Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.4 | Minecraft: Java Edition
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Efe is placing diamonds into a Decorated Pot in a Savanna Village. Under the pot, a Redstone mechanism is dropping the Diamonds into a Lava pool.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.4

Minecraft Java 1.20.4 Released

Minecraft 1.20.4 is a hotfix release for Java Edition which fixes a critical bug that could cause items to vanish after being stored in a Decorated Pot.

Happy Pot Smashing!

Fixed bugs in 1.20.4

  • MC-267185: Decorated pots can delete items when reloading the world

Get the Release

To install the Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play! Make sure your Launcher is set to the "Latest Release” option.

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Java Team
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Java Team

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