140+ Movies And Shows With Hard In The Title
Photo: 20th Century Fox / Sony Pictures Releasing / Universal Pictures

140+ Movies And Shows With Hard In The Title

Jason Bancroft
May 3, 2024 148 items

Are you ready to dive into the gritty, gripping world of entertainment where the word "hard" isn't just a part of the title, but a promise of intense drama, unyielding action, and compelling narratives? Welcome to our ultimate countdown of the best movies and shows with "hard" in their titles - a collection that packs a serious punch. Whether you're in for a night of edge-of-your-seat thrillers or heartwarming tales of perseverance, this list has something to electrify every type of cinephile and series lover.

What makes these movies and series stand out isn't just their critical acclaim or star-studded casts; it's how they've captured the hearts of fans around the globe. Ranked by popularity based on votes from tv and movie watchers who breathe and live for riveting storylines and breathtaking performances, each entry on our list has earned its spot by being nothing short of spectacular. From blockbuster hits that have smashed box office records to cult classics that have carved out their niche in entertainment history, these films and series are beloved for good reason.

So grab your popcorn (or perhaps something harder!) as we count down these fan favorites. Prepare yourself for an adrenaline-fueled journey through cinematic masterpieces and binge-worthy shows that prove why sometimes having "hard" in the title is all you need to signal you're in for an unforgettable experience.