The Best David E. Kelley Shows and TV Series

Ranker TV
Updated May 15, 2024 28.5K views 26 items
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1.4K votes
498 voters
1 reranks

David E. Kelley's impressive television career is characterized by a remarkable collection of groundbreaking shows that consistently push boundaries and captivate viewers, establishing himself as a prolific writer and producer of some of the most compelling series in recent memory. With a penchant for tackling complex legal and moral issues through thoughtfully crafted characters and storylines, his body of work spans various genres – from captivating dramas to quirky dramedies. As audiences explore the vast array of shows by David E. Kelley, they are bound to discover numerous gems that exemplify his exceptional storytelling skills.

The best David E. Kelley shows demonstrate his mastery in creating enthralling television worlds filled with compelling characters who confront moral dilemmas and societal challenges. Showcasing relatable yet flawed protagonists grappling with ethical dilemmas, many of these TV series delved deep into human experiences and societal challenges, shedding light on timely themes and sparking meaningful conversations among viewers.

With a plethora of memorable shows under his belt, David E. Kelley has proven time and again that he excels in crafting unforgettable television experiences. For instance, Boston Legal, renowned for its sharp wit and engaging banter between attorneys Alan Shore (James Spader) and Denny Crane (William Shatner), expertly balanced humor with serious commentary on contemporary legal conundrums. On the other hand, Doogie Howser, M.D. blended comedy with drama while exploring the fascinating life of a teenage genius working as a doctor in a hospital setting – highlighting Doogie's struggle to navigate both adolescence and medicine simultaneously. More recently, The Lincoln Lawyer continued to showcase what makes David E. Kelley TV shows so irresistible – featuring Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as an unconventional attorney negotiating L.A.’s murky legal world while operating out of his chauffeured Lincoln Town Car. These examples merely scratch the surface of Kelley's extensive repertoire.

The legacy left by David E. Kelley's extensive body of work serves as a testament to his unparalleled creativity and ability to elicit thought-provoking discussions among audiences across the globe – continually pushing limits and redefining expectations for quality television entertainment. The impact made by David E. Kelley shows on the small screen will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations of writers and producers to challenge the status quo, craft compelling narratives, and ultimately, elicit thought-provoking discussions among viewers across the globe.

Most divisive: The Law Firm
Over 400 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best David E. Kelley Shows and TV Series