surroundings, which are absolutely stunning! The aisle leading up to the pavilion had its original garden plans made by Crown Princess Margareta (1882-1920), the grandmother of both the current King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Margrethe of Denmark, and its flower beds are rearranged taking inspiration from different themes every year – this year’s inspiration is the upcoming event WorldPride, which will be held in both Malmö and Copenhagen from August 12-22 (2021).

Close by is also Margaretapaviljongen Café where you can sit down for an ice cream or some coffee. This part of the park features beautiful gardens for strolling or just sitting down to enjoy the peaceful surroundings. “High season” is of course during spring and summer with all the flowers in their colourful glory, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I think Margaretapaviljongen and its surroundings are well worth a visit even during fall and winter.

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Johan from Malmö

Johan Kullberg photo

I'm a freelance performer, and Malmö is truly the most open place I've ever liv...

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Details about this spot



Margaretapaviljongen, Malmö

Opening Times

Mon - Fri 09:00 - 15:00, Sat - Sun 11:00 - 16:00


Last Changed Date: 2016-05-19 11:45:13 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2016)