Ben Affleck To Return As Batman in HBO Max' Batgirl Film - Geekosity

Ben Affleck To Return As Batman in HBO Max’ Batgirl Film

Written By Mikey Sutton • Editor-in-Chief • Owner

Ben Affleck will reprise his role as Batman in HBO Max’ Batgirl film. In other words, his Batman days aren’t over.

Well, not yet.

Recently, Ben Affleck generated headlines that he’s finished with Batman.

Actually, he never mentioned Batman.

Rather, other media outlets added it.

Certainly, ‘Ben Affleck Quits Batman’ generates more ad revenue.

No, this is what Ben Affleck really said:

Because I don’t want to do IP movies, where you have this sort of built-in audience. That’s something I was interested in and liked, and I just don’t like anymore. I like other people who do it. And if you are going to do it, you should love it. And I love something different. So, I want to do that.

The implication is that DC films are IP movies.

Therefore, goodbye Dark Knight.

However, insiders aren’t buying it.

A source observed:

That’s about as believable as Andrew Garfield’s denials he’s not in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Indeed, Ben Affleck left the Batcave before.

After Joss Whedon’s Justice League, Ben Affleck bolted for the exits.

Ben Affleck once admitted:

I showed somebody The Batman script. They said, ‘I think the script is good. I also think you’ll drink yourself to death if you go through what you just went though again.

A combination of Whedon and alcohol hangovers drove Ben Affleck to the edge.

A failed marriage to Jennifer Garner reportedly made it worse.

Burned out and bummed out, he kicked out the Batman.

Ben Affleck To Return As Batman in HBO Max’ Batgirl Film

However, when Zack Snyder called to finish his Justice League, guess what happened?

The Dark Knight returned.

Wait, there’s more.

Ben Affleck joined The Flash movie.

Insiders claimed Ben Affleck enjoyed both experiences so much, his interest was rekindled.

But what’s with the quote?

Quite frankly, Ben Affleck sounds like a YouTuber losing subs so he claims he’ll stop broadcasting.

It’s a tiresome cliché.

The YouTuber has a pseudo-finale with crying emojis.

Die-hards rally around, professing their love.

Oh, please.

Sources state that Ben Affleck is upset that his The Last Duel tanked.

After all, director Ridley Scott told millennials to “get off my lawn!” (Actually, Scott dropped F-bombs but we won’t go there.)

Moreover, they added that Ben Affleck didn’t reject HBO Max’ offer for a Batman project.

An insider explained:

HBO Max didn’t offer it to him. They wanted to see how The Snyder Cut performed.

Thus, that rumor is extinguished.

In addition, neither is Ben Affleck’s departure as Batman.

Despite Ben Affleck’s comments, insiders reveal that he hasn’t cut the cord with Batman.

In fact, Warner Bros. needs him.

How so?

Robert Pattinson may be the new Batman.

On the other hand, he’s Matt Reeves’ personal Batman.

Pattinson’s Dark Knight won’t cross the streams.

Ben Affleck To Return As Batman in HBO Max’ Batgirl Film

Ben Affleck To Return As Batman in HBO Max' Batgirl Film

Image: DC Films

He can’t share the screen with Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman or Jason Momoa’s Aquaman.

He won’t join the Justice League.

Pattinson is in Reeves’ pocket universe.

Reeves won’t allow guests on his lawn.

Michael Keaton is headed to Batman Beyond‘s future without a cape.

He’s not wearing it after The Flash.

Nevertheless, Ben Affleck’s cameo in Batgirl could be minus the costume.

Still, Warner Bros. needs a Batman with an extended universe.

Besides that, The Snyder Cut was a huge success.

Talks continue with Ben Affleck.

However, such decisions will be made after the Warner-Discovery merger.

HBO Max or theatrical?

Stay tuned.

Keep in mind Tom Holland now hints at dropping Spider-Man soon.

You honestly believe that?

Actors are the best liars; it’s what they’re paid to do.

Ben Affleck’s motives are his personal business.

We can’t read his mind.

But we can read between the lines.

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